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Last Post 08/01/2012 11:38 PM by  HuskerCat
Hail & Lightening Reports
 3 Replies
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06/13/2012 11:05 AM

    What company do you use for Hail & Lightening Reports?

    Price and quality are definite considerations. I have used a few different companies and looking for information that may give a better report or more cost effective.


    Thank you

    Jud G.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    06/13/2012 5:41 PM
    Vaisala for lightning. 99 bucks is an expense that no carrier I know of has balked at.

    07/31/2012 1:05 PM
    I second vaisala for lightning.

    For hail maps, I use:

    When you look at the individual "hail dots" that show up, read their descrptions. Sometimes they are out of place. i.e. the Hail storm in Lubbock this past May/June had a few dots show up in the middle of the city. When you drill down it shows thehail was actually around 98th street, which was well south of where the dot was placed on the map.
    SCLA, Multi-line Adjuster specializing in Commercial and Multifamily Dwellings. (I prefer the "P" of P&C)
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    08/01/2012 11:38 PM
    For lightening PLRB is one source and Stormsiter is another among others, but don't rely on them for denials.  They can give you a very good probability, but in the end it comes down to technical confirmation.  For hail, go ahead & check whatever site you want to........but the tale is told upon inspection and the photos that prove it.  The family farm I grew up on never had a crop loss due to hail in the 40+ years my father farmed it, but our neighbors got hailed out several times.  It starts somewhere, and it ends somewhere.
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