Join CADO (this website) is not an employer and is not affiliated with any of the companies listed or advertising on the site. 

Information about a user account

The National Adjuster Roster

* The National Adjuster Roster is a separate application on this site so once you create a user account you will need to login and visit the Roster page and use the “Add New Listing” button to add your name and information if you wish to be listed. The “Add New Listing” button is only visible if you are logged in. Click here for more information if you wish to be listed on the Roster. 

* Please note that information you add to your user account is not added to your Roster listing.  For example, if you add your photo to your user account the photo is not added or attached to your Roster listing so you will need to add it to your listing.

* If you have a Roster Profile and wish to update it you will need to use the same "User Account" that you logged in with when you added your name to the Roster, a new account will not give you access to anything added with an old account.

* Removing your "User Account" DOES NOT remove your Roster profile. So if you are no longer an Adjuster or no longer want your name on the Roster you will need to contact us to have it removed.

Join the Community

You can only have one account with the same email address so you will receive an error if you try to Register with the email address of an old account. 

If you receive a registration error that states your email is already being used then please try the "Password Reset" to reset your password for that account.

Registering does not get you added to the Roster, that is a manual process and if you wish be listed you need to add your name to the Roster.

 A user account created on does NOT give you access to post ads in the Classifieds ( which is a separate website.

When you click the link below to register for a user account, please be sure to review the information in the blue box above the form.


Registration is currently closed, please check back on Monday