
The Storm Channel

The Storm Page, this is the CADO version of a weather page. On this page we provide information on current weather events, links to weather sites and weather related discussions. All adjusters are invited to share weather information by posting it in the forum or adding your favorite weather links to the Resource Directory. Also, if you have photos of weather related damage please share them by adding them to the Photo Gallery..
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NFIP Support

Information on the NFIP and flood claims.
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In Your Business

News related to the Business end of Catastrophe claims handling. This page is for vendor related news or press releases.
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IRMI Glossary of Insurance and Risk Management Terms
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Man Made Catastrophes

News and Information related to Man Made Catastrophe and\or Environmental Claims
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Adjuster Software Central

Adjusting Software information, reviews, discussions and links.
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CADO Knowledge Base

Information and Resources on Claim Handling and Catastrophe work for adjusters and those looking to enter the claims handling industry. 
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Information and links related to Adjuster Licensing
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Policy Support

Information on some of the insurance policies we may encounter.
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Employer Ratings

Rate or vote for your favorite Employer.
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The Cane Page

8/25/19 Update: The Cane Page is now part of the Storm Page.   All information that had been listed on The Cane has been transferred to the Storm Page so now you just need to visit one page to get Storm related information and resources.
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