Information on Adding your Name to the Roster

Sketch My Roof

Roster Notice

Please Note:
If you are adding your name to the Roster please check the "Listing Manager" first for an existing listing.   If you see your name in the "Listing Manager" then use the pencil icon next to your name to edit\update the information if needed.   The "Listing Manager" is next to the "Add New Listing" button on the Roster page. Please see the first image in the article below for an example of what you will see.  If you do not see a listing then use the "Add New Listing" to add your name to the Roster.

CADO Admin
/ Categories: CADO Help

The National Adjuster Roster

Masters of Disaster

Have Ladder Will TravelAdjusters can use the National Adjuster Roster as a way to promote their experience. The Roster is for all adjusters. The Roster allows adjusters to inform potential employers about their skills and qualifications.  

 To add your name login and click on the "Add New Listing" button on the Roster page. Note: If you have already added your name to the Roster then use the Listing Manager or the pencil icon next to the name to edit or update the listing. Please only one Listing per user.

In the roster listing we a provide a field titled "Bio - Mini Resume" use this area to provide your Bio or Resume. To provide more information consider uploading your resume. You can also add your photo to your Roster listing.

The Roster is also a resume hosting service and is provided as a free and easy way to get your resume online and make it available to potential employers.  Resumes uploaded via the Roster can be searched using the search box found on this page and other pages through-out the site.

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