
Sketch My Roof

NFIP Adjuster Fee Schedules – Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Revision

" FEMA has revised its NFIP Adjuster Fee Schedule. The revised NFIP Adjuster Fee Schedule will be effective on October 1, 2023, and is applicable to claims with dates of loss on or after October 1, 2023. The 2022 Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) Fee Schedule was not revised."

2023 Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP) Commentary

" FEMA is pleased to announce the release of its SFIP Commentary. The SFIP Commentary complements the NFIP Claims Manual (June 2023) by helping claims professionals quickly find current NFIP guidance relevant to key provisions and concepts contained within the Standard Flood Insurance...

CSU Forecast for 2023 Hurricane Activity

CSU released its final forecast for the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season on Thursday, 3 August. We maintain our forecast for an above-average 2023 Atlantic hurricane season. Source of the above is the CSU Seasonal Hurricane Forecasting page (Photo from the Photo...

Forum Discussion: Preparing For Level 2 Certification

Hello, I’m currently using the workbook to get through to complete my Level 2 Certification. I’m a bit stuck on Chapter 4, Interior Practice Estimate C - M-Thomas It has a staircase with a landing with a second section making a U-Shaped staircase over a pantry. With the upstairs...
