I would like to suggest a thread or (3), for the "potential" benefit of the catadjuster community, that attempts to stay focused on the "CatAdjuster" point of view. Let me know if this is not appropriate here. Large teams do not usually produce anything productive, fast....so....I suggest that as soon as we begin to develop a couple of different variations of "good ideas" we split the threads and allow the people that see things one way to work on that "system", and, those that see things another way, work on that system. I suggest we think "out of the box"...and, without concern for "budget", however, I think it is a good practice to attempt to quantify a cost of development, including, a cost of defining the requirements...this mimics the actual cost of software development...for instance...let's assume our time is worth $55 bucks per hour. Keep track of the time it takes you to reply or post...and include it at the bottom of the post. For instance...this post will take me at least 2 hours to complete...So...we are already $110 into it....
Also, if you will notice...I have included some formal looking text followed by a line.....then...I have added my "Ramblings".....which are just that..."Ramblings" as to why I think this may work...and, or some of the reasons why it may not...Remaining Questions, etc. etc.
I. Introduction
A. Entity Users & User Roles
B. Type of System
C. Objectives Summary
D. Functionality Summary
I. Introduction
Let's just imagine we have recieved a "grant" from FEMA that called for the "CatAdjuster" community to develop their own web based software system for back end databases and system maintainence, user management, the "dashboard" interface, the "data collection" interfaces, the integration with estimating softwares and carrier requirements, printed reports, data mining needs and interfaces, bookkeeping, etc. etc.
A. Entity Users & User Roles
Insurance Companies, Adjusting Companies, Independent Adjusters - An entity has one primary administrator for its particular application. The primary admininistator manages his users with the system and assigns each user a "User Role". Potential User Roles for an Insurance Company would be: Entity Primary Admin, Entity Secondary Admin, Call Center User, Claim Manager, Claim Adjuster....Most web based applications limit what the user can see and do based on User Roles.
B. Type of System
I don't know what the correct description of this would be, however, when I say type of system, I am really just referring to a web based system that is private for each entity...it must be secure...at least it must be as secure as anything else out there...so....assuming any web based system can be "hacked", we must design the system to pass the test of those entities that would be interested in seeing it work.....
C. Objectives Summary of the System
Objectives of the System are bullet points for the highest level of functionality...not the specific features. For instance....The overall objectives of a system designed from the point of view of the "Catadjuster Community" would be to allow the independent adjuster to do what:
1) Work for Whomever and Wherever We Choose
2) Recieve all the Assignments we ever wanted
3) Be Cost Effective
4) Help Reduce Software Requirements & Expenses - Certainly not increase the cost and difficulty
5) Etc. etc.
D. Functionalities Summary of the System
This is much more difficult than you would imagine...as...we must define the functionality for each entity and each user role within those entities. For independent "CatAdjusters" it is much easier....for instance...
1) Must be able ot earn a living and use the system with "One User Name and Password"
2) Manage claims ..assignment, status updates, file uploading, diary, collaboration with contractors, summary, reports, etc. etc.
3) Bookkeeping and Taxes - it would be nice if this were all included....
I would not expect any system to influence great changes in the way things work, especially with so many jobs and careers on the line that need to maintain the Status Quo.
If I were an Insurance Company I would like to track the variances between
1) the Reserve,
2) the Call (initial estimated cost), and
3) the Final Actual Cost
In addition, I would like to know
1) Cost of Materials and the Cost of Fully Burdened "Subcontracted" Labor - meaning ...for each particular Catastrophe...maintain a common set of items for the processes and prices charged by the actual subcontractors that are doing the work....on a Trade, Job or Phase basis
2) The status of the Reconstruction Process - how many Trades, Jobs, Phases left to complete....
2 Hours - $110