12 Replies and 12169 Views
Windows Vista and Xactimate 24 12169 12
Started by cowboy26995
It appears that anyone out looking to buy a new computer should note that Windows Vista and Xactimate 24 are not compatible at present. Xactimate 25 will be but is not out till June. Therefore anyone buying a new computer should be aware.
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12169 |
by roofwalk3r 10/05/2008 11:56 AM |
0 Replies and 1490 Views
Preparing For Level 2 Certification 1490 0
Started by clevelandcapital92
Hello, I’m currently using the workbook to get through to complete my Level 2 Certification. I’m a bit stuck on Chapter 4, Interior Practice Estimate C - M-Thomas It has a staircase with a landing with a second section making a U-Shaped staircase over a pantry. With the upstairs portion beginning at 4’ below the level. The problem is it won’t sit flush, the pantry has a sloped ceiling. Any knowledge, wisdom or explanation would be greatly appreciated. Can I alter the floor below the stairs...
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1490 |
02/16/2023 10:45 AM |
3 Replies and 15709 Views
Xactimate 28 Lag and Delays 15709 3
Started by justinfeldman
I have been using v28 for several years now and from the day of install the program has had delays and lag in every aspect of preparing an estimate. The lag/delays become longer and more frequent the longer the program is running where unless I close/reopen xact it will eventually crash. I have spent countless hours with Xact tech help where they have taken over my laptop and done an endless number of things to try and improve performance but nothing ever works. I've had my computer cleaned, ins...
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15709 |
by Amarillo Adjuster 06/29/2019 11:05 AM |
1 Replies and 2810 Views
hip roof 2810 1
Started by Levi
So I am a new user to Xactimate and I have this hip roof which has a 9ft extension out the front of the house that's serving as a dormer. How do I draw this in Xactimate
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2810 |
by Budgie 02/13/2019 5:38 PM |
2 Replies and 9802 Views
Xactimate- residual deductible 9802 2
Started by A_Casey
I have a Citizens DP3 policy which is ACV. When I put in the parameterize that it's ACV of course I get the non recoverable depreciation on the final numbers. MY team lead says I need to take out the wording Non recoverable and make it recoverable. I change it to an RCV policy to show the depreciation, but I then get this residual deductible showing on the final. The insured's damages are under their deductible. Is there anyway around this Am I doing something wrong please help.
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9802 |
by wfrankharvey 11/12/2018 10:31 AM |
0 Replies and 4546 Views
Problems saving photos using Xactimate Online 4546 0
Started by crstrohl
I use the desktop version of Xactimate. My assistant uses Xactimate online to label photos for me. She has to save her work after only 5-10 photos because the page locks up if she tries to change more than that. Sometimes she loses all of her changes. The Xact Help desk has no solution. Have any of you had the same problem
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4546 |
09/25/2017 10:23 PM |
1 Replies and 6535 Views
Xactimate Estimate Formulas 6535 1
Started by RobShaver
I have an example estimate created by Xactimate and I'm trying to understand how construction material costs and labor costs are reflected in that estimate. The columns I'm trying to understand are QUANTITY, UNIT, TAX, O&P, RCV. Correct me if I get any of the following wrong.
QUANTITY is the size of that piece in units such as Square Feet (SF), Linear Feet (LF) Each (EA).
UNIT is the cost per unit. My biggest question is, does this amount include material costs AND labor cost
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6535 |
by host 03/26/2017 1:58 PM |
0 Replies and 4218 Views
Xactimate 28 Online 4218 0
Started by Catmandale
I am considering changing to the online version of Xactimate 28. Does anyone have comments on how well it works, any issues or concerns as it compares to a desktop install
I would like to be able to use my laptop when traveling and my home setup when not on the road, but don't want to sacrifice too much utility. I regularly do estimate of 2,000 line items and more.
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4218 |
04/22/2016 11:14 PM |
37 Replies and 52025 Views
Do you have a Xactimate question? Answers from certified Xactimate Affiliate Trainer - Xact FAQ 52025 37
Started by Claims Adjusters 411
Note: Claims Adjusters 411, Inc has a Certified Xactimate Affiliate Trainer, and is authorized by Xactimate to use their logo.
We would like to offer something never seen before (to our knowledge) on Catadjuster.org.&160; Free Xactimate advice from Certified Xactimate Affiliate Trainer.&160; While we cannot teach an entire Xactimate course on a discussion board, we would like to offer assistance to adjusters with questions that can be answered concisely.&160; If we do not feel your question ...
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52025 |
by Wagenmaster 12/29/2015 2:20 PM |
0 Replies and 4413 Views
Comm. Rpr/Remdl Tax 4413 0
Started by Wagenmaster
Can someone explain the difference between using the Comm Rpr/Remdl tax and the regular tax rate Why would I use one over the other This is a commercial policy and using the Comm Rpr/Remdl tax rate adds $4,309.32 over the regular tax rate of $8.25!
I've checked the Tx DOI website for clarification, but can't seem to get a straight answer. I used the regular tax rate of 8.25 on my estimate and the roofer used the Comm Rpr/Remdl tax rate which also shows to be 8.25 and there is the $4,309.32...
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4413 |
12/29/2015 2:09 PM |
1 Replies and 9693 Views
Xactimate 28 questions 9693 1
Started by ChaseSCS
Hello everyone.
I am new to Xactimate software coming from Simsol. I am trying to figure out how to attach my FCN number to the final report on a flood claim and am coming up with nothing. As you all are probably well aware, the differences between the two softwares are notable.
Also, when printing how can I attach the estimate to all the other reports for my final estimate I figured out how to attach PDF documents and all the other reports but I have yet to find how to attach my items ...
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9693 |
by Catmandale 04/13/2015 11:06 AM |
2 Replies and 10081 Views
Xact 28 estimating ELE, HVAC, PLM, etc 10081 2
Started by mbradbury
On the sales page for Xactimate 28 they have the following listed...
Properties for Construction Assemblies
Quickly estimate complex construction assemblies such as floor systems, roof systems, joist systems, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, decks, fences, and much more by using Xactimate properties.
The Sketch feature makes it fast and easy to draw the structure; Properties makes it lightning fast to estimate assemblies in the structure. For example, if you sketch a dormer, you can click a Prop...
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10081 |
by mbradbury 04/08/2015 12:38 PM |
0 Replies and 5593 Views
whats faster 28 or 27 5593 0
Started by nyjojo
I am considering changing to Xactimate 28, is it a faster better product than 27
I heard it was extremely slow when it was 1st launched with frequent freezes/crashes, has that been resolved.
If it is faster, what part or it
Labeling photos, writing the estimate, diagramming the sketch
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5593 |
11/26/2014 11:18 PM |
24 Replies and 28604 Views
Xactimate 28 28604 24
Started by Alex_Chernov
I tried mobile version of Xactimate 28 on my tablet today. Between that and their mobile version of Xacanalysis and Xactcontents this is going to be the future of estimating. You would sketch in the field, may be even add line items in the field, come home write a report, mount photos, boom, you are done.
You will also have an online version of Xact. Which means that you can access it from any computer with a browser and internet. Sweet.
All versions will be synchronized through th...
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28604 |
by AcceleratedAdjuster 04/02/2014 7:16 AM |
5 Replies and 5978 Views
Xactimate 28 5978 5
Started by Ray Rossetti
I was informed by an Xactimate support Technician that you can only open 28 if you have internet access available because of password authentication. This may cause huge issues after major storms when there is often little to no internet or cell phone/card access available in the storm areas. This means if there no internet available you will not be able to complete any estimates to upload later. They say once you open 28 you can work offline but you can not open it without internet access. ...
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5978 |
by CatAdjusterX 12/19/2013 1:29 AM |
3 Replies and 4691 Views
Xactimate 28 4691 3
Started by dpadjuster
I just upgraded to 28 about a week ago, and am finding a lot of bugs in it. Has anyone else found this problem I am wondering if it is my install that was defective, or if the whole program is like this. I am especially having problems with the GLR and changing the deductible.
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4691 |
by dpadjuster 11/21/2013 2:23 PM |
6 Replies and 14747 Views
Xactimate Circle Help 14747 6
Started by Salvi07
so ive been at this for an hour with the vertex tool.. there must be a better way.. HOW DO I CREATE A CIRCULAR SHAPED ROOM....
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14747 |
by Jud G. 10/07/2013 12:59 PM |
3 Replies and 9416 Views
Showing prior payments on supplement estimate? 9416 3
Started by A_Casey
I am currently on 27.5, I need to be able to show prior payments made after the initial estimate was produced. Anyone know how
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9416 |
by A_Casey 08/05/2013 4:02 PM |
5 Replies and 11603 Views
Not alowed to get roof ESXs from 3rd parties? 11603 5
Started by Leland
am I understanding this correctly
Just a few months ago I could buy an esx of a roof diagram from Pictometry, they email it to me, and then I import it into Xactimate.
Now I can't do that anymore I can only do it if I get an assignment, like from the carrier, and then I request the roof ESX from Eagleview and through Xactimate.
So, for example, contractors can't get this anymore, and I couldn't order one for my own house That is what Xactimate help line told m...
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11603 |
by Catmandale 07/30/2013 9:52 AM |
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9361 |
by Jud G. 07/22/2013 2:52 PM |