02/28/2009 4:22 PM |
What are some good compaines that sell E&O insurance?
What are the prices for poilcy's?
Tags: FAQ |
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Jud G. Advanced Member Posts:509  
03/03/2009 10:36 AM |
Search the existing forums as well as the archived ones. I've posted several times on this subject myself. Since then, i've learned nothing additional about E&O worth posting.
Good luck.
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03/03/2009 11:00 AM |
Brian York of the York Allstate Agency can assist in E&O. I'm actually in the process of purchasing a policy and found him to be very willing to help.
He can be reached at:
Brian York
Principal Agent
Allstate - The York Agency
Allstate Insurance Company
162 South Virginia Ave
Tifton GA 31794
Phone: (229) 387-0032
Fax: (229) 387-0034
I uploaded the associate applications for those that have never read through an E&O application. Hope this helps.
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03/05/2009 6:21 PM |
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Dimechimes Member Posts:196  
03/10/2009 2:22 AM |
NACA and NAIIA- (National Assn of Catastrophe Adjusters and National Assn of Independent Insurance Adjusters) both have had ads up from www.CPLIC.net which is a group specializing in E and O for Claims Professionals. Michael Hale and Dale Moore there have been great providing members with E and O information. I was very interested to learn in 08 that they recommend all adjusters have their own E and O and not rely on that provided by adjusting firms. They advised that you need your own protection to protect you. They did 2 Q & A's for us in 2008. With the ever increasing requirement of windpools making you file your own response to lawsuits rather than them filing the answer to the complaint, I can't recommend it enough based on their advice.
Here is a link to their contact info:
Visit our Adjusters Information Blog www.dimechimes.wordpress.com
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okclarryd Veteran Member Posts:954  
03/12/2009 9:18 PM |
Debby, That's a trend I was not aware of. I don't think I've ever worked for a firm that trusted me to file my own response to a complaint or suit. Usually, the response is very carefully crafted and worded and has been reviewed by several. Which is fine with me. I would prefer to have better minds than mine review and agree on a given response or statement when the legal issues arise. I knew there was a reason why I haven't worked for Citizens.
Larry D Hardin
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ChuckDeatonLife Member  Senior Member Posts:1110  
03/12/2009 10:30 PM |
My suggestion is to leave any Citizens or TWIA claims alone. The further we move into the current economic depression independent adjusters will be targeted more and more. My experience with P.A.'s and the attorney's that work with them very seldom show any evidence of anything resembling ethics. Previous posts, on this board indicate the attitude at TWIA regarding independent adjusters. If you take work from a vendor new to you and the claims have Citizens in the carriers name you are asking for trouble.
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
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03/19/2009 9:56 PM |
I have been using AMIS. Rates are very competitive. They have adjuster E & O along with other investigator type policies.
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ChuckDeatonLife Member  Senior Member Posts:1110  
03/20/2009 11:18 AM |
If you are interested in what is happening with TWIA, Google Atty Chip Merlin's website.
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
03/21/2009 3:49 PM |
During this time I have devoted some study of E & O contracts. I would like some PM of adjusters who have been named in suites in the last five years, all the details and the outcome. I am not convinced that you get what YOU Think you paid good $ value far.
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03/23/2009 7:50 AM |
FYI - For those of you who depend on the vendor's E&O, you need to look at what coverage you truly have. I know of one vendor that sells you coverage for 1 year of working their claims for $100. What they fail to tell you is you are responsible for their deductible if there is a claim. Given the frequency of claims from their staff adjusters, the lowest deductible they can purchase is $1 million dollars. At to opt out of their E&O insurance, you have to provide E&O coverage of 10 Million dollars. Always read the fine print.
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
03/23/2009 11:38 AM |
Potential finanancial ruin is a peril for all adjusters working catastrophe claims. More carriers are not answering and providing defense cost for the street adjuster because of most new joint and several liability statues in most states(apportioned negligence). This is from page 4 of one of the large carriers of IA's. "All payments made by the companyare netof, or paid after, you pay the amount of your deductible shown on the declorations." How many catastrophe adjusters can write a check for $50, 100 or one million $$. More street adjusters are being named as the plaintiff can not not leave them out of the suit. This may not be the business for the weak.
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
04/08/2009 6:52 PM |
I was called by a bud today who was named in a suit in Houston. He does not have E & O. I will follow this case and report back. I downloaded the Claim Professionals Liability Insurance Company form. My reading of the contract is: All payments made by the company are net of, or paid after, you pay the amount of your deductible shown in the declorations.
Wow what happened to first dollar?
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cowboy26995 Member Posts:154  
04/09/2009 9:43 AM |
Been insured through Maxim Group for several years. Cost about 4k per year but well worth the investment. 2500.00 deductible. Several add ons of coverage included such as relocation costs subsequent to terrorism attack, kidnapping coverage, trial attendance costs etc. All underwritten by Philadelphis Insurance.
Marc Dubois Executive General Adjuster M.G.D. Claim Services Inc. "Your Commercial Claims Solution"
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okclarryd Veteran Member Posts:954  
04/09/2009 11:04 PM |
Maybe I'm not as ready to go back to work as I thought. Keep us informed on this, Ray. This is a "back-breaker" for sure.
Larry D Hardin
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HuskerCat Veteran Member Posts:762  
04/10/2009 12:25 AM |
Posted By cowboy26995 on 09 Apr 2009 09:43 AM
Been insured through Maxim Group for several years. Cost about 4k per year but well worth the investment. 2500.00 deductible. Several add ons of coverage included such as relocation costs subsequent to terrorism attack, kidnapping coverage, trial attendance costs etc. All underwritten by Philadelphis Insurance.
Marc, this sounds like something other than a straight E&O policy. Is it more along the lines of a GL with E&O?....because what does relocation, terrorism & kidnapping have to do with E&O? Or even with GL for that matter? The trial attendance costs I get. And is this for you as an individual only, or for your IA firm based on an average annual revenue base?
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
04/10/2009 1:29 PM |
I have a bud who has a judgment against them for about 1 million. The facts are: She was working as a contract temp for Cunningham Lindsay in the Houston office on Workers Comp. in Texas only claims. She did every thing, by the law and rules, but was named in the siut by a person in a WC case. C & H agreed to defend, but not INDEMNIFY. Under the joint and several liability statues of Texas this is her part of the jury award. She has not been able to get a temp. adjusters job for the last three years. Is this justice? . I still work bare, but I am jugement proof. I insist the vendor give me an unqualified defense, which I agree to pay for.
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
04/10/2009 1:33 PM |
E & O coverage and law suits naming adjusters is a topic I have great interest for years. I welcome any personal story you may have and will keep your name confidential
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cowboy26995 Member Posts:154  
04/11/2009 8:25 PM |
In response to Husker Cat that why I said add ons. There is a straight E&O these other provisions are thrown in by the carrier.. I also have a CGL with Hartford for the mundane dropped ladder etc.
Marc Dubois Executive General Adjuster M.G.D. Claim Services Inc. "Your Commercial Claims Solution"
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okclarryd Veteran Member Posts:954  
04/11/2009 10:03 PM |
There's an ad here on CADO which requires a license and E&O COVERAGE .
I have never had to provide my own E&O and now I'm wondering if I need it and then, if so, where and why and how much and..............
Larry D Hardin
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