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NFIP Adjuster Fee Schedules – Alternative Fee Schedule

CADO Admin
/ Categories: Flood, NFIP, Flood

To apply to claims reported with a date of loss of September 17, 2022, and later.

The information below comes the WYO Bulletin W-22007 issued 10/1/2022

"The Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 WYO Financial Assistance/Subsidy Arrangement (“Arrangement”) at IV.C.2 authorizes the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in its sole discretion, to authorize the use of an alternative Fee Schedule to ensure the availability of qualified insurance adjusters during catastrophic flooding events.

Due to the catastrophic flooding from Hurricane Fiona in Puerto Rico, and the catastrophic flooding from Hurricane Ian in Florida, in accordance with IV.C.2 of the Arrangement, FEMA exercises its discretion to implement a catastrophic fee schedule. FEMA will implement the 2023 NFIP Standard Adjuster Fee Schedule announced in Bulletin w-22001 to apply to claims reported with a date of loss of September 17, 2022, and later. FEMA is issuing this bulletin to ensure quality customer service in these extreme circumstances.

FEMA understands that early implementation of the new fee schedule requires companies to make additional system changes. Pivot will be ready to accept the new fee schedule.

Please distribute this information to the appropriate personnel in your organization. Contact the Claims Branch at if you have any questions.

FY22 Alternative Adjuster Standard Fee Schedule
FY22 Alternative ICC Fee Schedule "

The bulletin is available to download below and a link to the bulletin is also provided.


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Listed below are some links to other blog post and articles on other sites.

Dimechimes ClaimSmentor Adjuster Information Blog 
 Organization Chart for the Claims Handling Blame Game- A Humorous Graph -A Serious Look at Claim Bad Faith Issues
 On the page the above link takes you to you will find links to some of her other articles at the end of the above article.

Article written by John Postava
On the Ryze Claim Solutions webite

You can find additional post from John and Dimechimes in the CADO forums, they have made many post over the years contributing to the community by sharing their knowledge and experiance.

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