1 Replies and 4775 Views
Vulnerability in Internet Explorer 4775 1
Started by host
I received an alert about another possible round of attacks from hackers. It appears that the plan is to hack some sites and take advantage of a vulnerability in IE 7 and the beta IE 8, more information can be found here >> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/se...61051.mspx
We have been hit by attackers in the past and have been able stop them before they hacked very many pages of site. Since then we have done a lot of things to reduce the threat and feel that th...
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4775 |
by JimGary12/13/2008 8:55 AM |
2 Replies and 5269 Views
The new ball game in Texas 5269 2
Started by Ray Hall
Many adjusters have worked IKE losses for TWIA. The TWIA price list is very reasonable and was intended to settle the rather small wind losses from IKE. Example the minimum roof repair is $500. this is about 350 to 400 more than the data base prices before IKE. Not many of these losses require a General Contractor and you do not see the usual mark up for this. But you see a whole loss of minimum roof repair, minimum siding repairs, minimum glass repairs, minimum electrician repairs and so forth...
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5269 |
by Ray Hall12/11/2008 1:25 AM |
11 Replies and 9671 Views
Mac in Adjusting 9671 11
Started by iCAT
Good evening peeps. I have stumbled cross a wonderful computer called a Mac made by Apple Computers. I am experimenting with a macbook pro and I think it will work very well. The reasons are the screen it brighter, it processes better and you don't have wonderful problems with a windows PC. I don't know about you, but I get so tired of cranking up the ole laptop and my printer driver is missing. Or right in the middle of typing a long narrative; I look up to find my curser has jumped to another ...
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9671 |
by Jud G.11/13/2008 10:48 AM |
2 Replies and 3975 Views
xactimate vs integra 3975 2
Started by jhilliard626
Hey everyone,
I am wondering how hard it would be for a xactimate person to learn integra.
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3975 |
by steph917609/02/2008 11:17 PM |
10 Replies and 15222 Views
Exporting estimating data? 15222 10
Started by Max Rahder
Hi there!
I'm writing to find out what popular estimating packages allow exporting data, ideally in XML.
I'm a software designer working for a construction and repair company. Throughout the year we have up to 40 crews working every day on jobs. The system I'm responsible for tracks these jobs by storing customer information (name, address, etc.), generating and tracking purchase orders, tracking job completion, and doing some A/R.
Naturally, these jobs typically start as an estimate. F...
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15222 |
by rickhans07/30/2008 2:11 AM |
3 Replies and 5310 Views
64 bit Vista? 5310 3
Started by Gale Hawkins
How many of you have purchased a new computer with the 64 bit version of Vista so you can use more then&160;3 GB of ram Does it really work well with current 32 bit software as far as making it run faster
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5310 |
by Gale Hawkins07/29/2008 9:48 AM |
22 Replies and 14991 Views
KRUSNEI Catastrophe 14991 22
Started by wstj
Does anyone know anything about this IA I have received many emails from this outfit.
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14991 |
by Ray Hall06/13/2008 6:41 PM |
0 Replies and 4885 Views
Software for fabrication shops 4885 0
Started by CATdawg
Hi again boys and girls; it's been a long time since last I posted, and I thought I would pick your collective brain.
I'm doing consulting for a firm in Ft. Worth that is expanding its capabilities; their specialties now are concrete flatwork and concrete countertops and some general homebuilding stuff (windows & doors, tilework, outdoor kitchens, pergolas). They are setting up a cabinet shop and starting to do some glasswork. Also, they are looking at green building tech, including photov...
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4885 |
03/25/2008 7:22 AM |
2 Replies and 4985 Views
Vista SP1 problem 4985 2
Started by TravisG
Windows Vista SP1 Blocks Antivirus Programs
&91script removed&93
&91script removed&93
&91script removed&93
&91script removed&93
This is cute!
The list of security products includes Zone Alarm Security Suite 7.1, Trend Micro Internet Security 2008, and BitDefender 10.
By Paul McDougall
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4985 |
by TravisG02/25/2008 10:19 AM |
8 Replies and 4899 Views
Estimating Software Requirements in the Future 4899 8
Started by johnpostava
I am not sure if some of the calls we have been receiving here at simsol in the past&160;several weeks&160;have anything to do with the suit pending in Louisiana but some rather large carriers and IA firms are considering having 'back up' estimating platforms or at least allowing non-staff adjusters to use one of the&160;'approved' adjusting software platforms for cat claims and possibly daily work.&160;&160; This would be similar to working their claims for one of their 'approved' cat adju...
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4899 |
by johnpostava02/15/2008 6:25 PM |
15 Replies and 10582 Views
Dell Computers or What was I Thinking 10582 15
Started by Shadow14US
During Hurricane Katrina, my old faithful computer up and died.&160; My wife and I are both adjusters and we have been working claims jointly for over fifty years.&160; I decided to purchase two brand new Dell computers thinking and stupidly believing the advertising that they would make my life easier.&160; Almost two years later and God only knows the number of calls to India for tech support, I would have been better off with my old dead computer.
I've called Dell asking that they honor t...
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10582 |
by buraley01/27/2008 11:08 PM |
4 Replies and 5350 Views
Web Based Software Requirements 5350 4
Started by claimbuddy
I would like to suggest a thread or (3), for the "potential" benefit of the catadjuster community, that attempts to stay focused on the "CatAdjuster" point of view. Let me know if this is not appropriate here. Large teams do not usually produce anything productive, fast....so....I suggest that as soon as we begin to develop a couple of different variations of "good ideas" we split the threads and allow the people that see things one way to work on that &...
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5350 |
by rickhans01/15/2008 12:17 AM |
10 Replies and 13973 Views
Tic sheet, Compuestimate? 13973 10
Started by OdieWyatt
I want to make myself a tic sheet for Xactimate. I don't like the ones they have. I learned to scope on a program called compuestimate or compuclaim and it had a tic sheet for each room plus an exterior sheet, with scope items grouped from floor to ceiling. I still use the numerical shorthand for remove, install, paint (3/1/8), etc. regardless of which program I am using for estimating. Does anyone still have a tic sheet I could have a copy of. I kept some for years but now I can't find t...
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13973 |
by blgibson11/07/2007 8:47 PM |
4 Replies and 4661 Views
What companies allow Powerclaim and Integriclaim? 4661 4
Started by RSiscoe
It seems that just about all companies are requiring Xactimate this year. I am trying to locate a reputable I/A firm that will allow Powerclaim or Integriclaim. Any suggestions
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4661 |
by Wes08/27/2007 11:18 PM |
40 Replies and 20956 Views
VISTA hits the streets! 20956 40
Started by Gale Hawkins
The long and winding road (Vista review)
In most respects, Vista is a better Windows. But you'll need patience, money and a powerful system to upgrade. The overhaul isn't so dramatic that you couldn't hum along with XP awhile longer. Few folks ever enter surgery willingly.
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20956 |
by Gale Hawkins08/18/2007 2:03 PM |
15 Replies and 8924 Views
Claim File Size Today 8924 15
Started by Gale Hawkins
Today we know especially due to hi res digital photos and other attachments to claim files that in megabytes (MB) that the size of claim files have grown over the years. This fact leads to changing needs for both estimating software and the storage of the electronic files for building claim profiles.
My question is what is the largest claim file that you can remember (in MB’s) that you have seen to this date If you can remember the format (mdb, SQL, PDF, etc) it would be helpful.
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8924 |
by Gale Hawkins08/15/2007 7:41 PM |
11 Replies and 7700 Views
iPhotoMEASURE - Impact on Adjusting? 7700 11
Started by Gale Hawkins
Folks if you are looking for a way to cut of the field adjuster just take a tour of what this $100 software package claims it can do. I have no idea if this works or not but you can bet in time it will work and be used by insurance carriers to aid the homeowner/business owner in gathering of the claims info for the email/telephone adjuster by having the insured just take a digital photo of the loss and this could work for underwriting as well. If you did not trust the homeowner you c...
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7700 |
by Gale Hawkins06/29/2007 11:11 PM |
4 Replies and 4855 Views
How do I convert? 4855 4
Started by babycute
Do I have to convert my manuscript into PDF file If so, is there any specific settings I can follow to avoid any font or resolution issue Is there any other tools I can use to create PDF files And I also want to gather some information about software is there any product suited for J2ME CLDC and is there any reference implementation for CLDC. If any one knows about this reply me.
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4855 |
by Brent_Young06/24/2007 8:35 PM |
3 Replies and 5442 Views
XML Open Standard for Property Claims 5442 3
Started by Gale Hawkins
Now that different property claims handling software vendors are starting to develop around a XML Open Standard I went back to a discussion John started about 5 years ago where he talks about their use of XML in moving claim files between different software solutions for the purpose of data mining. His view and that of the others that posted 5 years ago shows how slow things have moved until very recently.
In CADO chat last night the question came up by an adjuster as to what does XML ...
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5442 |
by Gale Hawkins05/15/2007 8:00 PM |
4 Replies and 4799 Views
Software Developper Needed 4799 4
Started by cowboy26995
If anyone knows of an insurance claims savvy software developper looking for some work or interested in a joint venture could you please send him my way. I'm putting together a program that will revolutionize an element of the insurance restoration industry.Contact adjusterkingston.net
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4799 |
by Gale Hawkins04/07/2007 7:23 AM |