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2 Replies and 5094 Views Web Based Estimating  5094  2 Started by  ChrisKarp Does Xact offer Web based estimating &160; Chris
2 5094
by  CatAdjusterXJump to last post
06/18/2011 11:27 PM
2 Replies and 11557 Views Xactimate 27.3 - Aerial Sketch  11557  2 Started by  host &160;Anyone using the Aerial Sketch feature in 27.3 yet Any feedback&160; Quote from Xactware Press Release about the feature; &160;'With Aerial Sketch, now available in&160;Xactimate 27.3, property insurance professionals can download aerial images and then trace key roof features, such as edges, ridges, and valleys, to produce fully functional 3-D roof sketches that can be used to estimate replacement costs.' &160;
2 11557
by  BeenThereDoneThatJump to last post
06/12/2011 3:31 PM
1 Replies and 15492 Views Cheat Sheet  15492  1 Started by  Outlaw &160;Does someone have or mind sharing a cheat sheet for commonly used codes in Xactimate
1 15492
by  okclarrydJump to last post
06/02/2011 5:57 PM
1 Replies and 4034 Views Xactimate27 & XP  4034  1 Started by  TravisG Got an odd problem trying to load 27 onto a laptop with XP. Figured if anyone else could resolve (had seen) the problem, it would be here. In a nutshell, 27 loaded into one laptop and was running in about 3 hours flat. The second laptop;&160;&160; &160;has had Three different techie (from xmate's end) across 4 days/3hrs per session try to get it to load & do the 'handshake'. No handshake. Two 'guru's at this end have looked it over and have no solution to the 'No handshake' event. The...
1 4034
by  CatAdjusterXJump to last post
05/06/2011 2:27 AM
6 Replies and 33454 Views XCX and ESX data file transfer questions?????  33454  6 Started by  Slamm I just installed version 24.12 and when I go to data transfer and send a file out to one of my computer folders, instead of it being an ESX file, it is an unreadable XCX file. Therefore, when I send such an XCX file as an attachment in an email, the recipiant can't open my XCX file, because it is not an ESX file.  The recipiant also has the newer 24.12 version. Why is this 24.12 version reproducing theses files in an XCX format and not the ESX format What am I doing wrong Thanks ...
6 33454
by  LSUFANJump to last post
04/19/2011 9:09 PM
3 Replies and 4424 Views Need two prices from X that I can not find  4424  3 Started by  johnpostava I am looking for mnimum charge pricing for a PLUMBING SERVICE CALL AND A MINIMUM CHARGE EMERGENCY BOARD-UP for a claim in WEST&160;PALM&160;BACH,&160;FLORIDA and can not seem to easily locate it in X27 (I am new to their Search methods).&160; Can someone send me the numbers &160;
3 4424
by  KLSJump to last post
03/06/2011 10:18 AM
22 Replies and 22476 Views Let's start a list of items missing from Xactimate  22476  22 Started by  Leland
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Let's start a list of items missing from Xactimate. If Xactimate people check this website they can use our list to improve the software. If not, someone can forward the list. For the first item i would like to suggest: 1) Sheet metal enclosures for water heaters. (These are the galvanized metal boxes on the outside of the house that enclose water heaters.) I have two claims with this item needing replacement and as far as I can tell it is not in Xactimate. Many, many houses have this item. ...
22 22476
by  RandyCJump to last post
02/21/2011 11:42 AM
1 Replies and 3850 Views XM lease renewal  3850  1 Started by  cgragg &160; What&160;IA&160; firms&160;have good Xactimate lease renewal rates&160; I&160;need a backup. &160; thanks,
1 3850
by  WILLISJump to last post
02/20/2011 6:35 PM
4 Replies and 5129 Views Clunky XM8 inhospitality  5129  4 Started by  RandyC It's two o'clock in the morning and I'm trying to upload a glitchy group of self-populating documents to complete my claim.&160; An annoying pop-up keeps jumping in my face telling me I have only 15 more days before my subscription expires.&160; When I subscribed to a vendor offer two months before my earlier subscription ran out I had two months paid that disappeared in the ether though XM8 sales promised that wouldn't happen. I don't want my 15 days to disappear, and I don't want that pop-u...
4 5129
by  StormSupportJump to last post
02/14/2011 6:58 PM
2 Replies and 7540 Views Opening xactimate 27 workaround  7540  2 Started by  BthereN20 Anyone have a workaround for opening xactimate 27&160; My subscription ran out and the program won't let you open it even to view estimates.&160; Anyone have a workaround to just&160;open the program, not to use xactware and upload/download assignments
2 7540
by  BthereN20Jump to last post
01/16/2011 3:57 PM
5 Replies and 4024 Views xmate & grummon aircraft  4024  5 Started by  Ray Hall Seems two large for profit companys will team up to measure and estimate roofs. I always thought you could zoom in and see hail hits on roofs. This will make roof thumpers less needed.
5 4024
by  Ray HallJump to last post
01/14/2011 4:38 PM
11 Replies and 7866 Views Xactimate 27.1 Setup  7866  11 Started by  ole33forme Newbie on here as well as in the adjusting feild,&160; Located in oHIo,&160; just recently downloaded xactimate 27.1 and I have noticed that I seem to missing tabs and can not apply them thru the user preferences,&160; I am missing loss recap tab and summary tab, and maybe a coupl of others.&160; Does anybody know how to apply these&160;&160;&160; Thanx,&160; Mike
11 7866
by  hostJump to last post
12/02/2010 4:34 PM
11 Replies and 10510 Views best way to stay proficient in Xactimate  10510  11 Started by  Goldust   how does everyone not working claims regularly stay tuned up on using xactimate do you keep writing sample claims or what I have taken at least 4 classes online and real time but after using it on real claims then not getting deployed for a while become rusty and have to stop and go back thru my notes from the past. Any common sense ideas
11 10510
by  Ray HallJump to last post
11/08/2010 1:58 PM
16 Replies and 6797 Views Labeling photos  6797  16 Started by  RandyC Most of our claims this storm have >30 contents with 4 or more being in the over $250 range requiring documentation and price searches.  Writing is falling behind scoping.  Is there some way I can label photos in another version and profile of XM8 and data transfer them to the carrier profile without losing the work on a different computer to help speed up the writing of these claims. I can draw the sketches while the claim is being written on the other computer...but that only takes s...
16 6797
by  JwteerJump to last post
10/29/2010 7:30 PM
2 Replies and 5472 Views Xactimate 27  5472  2 Started by  ceckraft Just downloaded Xactimate 27. Used it with SF in Virginia on Floods. I was confused somewhat using the 'Properties' area to modify things. I was comfortable with the old way. I think it's just a matter of getting used to it. With a little updated training it should be more flexible and easier to accomplish some tasks. However, it seems that all information for training is expensive. A good training disk would help. The virtual online training for 2 hours is $149.00 and you are subject to calcula...
2 5472
by  stevevettersJump to last post
10/15/2010 3:18 PM
4 Replies and 3593 Views Sign Sketch  3593  4 Started by  JEROSS69 HelloDoes any one have any suggestions on how to sketh a sign.Joe
4 3593
by  hostJump to last post
10/07/2010 6:45 PM
4 Replies and 5630 Views Looking for Xactimate class in Houston or South Florida  5630  4 Started by  fsu1dan I&160;am looking for an Xactimate class in Houston or South Florida.&160; The last time I used it was Oct of 2008.&160; I&160;want a refresher class that will help me be ready for the next storm. &160; Also if there are any good online training videos, websites, classes or workbooks that would help as well.&160; Thanks, Dan
4 5630
by  Ray HallJump to last post
09/07/2010 8:35 PM
17 Replies and 6011 Views Help with Xactimate New user  6011  17 Started by  ClayX I training on the free version and have accidentally turned all the walls in sketch into dotted lines. All tools at the top including undo are half tone. How do I turn the dotted lines back onto solid walls. While I'm at it how do you draw a simple wall the is not square with the rest of the building.  This is not my first post,  don't quite know why it is showing  so. Joined back during Ivan.
17 6011
by  Ray HallJump to last post
09/01/2010 10:45 AM
9 Replies and 12834 Views Drawing a Roof with an uneven ridge line  12834  9 Started by  jayteedee Hey Guys:   I can't figure out for the life of me how to draw a gable roof in Xactimate Sketch where the ridge line changes .  Think of a regular gable roof where the ridge line rises or drops by a couple of feet.  I can't get the ridge line that changes to come together without a vertical wall line that does not really exist.    Granted I can just ignoe the line, but, there has to be a way to mske this work.  I 've tried the square break and the 'ver...
9 12834
by  jdacreeJump to last post
08/22/2010 7:52 PM
10 Replies and 12192 Views Roof macros  12192  10 Started by  coffeecup Looking at 27 demo. interior macros auto populate qty, but roof macros do not. Cant find a preference page to address it. Can roof macros auto populate qty like interior rooms do
10 12192
by  hostJump to last post
08/19/2010 10:52 PM
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