Got an odd problem trying to load 27 onto a laptop with XP.
Figured if anyone else could resolve (had seen) the problem, it would be here.
In a nutshell, 27 loaded into one laptop and was running in about 3 hours flat.
The second laptop; has had Three different techie (from xmate's end) across 4 days/3hrs per session try to get it to load & do the 'handshake'. No handshake. Two 'guru's at this end have looked it over and have no solution to the 'No handshake' event.
The last techie guessed that the issue is in IE but that firewall is definitely off.
OneCare has been run. Clean 'puter. Malwarebits-antimalware is on the system. Clean 'puter.
X24 was on this one once upon a time (yes, older laptop) and appears to be all gone.
Has anyone seen/heard of this problem? Can xmate communicate via Foxfire or does it have to be IE?
Someone may win a dinner!