0 Replies and 3792 Views
Hail damage photos 3792 0
Started by jqtheriot
Anyone able to share hail damage photos to a roof for personal study and research I would greatly appreciate it.. The more the better please share! Thank you.
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3792 |
06/24/2017 2:06 AM |
5 Replies and 5523 Views
Mod Bit Damaged or Toast? 5523 5
Started by Fully_Loaded
OK I have attached pics of the roof I just looked at, I also included pic of spatter. I am pretty confident that the roof is just toast but I want opinions. I don't normally 2nd guess myself and don't see me changing my thoughts but I'm just curious what others would think.
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5523 |
by Roy Estes 05/02/2016 9:10 PM |
3 Replies and 6565 Views
Synthetic Stucco and Dryvit repairs 6565 3
Started by questy
I was a lathe & plaster laborer in high school and college that served me well on stucco repairs in the past but this new stuff has me baffled. What is the proper repair technique for damaged dryvit raised trim on stucco and concrete homes. The dryvit is the raised styrofoam trim, mostly around door and window openings, covered with stucco with a contrasting color. In most cases the stucco and paint on concrete walls are fine but the styrofoam has been badly damaged. Some areas&nb...
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6565 |
by Catmandale 05/06/2013 11:23 AM |
1 Replies and 4599 Views
CAT 94 4/2/13 4599 1
Started by Tim_Johnson
Attending CAT 94 in Central Texas. Like Ray Hall always said............................. if your not working hail on Easter, Mother's Day, etc...........
And Oh, the Applebee's parking lot guys are here. They were confused, no Applebee's here, I led them to Chili's, they said it is just not the same but it will work for them. I think I saw 4 of them selling roofs today
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4599 |
by cclevelandadj 04/08/2013 10:40 PM |
6 Replies and 6038 Views
Hardi Plank siding 6038 6
Started by kbt
The siding has not been compromised but there is hail splatters Is there a way to remove the splaters without replacing the siding
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6038 |
by gbsadjusting 10/24/2012 3:54 PM |
17 Replies and 13083 Views
Nailable surface 13083 17
Started by rogpayx22
With a layer of shake on skip decking and a layer of asbestos tiles cracked by hail over the old split and rotten shake is that considered a nailable surface for a repair
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13083 |
by rogpayx22 08/20/2012 7:34 PM |
3 Replies and 5700 Views
Hail & Lightening Reports 5700 3
Started by missing
What company do you use for Hail & Lightening Reports
Price and quality are definite considerations. I have used a few different companies and looking for information that may give a better report or more cost effective.
Thank you
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5700 |
by HuskerCat 08/01/2012 11:38 PM |
4 Replies and 13008 Views
Synthetic Stucco and Dryvit repairs 13008 4
Started by questy
I was a lathe & plaster laborer in high school and college that served me well on stucco repairs in the past but this new stuff has me baffled. What is the proper repair technique for damaged dryvit raised trim on stucco and concrete homes. The dryvit is the raised styrofoam trim, mostly around door and window openings, covered with stucco with a contrasting color. In most cases the stucco and paint on concrete walls are fine but the styrofoam has been badly damaged. Some areas&nb...
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13008 |
by Jud G. 05/27/2012 9:51 AM |
27 Replies and 22888 Views
Test Squares 22888 27
Started by campbellduke
If a carrier requires 10 hits per square and you can only find 7-8 hits per square, how do you explain to the insd that their insurance company does not owe to replace their roof How do you tell them that there are approx 400 damaging hail hits to their roof BUT it is not really damaged so they are not getting a new roof. Then how do you explain to them that they will be getting an estimate for a minimum roof repair of $200 bucks to "repair" 400 damaged shingles
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22888 |
by pdixon555 05/02/2012 5:00 PM |
0 Replies and 4713 Views
WARNING! Covering deductibles is now illegal per Senate Bill 101 4713 0
Started by JerryCMancuso
WARNING to contractors! The Senate has passed bill 101 making it ILLEGAL to cover deductibles in any way shape or form (advertising discounts, sign allowances, rebates, coupons, referral fees, etc)
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4713 |
05/01/2012 1:22 AM |
54 Replies and 40590 Views
Eagle View Measurements 40590 54
Started by pastromquist
Last week I inspected a loss in the Plymouth Minnesota area,&160; it was an ugly measure, but i did it before I met the contractor who was standard late.&160; I met the contractor who was bragging up the Eagle View Measurement deal.&160; Having the roof measured,&160; I had him send me the report to verify and it seemed really neat and a time saver.&160; The picture I was sent was indeed a hard to measure hip roof but it wasn't the one I was on.
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40590 |
by catwoman 06/13/2011 6:26 AM |
16 Replies and 12277 Views
EPDM preexisting damage and wet insulation 12277 16
Started by Allfor1
&160;I am working a loss for hail. &160;The roof is EPDM and while there is no hail damage there is 2 places where the membrane has been compromised by flying debris. &160;There is evidence of preexisting hail as the wall coping and all of the vents all show signs of impact. &160;The last storm that went through prior to the current DOL was last September. &160;This is an old roof with alligatoring and some blisters. &160;Evidence of repairs are all over. &160; Along the rear elevation wh...
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12277 |
by Ray Hall 05/17/2011 3:10 PM |
3 Replies and 7662 Views
Old Duratile concrete roof tiles 7662 3
Started by Stormkat
I have a number of claims in this neighborhood where all the roofs were damaged by hail.&160; I know they do not make this anymore and that the 17' profile cannot be interlocked with any other product. I need to get some documentation on this tile.
Any help would be appreciated!
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7662 |
by linhoch 03/04/2011 1:36 PM |
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7311 |
by Ggelatt 02/22/2011 1:45 PM |
107 Replies and 45268 Views
Huge Hail 45268 107
Started by Tom Rongstad
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45268 |
by Roy Estes 11/02/2010 6:40 PM |
2 Replies and 5548 Views
Understanding general criteria for Tlock shingle damage 5548 2
Started by tsiedem
I am a roofer with a few months experience. I am trying to understand the criteria used for determining damage to TLock shingles. It seems that I have seen a wide range in what one adjuster will damage out, and what another will not.
Can anyone please inform me of what I&160;should be looking for before I recommend to a homeowner that they should contact their insurance
Thank you.
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5548 |
by tsiedem 03/17/2010 7:22 PM |
15 Replies and 8208 Views
Relationship b/t adjuster and roofer 8208 15
Started by AJ
Hello everyone-
I&160;am new to the forum/site, and was just wondering what&160;kind of&160;relationship between an adjuster and roofing contractor can exsist I am actually a roofing contractor who wants to know if it is ok to try and build an honest relationship with adjusters. It seems like yall could benefit from working with a good roofer (and making us climb the roof).
There is hail damage in my area and yall should see these sorry so called 'roofing companies' who are doing all the w...
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8208 |
by AJ 03/03/2010 11:53 PM |
9 Replies and 14929 Views
Glazing bead and contractors 14929 9
Started by descher
Anyone familiar with glazing bead enough to answer the following&160; I have a home with several windows that have damaged PVC glazing bead.&160; The window contractor states that the windows are no longer manufactured and wants to replace $12K worth of windows.&160; No other damages are present to the glass, the frames, etc.&160; I have found numerous websites that offer snap in glazing bead and do not feel that the windows warrant replacement but the carrier would like me to handle invest...
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14929 |
by BobH 11/15/2009 8:17 PM |
15 Replies and 18061 Views
Roof deck lumber - quality question 18061 15
Started by Valjean
Good afternoon,
Help, the roofers are here as we speak!!! In roofing best practices, what quality/grade of pine lumber should be used when replacing damaged roof deck boards
Our insurance company has authorized roof replacement as a result of damage from a recent hail storm. The roof deck of our home (60 year old building) is 1 x 8 inch pine. We specified that the roofer must replace like material with like but did not specify what GRADE of pine lumber shou...
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18061 |
by RJortberg 10/31/2009 2:55 PM |
5 Replies and 7648 Views
Siding Match question 7648 5
Started by Hines57
Can someone explain to me the matching siding issue My understanding is that siding has to be matched or replaced in MN due to the lawsuit with AmFam. Is that correct, and if so, why haven't lawsuits been filed in other states Was this strictly a wording issue that only related to AmFam polices or are all insurance companies in MN paying to replace
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7648 |
by dcmarlin 10/04/2009 2:57 PM |