24 Replies and 12508 Views
NEED A MENTOR 12508 24
Started by Dillon
I am looking for someone to mentor me in the field of claims adjusting.&160; My family and I have been threw two ajor claims and I am intrested in learning the field and being able to help other people as well as make a living. I live in the Austin Texas area and am very much in need in of some guidiance.
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12508 |
by mgiles04/30/2011 7:52 PM |
0 Replies and 3479 Views
Looking for someone to take me under their wing 3479 0
Started by Bob Burkhalter
Is there anyone out there looking for an assistant I have my TX and FL license but I need experience. I can travel to any location.
Bob Burkhalter, Broker/Agent
Smith Properties/United Country
(936)328-7077 cell&160;(888)371-0545 fax
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3479 |
04/26/2011 1:54 PM |
1 Replies and 3688 Views
You want it WHEN??? 3688 1
Started by SteveZ
Have we come so far in our quest for 'good customer service' that we have actually harmed those we are supposed to be helping&160;&160;&160;The question has come up again, 'Is the 30 day settlement requirement helping or hurting'&160;&160;
We all know that providing excellent customer service is the ultimate goal in the adjusting business. &160;And those of us who strive for that excellence face a yearly struggle against the ever-changing requirements of our business model, government &...
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3688 |
by okclarryd04/25/2011 12:11 PM |
6 Replies and 5171 Views
If I was a new adjuster who has worked very little. 5171 6
Started by Ray Hall
I think about 90 of cat. adjusters claims are wind/hail losses. This is the time to practice at home on estimatics. (writing estimates in a program). When you get on the storm site it,s too late to learn. 2011 seems to be a good year for large damaging hail. Be ready you may get your first shot and when you get your first 30 files, you must close one or two on the first day. From a dead stop to wide open....welcome.
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5171 |
by Ray Hall03/26/2011 1:03 PM |
6 Replies and 5795 Views
10 day staff jobs 5795 6
Started by timmyjane
Does anyone know what other companies are 10 on and 4 off like Allstate&160; Looks like most are 23 and 7 or something like that.
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5795 |
by okclarryd03/11/2011 5:58 PM |
4 Replies and 4365 Views
Newbie with NO questions 4365 4
Started by twilsonjr
I'm new to this forum, site and career. I just took my test for my Tx license and joined this forum. You old farts rock!! Being one myself I appreciate the bluntness. &160;I can't believe how many times the same questions are asked here. Is this the way new adjusters try to learn I found out a long time ago the first thing you do BEFORE&160;you deside on a new career is research it. I've lived in Florida, Al, Ga, Tx, SoCar. Va. just to mention a few and I don't remember things being warm and ...
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4365 |
by twilsonjr02/28/2011 9:50 PM |
0 Replies and 3454 Views
Any new adjusters looking for experience that live in the Corpus, Aransas or Portland Area 3454 0
Started by dnjsdad
I am coming down to work several claims, I&160;am looking for someone to work with.&160; I am willing to offer training and pay for meals and fuel but hear is what I&160;want in return.&160; The ideal person would be clean cut, have a truck and a ladder and be willing to listen and learn.&160; I will teach you how to inspect and write a proper estimate, this will give you valuable hard to obtain experience.&160; If you are interested please contact me snjwellsMsn.com I will be flying in t...
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3454 |
02/02/2011 12:55 PM |
4 Replies and 3376 Views
Other insurance related activities 3376 4
Started by arstreamp
Hi all!
My name is Anne and I just joined the forum, I’m also a new comer to nsurance related activities. I’m still trying to understand it all and our little company (just me and my son) is still navigating through all the different ways to approach the industry. It’s a tough economy! I was wondering – for those of you involved in the industry (especially veterans) business owner or not, what are some of services, tools, strategies, or latest resources you find helpful or profitable in doing y...
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3376 |
by CatAdjusterX01/30/2011 6:29 AM |
1 Replies and 3367 Views
Apprentice / Ride Along 3367 1
Started by whollender
I am going through&160;online training to obtain my license. I would love the opportunity to ride along with someone and gain as much knowledge as possible before I do anything on my own. I live in the Richmond, VA area. I would be more than happy to buy lunch. Thanks for considering.
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3367 |
by CatAdjusterX01/30/2011 6:18 AM |
8 Replies and 4316 Views
auto adjuster'wannabe 4316 8
Started by andrewbp
Im a young guy from michigan ,in high school i went to skill center and got a certificate in auto body and i worked in a body shop for about 2 years. What would be my best place to start as far as getting into the field. I dont know any adjusters to ask but it seems there are several routes to go but im wondering what will actually put me closer to a job as far as training and or licensing and where to look for work. I guess im basically clueless right now
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4316 |
by JimGary01/22/2011 12:28 AM |
7 Replies and 4508 Views
Need a mentor 4508 7
Started by jmoya
Hello Everyone.
I recently became certified with Florida 520 All Lines. I am looking for a mentor I can ride with a couple of times or a few times. Just trying to get some exposure and experience.
I live in Miami/South Florida.
I would greatly appreciate if anyone can assist me with this.
Joe Moya
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4508 |
by jmoya11/26/2010 4:23 PM |
1 Replies and 3112 Views
Getting Started Survey - Results 3112 1
Started by host
&160;The Getting Started Survey that was posted on the homepage has ended and here are the results. The survey ended on 11/22/2010.&160;
Question 1,&160;&160;How long from the time you decided to become an adjuster did it take you to land your first assignment
Answers: &160;
Less than 3 months&160;
3 to 6 months&160;
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3112 |
by CatAdjusterX11/24/2010 12:21 AM |
4 Replies and 3639 Views
resume question 3639 4
Started by daileyjosh
first of all i got offered to go to dallas to pilot auto class/interview, but the class was cancelled indefinitely. is this a good idea to keep pursing. also i went to texas all lines and our teacher told us to not use prior work history on our resume. my history includes automotive work. is this right or not. please help.
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3639 |
by suzukini10/29/2010 9:38 AM |
2 Replies and 9596 Views
Newbie needs tips 9596 2
Started by lern1079
Hello everyone,
This is my first post so let me briefly introduce myslef. I am starting out in the field adjuster position . I&160;am currently employed by a large insurance company. I have prior claims experience but not related to property adjusting and I have never worked in the field. I will work mostly locally but will periodically be deployed and have CAT duties.
I need your assistance in a few areas and with whatever other advice that you guys are willing to give.
1. Time management t...
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9596 |
by lern107909/23/2010 7:51 PM |
6 Replies and 4472 Views
Started by JEROSS69
Hello all,I have been an IA doing auto only, I have worked cat and I am working daily claims now. I have an opportunity to work property for a local IA firm which would help me better feed the family. I have strong work ethics and have created great connections on the auto side which would open some doors on the property side. I have ordered the trial of exactimate and the workbook that goes with it. Here is my question, is there a book out there that can help me learn some of the basics, I have...
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4472 |
by Ray Hall09/01/2010 8:54 AM |
9 Replies and 7952 Views
Considering Vale Tech 7952 9
Started by jb83419
I am newly licensed in Texas. After reading many posts in these forums, I realize just how much more training along with practice will be needed if I want to have any chance of success. Have read many good things about Vale Tech's three week property adjusting course and would appreciate any additional feed back on them. I have no misconceptions that this alone will land me a position, but think that it will be a good place to start the formal part of my training. Thanks t...
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7952 |
by CatAdjusterX08/20/2010 6:35 PM |
4 Replies and 3962 Views
E-Book by Massey Publishing 3962 4
Started by CatAdjusterKeith
I justed purchased an e-book by Trent Massey of their site American Claims Institute. After paying them through Pay Pal it is supposed to redirect you back to their site where you can download the pdf E-book. Well I think I was taken I was redirected back to their site and there was no download and just a couple of error messages. I tried to contact them through the e-mail supplied by Pay-pal and their site but it came back as undeliverable. I did open a dispute with Pay Pal on this but wo...
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3962 |
by Ray Hall08/16/2010 5:48 PM |
20 Replies and 8765 Views
Arriving at a disaster zone 8765 20
Started by ryoungblood
OK, I am new to adjusting. I know that to be succesful at this I will have to work hard, be thorough, and be as prepared as possible before 'the call'.
I know that the way most people get into adjusting is through a major hurricane, and that the ones who succeed do it because of preparation, accuracy, and hard work. One thing that I can see that would throw a person off is misunderstanding what to expect when you get there. Once you arrive to the orientation, what do you need to know about sett...
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8765 |
by CatAdjusterX08/16/2010 12:26 AM |
3 Replies and 3428 Views
MN adjusters get together for mutual mentoring 3428 3
Started by ryoungblood
Hello, I am Rob Youngblood, a new adjuster living in Bloomington. I am taking the ClaimSmentor 50 hr Claims Fundamentals class. In class today, Deb, the instructor, mentioned that in Dallas, there is a group of adjusters who meet monthly to do practice claims together and mentor one another. I have been &8220;friending&8221; Minnesota adjusters on the From One Adjuster to Another website to try to network, but the idea of meeting from time to time sounds like it would be mutually benef...
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3428 |
by Ray Hall08/13/2010 3:42 PM |
5 Replies and 3666 Views
New people with Questions ? 3666 5
Started by Ray Hall
Go to chat and ask a question. I know for a fact myself and two or three other adjusters visit this site each day and are happy to answer questions.Now please do not ask questions like who are all the ahole vendors, the best rip off schools, the way to get rich, how to master grammer etc. For starters I ask all new people to purchase a college text book on property & casualty insurance principals, and a basic book on 'how to build a frame dwelling'. Lowe's has a good one FRAMING by Wagner co...
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3666 |
by BeauKron07/31/2010 12:26 PM |