Adjuster Estimates

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Last Post 03/06/2011 10:18 AM by  KLS
Need two prices from X that I can not find
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02/22/2011 3:08 PM

    I am looking for mnimum charge pricing for a PLUMBING SERVICE CALL AND A MINIMUM CHARGE EMERGENCY BOARD-UP for a claim in WEST PALM BACH, FLORIDA and can not seem to easily locate it in X27 (I am new to their Search methods).  Can someone send me the numbers?


    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    02/22/2011 5:46 PM
    PLM MN

    "MN" = minimum and it works on a lot of categories- DRY, PLA, INS etc.

    for boardup try:

    TMP (for temporary repairs) and BUP

    check the list, there are some variations on BUP like after hours etc...

    What's a nice guy like you doing on XM8?

    02/23/2011 8:51 AM
    I am not on X at all. I licensed a copy to check out the competition's database and shoot holes in it! SIMSOL is very often perceived by the "industry" as pricing estimates lower than "the industry standard" - not true. Please read my blog at our website: for more info on this. Thanks for the help...

    03/06/2011 10:18 AM

    I've been using SIMSOL as well as X8 for many years, doing my flood work in SIMSOL and all my wind/fire/etc work in X8.  The methods of getting to a final number are a little different between the two because of what is actually in each line item's description of operations (you have to put more line items in a X8 estimate than you do one in SIMSOL).  However, that being said, I have done a sample estimate for one carrier that showed SIMSOL and X8 were reasonably close in the final figures based on exactly the same loss done by the same adjuster in both softwares.  Integra, however, averaged about 25% less on the same claim.  This is simply due to the price data set used by Integra and that used by SIMSOL and X8.

    I'm looking forward to John's new program setup coming out in the near future.  As always, we all know the carrier drives the software selection for the adjuster almost 100% of the time but looking at all three prevalent software programs, SIMSOL is the easiest for a newby to learn but sadly not allowed by most wind/hail carriers where newbys get hired.  X8's popularity with the carriers stems mainly from the data mining capabilities and XactAnalysis which allows them to pinch and examine every penny spent on claims.  It also doesn't hurt that now ISO (which creates policy changes in the U.S. for the carriers) owns X8.  X8 also now has the ability to bring in loss history from the national database (outside the carrier where the loss is being investigated) which allows the carrier or adjuster to view prior loss information on the same platform.  X8 is also set up for EagleView to view roofs.  These are bells and whistles that don't mean anything really to us standing on a roof in 110 degree heat but everything to those in-house who check our work and finance the loss payments.

    KLS (PITA)

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