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Last Post 10/18/2007 2:58 PM by  Chief 1
Time to Wake Up
 28 Replies
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10/12/2007 9:28 AM
sorry you took only one part of my statements to heart. When i said i'm sometime ashamed to be an american it's because look at what we have done. We are trying to impose our will on other countries that do not except our culture. It's embaressing to try to make an enity change their beliefs and way of life. How would you like it if it was done to you.We are a nation of sheep led by idiots who only think of themselves and their own personal gain. I am a vet who is proud of america except when we do stupid things like illegal wars and occupation of foriegn countries. I have given to our country my heart and soul and almost my life during the 70"s overseas, so before you question my being ashamed walk a mile in my shoes and see the world thru my eyes. over the past 50 years i have watch changes in our country that were amazing but i have also watched how our country has deteriated in both values and morals. Maybe i am old fashioned but to be a great country we have to be of strong conviction and moral compass. We also need leaders who feel the same way the little folks do and not just give us lip service. in closing till we as a nation are willing to stand up and really tell it like it is then these feelings will sometimes be there. I do appreciate your imput but please understand after all these years here on this planet I have earned the right to feel the way I do and i have the scars and the disability to prove it. remember our constitutional rights have been trampled on by our present goverment and we let them.
Gold Member

10/12/2007 9:20 PM
Posted By tonyd46 on 10/12/2007 9:28 AM
(1) sorry you took only one part of my statements to heart. When i said i'm sometime ashamed to be an american it's because look at what we have done. We are trying to impose our will on other countries that do not except our culture. It's embaressing to try to make an enity change their beliefs and way of life. How would you like it if it was done to you.We are a nation of sheep led by idiots who only think of themselves and their own personal gain. (2) I am a vet who is proud of america except when we do stupid things like illegal wars and occupation of foriegn countries. I have given to our country my heart and soul and almost my life during the 70"s overseas, (3)so before you question my being ashamed walk a mile in my shoes and see the world thru my eyes. over the past 50 years i have watch changes in our country that were amazing but i have also watched how our country has deteriated in both values and morals. Maybe i am old fashioned but to be a great country we have to be of strong conviction and moral compass. We also need leaders who feel the same way the little folks do and not just give us lip service. in closing till we as a nation are willing to stand up and really tell it like it is then these feelings will sometimes be there. I do appreciate your imput but please understand after all these years here on this planet (4) I have earned the right to feel the way I do and i have the scars and the disability to prove it. remember our constitutional rights have been trampled on by our present goverment and we let them.


1) I didn't take any of your post "to heart" I was only quoting EXACTLY what you said.  I was only saying how sad it was that you're ashamed to be an American. 

2) Gee, Tony, is that a little like only being proud of your children when they do things you approve of?  You either are proud, regardless, or not.  You don't get to flip flop back and forth due to what you regard as acceptable or unacceptable behavior.  You're the one who said you were ashamed, not me.

3) I didn't question anything.  As stated above, I ONLY QUOTED WHAT YOU SAID

4) Yes, certainly you have EARNED the right, by virtue of the fact that YOU'RE AN AMERICAN.  Yes, I'm grateful for your service to our country, but one would think that would make you feel even more proud to BE AN AMERICAN, rather than feel ashamed.  I am the daughter of a WWII veteran, one who went through Pearl Harbor and lost many of his comrades, and I feel very strongly about our military and our country.  Yes, we have problems, but we are living in a country that enables us to get in and make change.  So, rather than spout off about how bad things are, I believe a better solution is getting involved and actually implementing change.

So, before you adopt any more defensive posture toward me, please remember that I WAS ONLY QUOTING YOU.  I didn't make up anything, nor did I misquote you.  THOSE WERE YOUR WORDS.  Might I suggest that if you have such strong opinions regarding what's going on in the country that you actually *DO* something about it rather than just criticize and blame?


Do the right thing, ALWAYS

10/13/2007 7:52 AM

Be ashamed of some of the Actions that have been done.........But do not be ashamed of being an AMERICAN....

Thank you for your service ....and if you were In Country, thanks again and Welcome Home.......

All gave some ....some gave all......

Joe L

10/13/2007 10:35 AM
Let me clear this up quickly. Yes I am proud to be an amaerican but cringe when our politicians make statements and do the wrong thing to make america look like warlords. T o say you have never been ashamed of what america has done to me is like living with blinders on. As I have said before our political system is broken so until it's fixed people will feel this way.I am involved in change but untill I have millions of dollars for a campagine so that my message will get out I am pretty limited to where my opinions can be heard. You may not like what I say but as you have stated here in america i can voice all the opinions i want. Not only am i a disabled vet my granfather died on the arizona. This is not about the past but about the present. We are in an illegal war and getting ready to go to war with iran. THIS IS WRONG WE NEED TO FIX THINGS AT HOME FIRST. Children are killing classmates,parents are killing their kids, people are killing people like it's free. our schools are not teaching but warehousing children, most americans do not have health insurance, the cost of living does not meet the standards of the basic households. We have a hugh division of the classes and raceism is running amok. I am but one opinion in a world of many but after 50yrs on this earth and seeing what i have seen I am embarressed at our actions as a people.We have a constitution that we have allowed are elected officials to trampled on and slowly but surley we are losing our rights. Wiretaps and privacy violations are just the start.
The whole purpose of my post was to voice my own opinion on how i feel. We have a sayiing I can no longer afford to be a republican. Regardless of you politican party there is not one person in goverment that reallly cares about the little guy or gal. All that our goverment is doing is lining their own pockets and the hell with the people who elected them and pay their salaries. After that we matter nothing to them as they do not listen to us as a people. and as for my feelings about being proud your analogy of using children is not the best. Let me put it this way, if your child was to kill some one how proud would you feel? Would you say well that what kids do or would you as a parent be ashamed of what your child did. I'm Proud to be an american but ashamed at the actions of our officials. hopefully that clears up any question you have about my loyalty to this country. Just for the record I was a delegate for over ten years and got out of it when politics became about money and not about helping our own people. In closing all that i was hoping to do was make people realize that we need to vote and vote correctly for the right person, but in this up coming election who can we trust when not one canidate tells us the truth
Tom Toll
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10/13/2007 10:40 AM

Tony, I agree with Joe. Do not be ashamed to be what you are, an American citizen. Just be disgusted and ashamed that we have public officials that have a hidden agenda in their actions. I do agree that we have no right to force democracy on other nations, it really is none of our business. Contact your representitves for your state and complain to them, inclusive of the President. Raise hell with them as I have been doing for several years and maybe they will catch your drift. Do a lot of praying that it will soon stop before this country is totally bankrupt. Thank you for your service to this nation.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Ray Hall
Senior Member
Senior Member

10/13/2007 6:13 PM

I quite the Republican Party in 2007 after fifty years of paying small amounts to be a member. I now hear the lesser of two evils theory. This is also bunk as BOTH are the same SORRY no differance. I will vote for term limits and no retirement other than SS which is all ,us the taxpayers get.(middle class)

Chief 1

10/18/2007 2:18 PM
I'm curious, what has any of the previous posts have to due with insurance adjusting?
Gale Hawkins

10/18/2007 2:45 PM

Good question Chief. CADO is broken into the Cat adjusting forum and the Community forum of non adjusting thoughts and views. If you see something that is religious or political or just off the wall stuff it should be posted in the non CAT side of CADO as is the case with this thread. For those without interest in off subject things can just stick with the CAT adjusting forum. Welcome to CADO which has a great 12 years of history serving the CAT industry.

Chief 1

10/18/2007 2:58 PM
Please forgive my hubris, I was in the wrong forum.
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