07/24/2008 10:41 PM |
What is the best car desk rig on the market?
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07/25/2008 5:43 AM |
I’ve used Jotto Desk for 15” and 17” laptops and found them to be very sturdy and useful. They have an articulating arm that allows me to move the computer close when I am writing a claim, but I can move it away to run Delorme StreetAtlas while driving. The platform can be tilted allowing easy adjustment for viewing angle. Jotto Desk makes adaptors that allow you to secure the desk using the front bolt of your passenger seat, so there isn't any need to alter (drill) your vehicle. The desk has wires with springs that securely hold the computer, so there is no worry of the computer falling off as a result of a sudden stop.
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07/25/2008 8:21 AM |
Try jeniko.com. Well built, well priced.
I know the voices aren't real, but sometimes they're right!
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Tom TollModerator & Life Member  Senior Member Posts:1865  
07/25/2008 11:03 PM |
The Jotto deck tops are great. Many police departments use them. They are made here in Arkansas, so they have to be of good quality. You can't go wrong with them.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
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ChuckDeatonLife Member  Senior Member Posts:1110  
07/29/2008 3:18 PM |
a cutting board, a pipe flange and a piece of pipe works for me.
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
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HuskerCat Veteran Member Posts:762  
07/29/2008 11:31 PM |
There you go, Chuck....now I just cant' help it. I think Bob Harvey's 3-step ladder is better than your pipe & flange!! Afterall, you can get extra use out of the ladder when you want to wash the top of the roof of your truck or van. The trick with that little ladder is whether you can slide the passenger seat back far enough and get the laptop to sit just right. Do you use that cutting board for slicing & dicing too?
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BobH Veteran Member Posts:759  
07/30/2008 1:00 AM |
Posted By Mike Kunze ...I think Bob Harvey's 3-step ladder is better than your pipe & flange!!
yep, it multi-tasks, but I don't use it in the vehicle. You can see http://mobiledesk.com/ but I do NOT recommend it.
The previous suggestions are more adjustable and cost less. The ones from mobile desk.com just have a bent tube at the top, and you cannot configure it the same as the http://jottodesk.com/Comersus/store...cIndex.asp">Jotto desk or Jenico.com. I got mine to work OK but had to hacksaw to shorten the pipe and do some mods.
Bob H
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Tim_Johnson Member Posts:243  
07/31/2008 10:29 AM |
Posted By Tim Johnson on 07/31/2008 8:49 AM
I do beleive that I am going to give this one a try, especially at $129 compared to $340. Plus I can mount my video recorder on it.
Tim, That looks fancy enough. Just remember, the longer the lower leg, the more wobble its going to create. Not good for the laptop. The jeniko I use was less that $100, and has very little wobble.
I know the voices aren't real, but sometimes they're right!
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BobH Veteran Member Posts:759  
07/31/2008 10:50 AM |
Posted By Tim Johnson ...especially at $129 compared to $340.
The base that mounts on the floor of that Ebay unit is not large enough - I assure you it is going to "flex" like crazy.

The one above has just one mount, to the seat bolt. The "upgrade" one below has one extra stabilizer bolt, but that still isn't enough

The base on my mobile desk is huge compared to those, and I think it is barely adequate as it only mounts at one seat bolt but has 2 additional stabilizer points on a very thick plate of steel that is about 4" x 6". It "works" but if I had it to do over I would get one of the other suggestions above.
If you look at the bases alone at Jotto they will cost as much as the Ebay unit, but at least it would function.
Bob H
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okclarryd Veteran Member Posts:954  
07/31/2008 4:39 PM |
I have a multi-jointed mount that my loving wife bought for me from Delorme.
It has a large plate with many holes in it at the base and I have bolted it to the floor at the tunnel on my Dodge. Very stable.
As the saying goes,.............screw it.
Larry D Hardin
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BobH Veteran Member Posts:759  
07/31/2008 4:57 PM |
Looks like Delorme is selling the Jotto Desk and that is a good price they have. I like the base plate, and after installing 2 of the "no-holes" type that don't screw to the floor, I agree with the "screw-it" method.
That's what I did for my other vehicle (Tahoe) and you just have to get over putting holes in the carpet. The next buyer likely won't even look that close to find them.
Bob H
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Tim_Johnson Member Posts:243  
07/31/2008 5:20 PM |
Well, I guess I pulled the trigger too fast because I ordered the Ebay one before I posted here. I was tearing apart lawn mower engines when I was 7 years old so once I get this one installed and it has too much wobble to it I will break out the bungie cords, 2x4 scraps and liquid nail and take that wobble out of it!
Tim Johnson
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HuskerCat Veteran Member Posts:762  
07/31/2008 11:49 PM |
The "screw it" system seems OK, I guess. But I never used/needed the laptop while driving, so it's always just taking a little nap in a comfy place. The port-a-desk can be a convenience, I suppose . My "finder" is me & mapped out in my mind or on a mapquest printout before starting the day. A comfy positioned laptop to do your estimates is the most important thing while sitting under the shade tree, anything beyond that though I think you can go with economy. Then again, I am a mini-multi-tasker, like to keep at least 1 eye on the road. 
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okclarryd Veteran Member Posts:954  
08/01/2008 9:48 PM |
I agree with the "one eye on the road".
That's why I have tri-focals.
Multi-tasking at its finest.
Larry D Hardin
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08/01/2008 11:52 PM |
Down-sized from laptop and DeLorme to 4'' screen MAgellan mounted to the windshield!
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10/03/2008 11:09 PM |
get the Jotto desk and get the one that is made for your vehicle...not the "universal fit"..you will not regret it
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Tom TollModerator & Life Member  Senior Member Posts:1865  
10/05/2008 9:23 AM |
I agree. The Jotto desk is the way to go, Why take a chance with damaging a $1,200.00 to $2,000.00 lap top with a cheap rig, just doesn't make sense.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
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okclarryd Veteran Member Posts:954  
10/05/2008 6:59 PM |
This website has all kinds of desks and stuff and gadgets and stuff and other goodies and ........................
Larry D Hardin
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