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6 Replies and 4505 Views Continuing Education Requirements  4505  6 Started by  hwarnock Is there any way to ease the pain of keeping up with the various state licensing continuing education requirements&160; I have licenses in 12 states and want to avoid having to call each state or scan their websites for this information.&160; Also, can anyone recommend directories to or information about good training organizations for CE. Hugh
6 4505
by  MedulusJump to last post
07/28/2009 10:09 AM
4 Replies and 3854 Views Gen Liability and E&O insurance  3854  4 Started by  suzukini Hi everyone!&160; I just have a question about insurance.&160; When you are an&160;IA and go to work for companies like Eberl's, Renfroe, etc, do you have to have your own Gen Liab and E&O&160;insurance or are you covered under their company&160; I couldn't find a particular thread on here that answered this question.&160; Thanks for your help!
4 3854
by  okclarrydJump to last post
07/20/2009 10:12 PM
4 Replies and 4438 Views CPCU warm up courses ?  4438  4 Started by  Doug   Hello again fellow adjusters --- it has truly been a long while since i have posted     But glad to see many of the same crew are still here and giving great advice and commentary !   My question involves the CPCU courses.   When evaluating my education options, i have decided that in my chosen profession,  a CPCU designation may likely be more beneficial to my development right now than other 5 and 6000 level course options at conventional universiti...
4 4438
by  DougJump to last post
07/20/2009 9:34 PM
17 Replies and 5990 Views Realistic money that can be made?  5990  17 Started by  fonewiz OK, last question for a while, really :)   I keep hearing all sorts of different numbers as far as how much can be made doing CAT adjusting.   Can someone here that has actually been in the business a while please give me a realistic idea of how much can be made your first storm out and then as you get better at this   I am aware it's not steady work, and I am prepared to work hard once I am called and to get ready learning all I can before. I don't expect it to be a cake...
17 5990
by  AtfulldrawJump to last post
06/21/2009 10:46 PM
4 Replies and 3232 Views San Antonio area intern opportunity?  3232  4 Started by  fonewiz I would like to find an experienced adjuster who uses Xactimate on a daily basis to adjust property claims (homes, businesses, structures) and ride with/assist him/her for a few hours a week. Maybe I can be of assistance in some way as a helper in exchange for some OJT which will help when I eventually get called for CAT adjusting.   I have pretty much zero experience in the adjusting business. I do have a P & C license as an agent but have never used it and I plan to get my all lines...
4 3232
by  fonewizJump to last post
06/18/2009 6:41 PM
5 Replies and 5942 Views AMCAT training  5942  5 Started by  fbhalljr I went through the AMCAT training to see if I would like to try cat adjusting as a new career. I went in with no real hope of getting on a roster, just checking it out. However, I passed the class and was offered a contract with them and put on their roster. Does anyone know anything about this company I haven't done any work with them and don't want to if they have a bad rep, but I can't find anything on them on these forums.  
5 5942
by  DimechimesJump to last post
06/18/2009 3:02 PM
0 Replies and 6378 Views Training-New topic-Look in the Gallary section for real hail photos  6378  0 Started by  Ray Hall Thanks to Janice Toll for some great photos on composition roof and vinyl siding damage. The only thing missing was the plastic water hose in the grass that was broken by the hail. Some of you working adjusters should post some new photos . A good long shot of a test square with the bare minimum would be good.
0 6378
06/17/2009 4:46 PM
3 Replies and 3918 Views Crop damage  3918  3 Started by  Andy 16 It seems to me that a lot of the severe weather in the Midwest occurs in rural areas. Is there a certification or training course to be eligible for crop damage claims If so, who do you know that holds crop damage training courses If not how could I get started handling that type of claim   Doug
3 3918
by  Andy 16Jump to last post
05/20/2009 3:57 PM
10 Replies and 5702 Views Should I even bother?  5702  10 Started by  jjm83 I recently received my TX All-Lines license and planning to get licensed in other states such as LA, MS, AL, and FL. I have been reading about what to do next now that I have my license. I have been reading stories on this site and others about people having a very difficult time getting started, working their butts off and sometimes not even getting paid. Is it possible to make a living doing this work I would like to know if I should bow out now without spending anymore money on this line of ...
10 5702
by  JimGaryJump to last post
05/03/2009 2:24 PM
0 Replies and 4823 Views Xactimate 25 Level 3 Certified Jobs?  4823  0 Started by  dtrook I am level 3 certified in Xactimate 25. Is this a good site to find jobs doing the xactimate work for adjusters or is there a better way to get that kind of work
0 4823
04/29/2009 10:04 PM
8 Replies and 5526 Views State Farm Certification  5526  8 Started by  dtrook I am trying to get information about getting State Farm Certified. Where can I get dates and locations I can't seem to get any information at their web site. Thanks for the help.
8 5526
by  okclarrydJump to last post
04/28/2009 9:53 PM
10 Replies and 4560 Views REPORT WRITING - BEST TIME?  4560  10 Started by  Coach D   Hello,   I would like to request some input from seasoned adjusters regarding the best time to complete reports.   For example, some adjusters will scope houses for the day, return to the hotel, and report write in the evening. Others like to scope, then write report on-site in the claimants house, or in their truck, then discuss the report with the claimant. Others scope, leave to a street around the corner, write report in vehicle, and to t...
10 4560
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
04/17/2009 12:10 PM
4 Replies and 5603 Views Dallas State Farm IDL  5603  4 Started by  2roadrunners I will be arriving in Dallas (DFW) on the the 14th of this month for State Farm's IDL class and certificate. I will be staying at the Days Inn across the highway from the Sheraton Grand Hotel where the IDL class will be held. I'm sure I can get a shuttle to the Days Inn following the registration on the same day. To conserve cash, I will not be renting a car thinking the walk will do me good. However, IF there happens to be anyone going to the same class and happens to have a car, I'd sure appre...
4 5603
by  Ray HallJump to last post
04/16/2009 12:02 PM
0 Replies and 4172 Views Xactimate Certifcation  4172  0 Started by  duggertx Recently acquired my Level 1 certification.  Was fairly easy, at least the sketch part was.  Only having used the demo version of the software, I found the multiple choice a bit challenging, even using the help file in the software.  Any suggestions for Level 2/3   Regards,    Doug
0 4172
04/14/2009 10:27 AM
0 Replies and 3828 Views Review Training Providers  3828  0 Started by  host  Have you attended a training class  Is so please consider sharing your experience with the community by adding a review.  Click here to add your review. If the provider is not listed just send me a note and I will add them.   Thanks,
0 3828
04/13/2009 10:52 PM
1 Replies and 2816 Views Online Testing? Need Opinions  2816  1 Started by  Goldust          I am located in Montana so I was looking at taking the online testing available online for $299.      I have close to 10 years experience in Cat & regular adjusting all lines.   Here is the catch I have been away from it for 7 years. Is there any snags I might run into by taking the online test over the regular 3 day classroom test   All opinions appreciated.
1 2816
by  duggertxJump to last post
04/10/2009 10:40 AM
21 Replies and 7488 Views what steps to take with new license  7488  21 Started by  foreste
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Hi, I have my Florida resident license, independent adjuster, all lines.  I need help or a road map if you will.  I am not sure how to get in front of the right companies to be deployed for storm work when it arrives.  I have been told so many things, not sure which way to go.  I live on the Gulf Coast in Florida.  I have been told to take state farm certification, citizens, get my license in other states, some are reciprocal, wow, not sure what steps to take, could some...
21 7488
by  okclarrydJump to last post
04/09/2009 11:00 PM
10 Replies and 4119 Views AIC question Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999  4119  10 Started by  Amart I am going through my AIC text, right now i have to explain the effects of the the GLB Act of 1999. The book say that one of the major effects of the Act was, and this is right out of the book,'...the act prohibits state actions that would prevent bank-related firms from selling insurance on the same basis as insurance producers.' I took that as Banking firms cannot sell insurance. I was on google and from what i found there, in most states Banks CAN now sell insurace. Is this a recent thing Th...
10 4119
by  CerOfJump to last post
03/30/2009 5:04 PM
3 Replies and 3988 Views State Farm IDL  3988  3 Started by  2roadrunners IDL&8230;I know this is a coveted cert to have in your tool belt. I received a call today from a company I have signed up with (no calls for work yet) asking if I'd be interested in participating in the SF IDL class coming up on 4-15-09. As of today they don't have any locations set up yet for me to consider traveling to. I'll probably go even if it's a haul from MI. My question is this: I noted in some previous discussions that SF has the classes in many locations across the country. I gather ...
3 3988
by  Kevin JJump to last post
03/24/2009 8:20 PM
3 Replies and 4010 Views Step One  4010  3 Started by  GregInTx Ive been browsing the board for a few days now and decided to join and make my first post. Obviously Im here b/c im wanting to become an adjuster.  Ive been talking with as many people as I can over the last couple of months and searching online for as much information I can find in order to help me out. I first became interested in becoming a home inspector and was really interested.  Then a week later IKE rolled through down here in Houston were I live and caused some damage to my ...
3 4010
by  GregInTxJump to last post
03/23/2009 1:15 PM
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