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NCDOI Bulletin 14-B-03

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NCDOI Bulletin 14-B-03

Procedure for Catastrophic Adjusters

The purpose of this bulletin is to outline procedures your company will need to follow if a catastrophic event were to occur in North Carolina. NC Emergency Management staff will not allow any adjuster access to a declared disaster area unless the adjuster is carrying proper identification. 
The Department is requiring that your company provide each catastrophic adjuster with an identification badge. Attached is a template which you are to use to produce the badges needed for your adjusters. 
Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 58-33-70(e): “The Commissioner may permit an experienced adjuster who regularly adjusts in another state and who is licensed in the other state (if the state requires a license), to act as an adjuster in this State without a North Carolina license only for an insurance company authorized to do business in this State, for emergency adjustment work, for a period to be determined by 
the Commissioner, done for an employer who is an adjuster licensed by this State or who is a regular employer of one or more adjusters in this State; provided that the employer shall furnish to the Commissioner a notice in writing immediately upon the beginning of any such emergency insurance adjustment work.” 


Below is a link to the NCDOI Bulletin



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Listed below are some links to other blog post and articles on other sites.

Dimechimes ClaimSmentor Adjuster Information Blog 
 Organization Chart for the Claims Handling Blame Game- A Humorous Graph -A Serious Look at Claim Bad Faith Issues
 On the page the above link takes you to you will find links to some of her other articles at the end of the above article.

Article written by John Postava
On the Ryze Claim Solutions webite

You can find additional post from John and Dimechimes in the CADO forums, they have made many post over the years contributing to the community by sharing their knowledge and experiance.

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