2 Replies and 3977 Views
xactimate training 3977 2
Started by Gabuild1
I have been looking for xactimate training classes in my area (Atlanta). All I can find is TX &FL. Seems that no one wants to teach this program outside these areas. Anyone know of other areas that offer classes
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3977 |
by BeauKron 08/04/2010 7:43 PM |
11 Replies and 5589 Views
I would like to use the demo again. 5589 11
Started by edebond
Anybody know how to do this without having to reinstall windows and Xactimate I'd like to try some new things with it but don't want to waste the money if I'm not working a claim.
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5589 |
by BeauKron 07/31/2010 12:18 PM |
3 Replies and 4962 Views
Xactimate 27 stinks so far for me.... 4962 3
Started by suzukini
Can anyone help out here&160; I&160;have read the new information for Xact 27 but cannot figure out why I cannot perform the simple function of creating a roof overlay using the square break tool on this version.&160; I&160;have tried and tried and tried to create a simple overlay on a hip roof using square break.&160; Roof 1 hip ridge is following the new roof 2 instead of staying put which is making the drawing incorrect.&160; I have tried all the new locks and such, no luck.&160; HELP...
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4962 |
by Jud G. 07/05/2010 2:57 PM |
5 Replies and 4329 Views
25.4 and Global Depreciation 4329 5
Started by OdieWyatt
Is there a way to use global depreciation on paint without it also depreciating masking
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4329 |
by OdieWyatt 06/12/2010 12:03 AM |
11 Replies and 7784 Views
is there a way to merge 2 estimates and get a comparative? 7784 11
Started by Leland
is there a way to merge 2 estimates and get a comparative
is it possible to load 2 xm8 esx files into one comparative that will spit out a list of differences
My coworker says he has seen a printout like this but nobody seems to know how
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7784 |
by Leland 06/11/2010 11:14 PM |
6 Replies and 3956 Views
Using Sketch 3956 6
Started by mcgrawreed
I have been using Xactimate for about four years now and I'm pretty confident about creating rooms and such in sketch. Where I'm weak is in creating roofs in sketch. So far I can create the basic hip and gable but the offsets and extentions are killing me. Is there anyone that would help me as a mentor to break the code on how to create a professional roof diagram. I understand that time is worth everything and I would be willing to hire someone as a mentor. Thanks.
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3956 |
by mcgrawreed 05/16/2010 3:33 PM |
1 Replies and 3524 Views
Break out report by trades 3524 1
Started by mberrrdo
Is there a way to create a report that breaks an estimate down by trades&160; I need this to compare to a commercial estimate that is only broken down by trades as the GC is not familiar with Xact and wont use it to create his bid.&160; Anyone out there who has ideas/advice would be appreciated.-&160; Marco
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3524 |
by host 03/25/2010 1:01 PM |
9 Replies and 9375 Views
Help! Xactimate 25.2 for Vista 64 bit operation system 9375 9
Started by Ed Bailey
I am looking for a Demo disc or downloadable file for Xactimate 25.2 for the Vista 64 bit operation system. Does anyone out there&160;have a copy that I can&160;use
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9375 |
by Ed Bailey 03/23/2010 5:41 PM |
3 Replies and 5398 Views
Adding overlays to a hip roof 5398 3
Started by Goldust
I have entered a hip roof in a PDF File below. It has several overlays on the right side .How do you add those to the sketch diagram
I would also like to say that this forum is a wealth of information to run xactimate it has answered several questions that I have had on 'X'.
I have to say that we need questions answered when we need them answered. This forum is a 24 hr stress reliever for the major questions encountered when you are in the field. spend some time here and go to all the info pr...
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5398 |
by RJortberg 02/09/2010 10:37 PM |
4 Replies and 9315 Views
Xactimate 25 and Windows 7 9315 4
Started by Natsa23
Has anyone tried it yet&160; I&160;am curious as to whether I&160;will be able to go to Windows 7 prior to carriers switching to the new version of Xact.&160; I&160;have seen mixed informaiton. &160;On the Xact site they say that it's not tested, bu that Microsoft says vista programs will work with version 7.&160; Just curious to see if anyone is currently using Xact 25 with Windows 7, and if so, what problems it is presenting you with.
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9315 |
by Deleted User 02/02/2010 11:55 PM |
1 Replies and 3627 Views
Change Activity Codes Globally? 3627 1
Started by OdieWyatt
Is there a way to change all my activity codes that are now Remove and Replace to just Replace I need to do the tear out by the hour rather than the way I have it now. I can go through and do it item by item, but I was wondering if there is a method to do all the items at once. I know how to do it if I want to start an estimate from scratch just using replace, but I have already almost completed this 700 item estimate.
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3627 |
by BobH 01/31/2010 9:39 PM |
2 Replies and 3631 Views
Downloading Macros,how helpful are they? 3631 2
Started by Goldust
&160;My close adjuster friend sent me Macros to load into exactimate.I am fairly new to x so I was wondering how I can download these to the program. Also is it possible to load them to the training demo program I know it must be fairly easy.
Want to be up to speed when the work hits so practicing on the Demo.
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3631 |
by rhernan2 01/25/2010 11:59 AM |
1 Replies and 3959 Views
xactimate training 3959 1
Started by bilbrey
in need of advice on xactimate training and purchase, i have been adjusting for 15 years with msb,my client now wants me to change to xactimate,any advice on purchase of soft ware, training,on line or siminar,any publication i could purchase to learn, please help, thanks rwb
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3959 |
by Ray Hall 12/20/2009 4:06 PM |
22 Replies and 16586 Views
Templets/Macros 16586 22
Started by jdacree
Two current questions:
1. I recently did a practice estimate on a Wind/Hail with a concurrent Grease Fire in Kitchen with heavy smoke damage throughout the dwelling.&160; In scoping the loss I took about 80 photos.&160; When I started the claim I imported allof the photos into the claim.&160; I have yet to find a way to remove the unused photos from the claim.&160; Does anyone know how to do this&160; In the future I will know to only put in those photos that&160;I THINK I may use in th...
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16586 |
by Davidad1 10/29/2009 10:25 PM |
10 Replies and 5805 Views
Practise vehicle? 5805 10
Started by Hopalong
I wonder if the community has thoughts on the current practise, or lack of practise, opportunities for new and also existing users Xactimate allows one repeat download after deleting the entire prior install, but for users with some experience and for users wanting advanced practise especially if they have already been deployed and got active files then their does not appear to be free practise opportunities. Any thoughts on this
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5805 |
by okclarryd 09/29/2009 7:48 AM |
6 Replies and 5788 Views
Would you change to another program? 5788 6
Started by dholman
I have used Xactimate for over 10 years because it was required but now have a new opportunity to choose the estimating program of my choice. I need to&160;diagram &160;roofs and show calculations so sketch is no longer needed and I will not need XactAnalysis.&160;What&160;I need &160;is a basic estimating program that allows me to edit the line item prices. Is it worth learning something like PowerClaim, Simsol, etc. or keep forking over $250/mo. for the overkill of Xactimate just because ...
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5788 |
by Ray Hall 09/04/2009 11:35 PM |
9 Replies and 9397 Views
Estimating Software - comparing price lists 9397 9
Started by D Groves
The blog link below got me to thinking, has anyone done a price list comparision among the various estimating programs (Xactimate, PowerClaim, Simsol, etc) and, utilizing the same set of loss criteria
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9397 |
by Ray Hall 08/27/2009 4:43 PM |
2 Replies and 5074 Views
Vista 64 Bit / Xactware Compatible 5074 2
Started by JKM80
Hey Guys and Gals,
I hope this is helpful; it was worth it for me (free).&160;
I looked around and found an alternative to partitioning drives or a new computer (so I could run Exactimate v.25.2.bootleg.208) which is turning out to be the best damn thing on this computer since there are few things I like about Vista.
I tried unsuccessfully to partition and create a separate XP based boot drive so&160;Xactimate 25&160;would install seamlessly since I have AMD Turion x2 ...
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5074 |
by JKM80 08/25/2009 11:02 AM |
5 Replies and 4391 Views
Xactimate 4391 5
Started by jmdsurf45
I had a demo copy put on my computer at the adjuster school I went through but it expired. I have another demo CD and it loads OK but when I try to open it its asking for a user ID and password. Anyway around this so I can use the demo version for an advanced class that I'm going to take. Thanks!
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4391 |
by TXAD 08/17/2009 11:09 PM |
11 Replies and 6404 Views
WARNING - 25.4 HAS A PROBLEM!!! 6404 11
Started by dparsons
I recently upgraded from 25.2 to 25.4.&160; All was fine until I started trying to combine my PDF's into a single PDF.&160; I have always used the e-mail transfer in Xactimate to send the Estimate, General (or any other) report, the Photo Report (which allows more room for descriptions and larger pictures), and the ITV report to a folder, and I then would open Adobe Acrobat to combine all of these into a single (and yet smaller) PDF file.&160; Suddenly I see all of the Xactimate produced repo...
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6404 |
by dparsons 08/08/2009 12:50 PM |