3 Replies and 3537 Views
Gas & Fees 3537 3
Started by gordon1
How is everyone handling the adjuster's fee schedule in regard to mileage & fees, particularly in light of ever increasing expenses with stagnant wages
Gas here (on Long Island) is about $3.40/gallon. Adjusting Companies are still charging 45-50 cents/mile, which was the rate when I 1st started in 1991. They are also still agreeing to give 50-100 miles for free. Is anyone turning down work because Mickie D's or the Big W pays more :)
Has anyone noticed that the hourly rate for a demo per...
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3537 |
by MMELLC11/30/2007 11:46 AM |
5 Replies and 3421 Views
Works of Art by Adjusters 3421 5
Started by host
I found this article about an adjuster who created "a series of painstakingly decorated underground tunnels and chambers that make up the so-called “Temple of Damanhur" in Northern Italy.”
The author states;
"The mastermind of this operation Not a long-dead civilization, but a 57-year-old former insurance adjuster who calls himself “Falco.” He claims to have experienced visions of past lives from an early age, and the temples represent ...
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3421 |
by StormSupport11/29/2007 1:00 PM |
0 Replies and 3237 Views
Gas & Fees 3237 0
Started by gordon1
How is everyone handling the adjuster's fee schedule in regard to mileage & fees, particularly in light of ever increasing expenses with stagnant wages
Gas here (on Long Island) is about $3.40/gallon. Adjusting Companies are still charging 45-50 cents/mile, which was the rate when I 1st started in 1991. They are also still agreeing to give 50-100 miles for free. Is anyone turning down work because Mickie D's or the Big W pays more :)
Has anyone noticed that the hourly rate for a demo per...
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3237 |
11/26/2007 9:07 PM |
1 Replies and 2959 Views
Happy Thanksgiving 2959 1
Started by host
I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I know our community has seen some tough times over the last two years but I'm hopeful that we can all find something to be thankful for.
Take Care,
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2959 |
by host11/22/2007 4:43 PM |
6 Replies and 3835 Views
Co Insurance 3835 6
Started by jfliistro
Just wondering if anyone might have an excel program for coinsurance calculations. I show the calculations in my reports, however thought it would be better to attach a form.
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3835 |
by host11/17/2007 3:41 PM |
13 Replies and 4159 Views
Who's left, adjusters and /or vendors 4159 13
Started by stormcrow
Would be interesting to know what of those adjusters that are registered here still consider themselves cat adjusters. (Roy, could CADO send of a blanket e-mail asking that question) I have notice that emails from vendors have slowing recently, wonder how many have survived, and if we don't get a few hits soon how many will survive
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by ClaySheffield11/15/2007 9:37 PM |
1 Replies and 2969 Views
Private Message Spam 2969 1
Started by stephie76
What's with all the private message spam lately I've been getting PM's from new adjusters looking for work and sending links to their resume.
Do they just start PMing everyone on the board
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2969 |
by host11/01/2007 3:06 PM |
1 Replies and 2910 Views
DC Art Work Scam\Spam 2910 1
Started by host
Please be aware that there is an email going around that states "I saw your advert" on www.catadjuster.org. This is appears to be a scam and is for sure spam.
In almost all areas of this site your email address is not displayed and is protected. This means no one has access to it unless you include it in your post.
However, two main areas, the Roster and the Resumes display email addresses. Right now it appears that they are getting the email add...
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2910 |
by host10/20/2007 8:03 PM |
28 Replies and 7599 Views
Time to Wake Up 7599 28
Started by Tom Toll
I don't generally get involved in political conversations, but right now is not the time to refrain from this subject. I am seeing less loyalty from the vendors and certainly no loyalty from the government to protect who we are and where we are going. We have blood clots in our employment arena also.
In my opinion, this political mess can only be cleaned up by fresh blood. We have too many blood clots running our country. The same o, same o, just keep running and we just continue to allow it. I...
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7599 |
by Chief 110/18/2007 2:58 PM |
10 Replies and 3608 Views
CADO is 12 years old!! 3608 10
Started by host
CADO has now been online for 12 years. We first went online in 1995 and based on this CNN article we were one of around 18,000 websites at that time and I believe the only website devoted to Cat Adjusting. The same CNN article also stated that there were around 100, 000,000 websites in October of 2006. When this site was first started it was called "The Disaster Page, A Catastrophe Adjuster's Home Page", we did not get the doma...
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3608 |
by BobH10/17/2007 11:19 AM |
6 Replies and 3580 Views
From Washington State 3580 6
Started by stormcrow
This was part of an article accessed from Cado's home page about a proposed new law in Washington.\
"It used to be that real claims adjusters would study your claim, evaluate its value and settle your claim fairly. The $44 billion insurance industry in America changed the way it handles many of its claims in favor of computer software programs that spit you in and spit you out with a lowball offer on your claim. The new way to do business is compounded by industry incentives to reward adju...
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3580 |
by HuskerCat10/08/2007 8:39 PM |
1 Replies and 3101 Views
IRS Tax Home 3101 1
Started by zingen00
Hi All,
Does anyone know how the IRS deals with the "Tax Home" issue concerning Cat Adjusters I live in Dallas, but worked in Louisiana all of 2006.
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3101 |
by stephie7610/06/2007 1:11 AM |
6 Replies and 3377 Views
Started by SteveZ
In a controversial move, the current Democratic head-mistress Nancy Pelosi and her crowd have introduced potentially career-killing legislation this week for our industry. The legislation involves the addition of limited WIND DAMAGE COVERAGE to the National Flood Insurance Program's already-screwed up flood policies.
The President stated that the already overworked, and overcharged NFIP is not the right system to handle WIND, and will likely veto the measure.
Watch out boys an...
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3377 |
by stephie7610/06/2007 1:10 AM |
1 Replies and 2920 Views
Virus Alert 2920 1
Started by Tom Toll
I have verified this through Snopes and Microsoft. It is true, not just a tale.
A new virus has just been discovered that has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive ever. This virus was discovered yesterday afternoon by McAfee . This virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the hard disk, where vital information for its functioning are stored.
This virus acts in the following manner:
It sends itself automatically to ...
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2920 |
by CATdawg09/29/2007 10:04 AM |
1 Replies and 3169 Views
How did we do it? 3169 1
Started by Tom Toll
TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's 70's and 80's!!
First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they were pregnant.
They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes.
Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs covered with bright colored lead-based paints.
We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helme...
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3169 |
by stephie7609/18/2007 10:57 PM |
0 Replies and 3504 Views
APB on Mike Oliver, Kevin Hallaran 3504 0
Started by Jules702
If anyone out there knows Mike Oliver, an Independent Cat Adjuster out of Texas, or Kevin Hallaran out of NC, would you please tell either one of them to get in touch with Gonzalez. We worked Hurricane Marilyn together at St. Thomas, USVI and I have since lost their numbers. Please contact me at cat_adjustoryahoo.com
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3504 |
09/18/2007 6:37 PM |
8 Replies and 3600 Views
Texas Adjusters 3600 8
Started by stephie76
I keep seeing joking references to Texas Adjusters and I'm curious what it is all about
Not offended. I can take a joke. Just curious.
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3600 |
by ranger09/13/2007 5:06 PM |
18 Replies and 5253 Views
Dishonest Commercials 5253 18
Started by Medulus
Does this bother anyone else
I just watched the new State Farm commercial where a tree falls on the insured's car. He calls his Brand X insurance company and asks if he is covered. The adjuster tells him that damage from a falling tree is excluded, except for the Ficus. (Ray, this is not an opening for you to talk about Ficus Tree. That would be off-point.) Then we are told that he would not have had this problem with State Farm.
They have another com...
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5253 |
by Dimechimes09/13/2007 9:04 AM |
1 Replies and 3691 Views
Remembering 911 3691 1
Started by host
CADO has some 911 history.
For today I have filtered the Bulletin Board Archive to just show the 911 bulletins, Here is a link to the bulletins; http://www.catadjuster.org/Bulletins/BulletinArchive.aspx
Also here is a link to some of the photos provided by adjusters that worked 911.
Here is a link to the forum posts on the subject;
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3691 |
by host09/11/2007 4:07 PM |
7 Replies and 4196 Views
Krusnei Cat 4196 7
Started by stormcrow
Better rush out and join this one.
Krusnei Cat is looking for adjusters for the upcoming storm season. Krusnei Cat has contracts in place with carriers completing claims in a progressive way this 2007 storm season. Our contracts require us to contract with independent adjusters to do scope only analysis of claims. This consist of:
1. photo documentation and captioning of loss
2. diagram of loss
3. dimensioning of loss
4. a brief narrative of...
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4196 |
by Ray Hall09/10/2007 12:16 PM |