1 Replies and 14517 Views
CADO 2022 Upgrade 14517 1
Started by admin
You may have noticed some changes to the Theme (page colors, menu and layout) of some pages on the site, the reason for the changes is because I will be installing an upgrade to the Content Management System of the site which in other words is the operating system of the site and the current page theme is not compatible with the upgrade so I&39;m having to replace it before the upgrade can be installed. The home page will be last page we change so once the home page is changed the up...
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14517 |
by admin![Jump to last post](/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/grey/images/miniarrow_right.png) 02/20/2022 2:45 PM |
3 Replies and 6396 Views
CADO is moving 6396 3
Started by host
This post is being made on the current server and not the new server and will dispear when the move has been completed. Any post or comments made during the move will not be available on the new server because we have already started the move of the data from backup made at midnight 2-22-20. The site will remain live and viewable during the process but once the new site is ready there will be some down time.
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6396 |
by host![Jump to last post](/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/grey/images/miniarrow_right.png) 05/28/2020 8:22 PM |
2 Replies and 7496 Views
Test 7496 2
Started by catadj
We are testing an update.
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7496 |
by host![Jump to last post](/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/grey/images/miniarrow_right.png) 08/10/2015 5:05 PM |
1 Replies and 4791 Views
Company Info 4791 1
Started by grumpyt
I am new to adjusting and have a question about a company that has an employment ad on this site. Does anyone have experience with National Claims Adjusters, Inc They sent me an initial packet that contained a 'non-compete' form and I am apprehensive about signing it.
I am on the roster of a number of CAT firms and none of them asked for a non-compete.
Any feed back would be appreciated.
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4791 |
by Andrew Kasnik![Jump to last post](/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/grey/images/miniarrow_right.png) 04/12/2015 6:41 AM |
0 Replies and 4120 Views
Getting to and Updating your Roster Listing 4120 0
Started by catman
We have had a Roster on this site almost since we started the site but many people do not update their listing very often and over the last year or so we have added some additional fields, for example questions related to passports, NFIP certs and others, so it's important to check your listing and update as often as possible to keep it current.
Here is a easy to get to your Roster listing so that you can update.
1. Login in with the user account you used to add your listing. This is ver...
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4120 |
02/27/2014 4:25 PM |
5 Replies and 4939 Views
Moving CADO this Weekend 4939 5
Started by host
This move\update is more related to the server that CADO has been on since 2006. The operating system and other behind the scene software is out of date and as a result is causing some issues with the site. The hardware on the new server is also more updated. So over the weekend you may notice some problems.
It's like replacing that laptop that you have had since 2006 with a new one.
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4939 |
by host![Jump to last post](/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/grey/images/miniarrow_right.png) 12/24/2013 9:27 AM |
2 Replies and 4404 Views
Trouble Posting? 4404 2
Started by host
Is anyone having trouble with posting to the CADO site If so please let us know. Thanks
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4404 |
by host![Jump to last post](/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/grey/images/miniarrow_right.png) 11/21/2013 9:17 AM |
0 Replies and 3714 Views
How to Add your Name to the Roster 3714 0
Started by host
We have recently updated the 'How To' page for the Roster, here is a direct link to the page.
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3714 |
10/23/2013 12:58 PM |
2 Replies and 4571 Views
Trouble with the Forum 4571 2
Started by host
There are some reported problems with the Forum that we are working on to correct. But the community Bulletin Board is working and can used like a forum. You can post questions, start discussions and reply to questions.
Here is a link to the page; http://www.catadjuster.org/Community.aspx
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4571 |
by host![Jump to last post](/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/grey/images/miniarrow_right.png) 08/17/2013 12:59 PM |
2 Replies and 4969 Views
The Den 4969 2
Started by AcceleratedAdjuster
Well, it seems I was approved to view the Adjusters Den, but only the topics. I am unable to view the content of any of the topics. Is this some sort of probationary teaser Or, is it Google Chrome (I do not think it is, as I can interact with other topics).
Or, maybe I simply need to outwit my laptop..
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4969 |
by CatAdjusterX![Jump to last post](/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/grey/images/miniarrow_right.png) 06/18/2012 1:27 AM |
0 Replies and 4281 Views
Certificate Errors or Warnings 4281 0
Started by host
We installed a sercurity certificate last week and as a result you may have received some errors or warning messages when you visited the site.
The certificate was needed in order to provide members and visitors with a secure login page and a secure registration page. The certificate uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.
'What is SSL
Secure Sockets Layer, SSL, is the standard security technology for creating an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. T...
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4281 |
03/27/2012 10:47 AM |
0 Replies and 4472 Views
The Event Calendar - Update 4472 0
Started by host
We have had a Calendar on CADO for many years however this year we have added a rating and comment feature.
You can use the comment section to let other members know you will be or may be attending the Event. If you went to the event you can use the comment section to provide your feedback on the Event. The rating system also allows you to rate the event on a 1-5 scale.
The Event Calendar allow all members to post industry related events.
Here is a link to Event Calend...
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4472 |
02/06/2012 9:17 AM |
0 Replies and 6197 Views
Update to the Roster 6197 0
Started by host
I have updated the Roster to add a separate field for estimating software experience. &160; So if you have a roster listing you may wish to update the listing. &160;The software experience in most cases had been included the comment section.
Also you may wish to check your Roster Listing and make sure it has not expired. &160;If it has expired and you want to be active just remove the expiration date and time and save the form.
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6197 |
04/27/2011 2:41 PM |
0 Replies and 8057 Views
Layout and color changes on Forum Page 8057 0
Started by host
Sorry for the changes to the forum page. &160;The other layout was causing errors with the forum that we could not correct so we had to change the layout. &160;We are currently testing this layout to see if we can locate the problems and to see if the errors go away,&160;so it is possible that&160;there will be another change today.&160; &160;
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8057 |
02/22/2011 10:46 AM |
0 Replies and 5868 Views
The Status Board 5868 0
Started by host
Using the Status Board is another way to provide information on your availability and can be used an additional way to promote yourself.
The Status Board is part of the National Adjuster Roster. To add your status you just need to login and edit your Roster listing.
Here is some information on the fields on the form related to the Status.
Add Current Status: This is a check box question with Yes or No options.
Yes - if you select Yes your status wi...
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5868 |
10/20/2010 6:39 PM |
2 Replies and 7206 Views
15 Years online 7206 2
Started by host
&160;This October will mark our 15th year online. &160;As way to mark this we will select a different page to replace the home page for one day until October 1st. So if you visit the site using the url, http://www.catadjuster.org/ or http://catadjuster.org/ you will be shown one of the our many pages. For example today you would see the page we call 'Adjusters',&160;http://www.catadjuster.org/Adjusters.aspx
Thank you for visiting and supporting CatAdjuster.org for the last 15 years
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7206 |
by brighton![Jump to last post](/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/grey/images/miniarrow_right.png) 10/20/2010 9:47 AM |
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7077 |
by okclarryd![Jump to last post](/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/grey/images/miniarrow_right.png) 10/19/2010 10:53 PM |
0 Replies and 6803 Views
Quick Login on the Forum page 6803 0
Started by host
I had to remove the Quick Login at the top of the forums because some visitors would click login without entering their username and password, this lead them to believe that there was a problem with their login.
Based on this you will need to click the login link in the top right-hand corner.
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6803 |
10/06/2010 12:16 PM |
0 Replies and 4890 Views
Resume Archive and Roster Archive 4890 0
Started by host
10/4/2010 Notice: The Roster Archive and Resume Archive have been discontinued and removed. The Archives contained Listings that were added prior to December of 2006. Due to the age of listings most of the information was out-of-date and no longer valid. Based on the format of the archive the information could not be updated by the person that posted it. If you had a Roster Listing or Resume in the archives we suggest that you add your name to our current systems if...
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4890 |
10/04/2010 5:56 PM |
0 Replies and 5704 Views
Server update and site downtime 5704 0
Started by host
This weekend (10/2 -10/3) we will upgrade some of the server software on the server that we have CADO on. As a result of the upgrade I will need to reboot the server more than once so the site will be offline for a short period. We will also use this time to update the Catadjuster.org website.
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5704 |
09/29/2010 12:10 PM |