18 Replies and 27018 Views
Is it us(cat.adjusters) or Them?(law firms) 27018 18
Started by Ray Hall
This is hurricane IKE specific. I do not know how many property losses were filed. About 15 law firms are running TV adds for low settlements, tag team adjusters and other slogan in the Houston-Beaumont area.From the adds you are led to think thousands of people have reopened their claim by one law firm
** I have edited my post of 6.17.09. I know law suits are being filed as I was named for the first time in my adjusting career. If the catastrophe adjusting industry chased poli...
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by commguy01 08/05/2016 8:07 PM |
5 Replies and 7076 Views
Happy 1st day of the 2014 hurricane season! 7076 5
Started by AcceleratedAdjuster
So, NOAA says it will be a slow year, but they said last year would be crazy busy too, so we will see.
Anyway, stay safe out there, and happy new year from all of us at Accelerated :)
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by rwheeling 07/05/2014 4:38 PM |
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by CatAdjusterX 09/09/2012 2:24 AM |
0 Replies and 5174 Views
FEMA uses Waffle House Index 5174 0
Started by Leland
As a Californian I am deprived of Waffle Houses and miss them greatly, especially the hash browns with everything on top I used to eat many mornings before crossing Lake Ponchartrain into New Orleans.
I just completed an Iron-Butt challenge driving from Southern California to Galveston and back.&160; On the way through West Texas I was drifting off at 5 am and asked my wife to take the wheel so I could sleep. So naturally I told her to stop at the first Waffle House she saw. Unfortunately sh...
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09/02/2011 1:33 PM |
24 Replies and 14587 Views
Storm Surge - Is it flood or wind? 14587 24
Started by johnpostava
The following article says only 20 of residents in Galveston County have flood insurance. How stupid is that! No wonder they now want to call Storm Surge a wind-related event! ======================================== Windstorm association won't cover surge By KELLEY SHANNON Associated Press Writer © 2008 The Associated Press Sept. 17, 2008, 3:37PM AUSTIN — A Texas consumer group took issue with the state-chartered windstorm insurance association Wednesday over its refusal to pay c...
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14587 |
by Ray Hall 10/22/2010 2:17 PM |
3 Replies and 5468 Views
Report on Solvency of Wind Pools 5468 3
Started by Medulus
Here is one of the most recent reports on the ability of Wind Pools in general, and Citizens Florida in particular, to pay their claims.
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by Medulus 09/24/2009 4:44 PM |
9 Replies and 8151 Views
Thermal Movement 8151 9
Started by rbryanhines
Was wondering if anyone has ever heard of asphalt shingles being effected by thermal movement&160;Please describe. Also trying find a unit cost per square for resealing wind lifted shingles. Xactimate has a cost of around $35-$39 per square however appears to&160;be for hand sealing a newly installed roof in a cool climate. Anythoughts on this topic or unit cost from a different data base.
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by rbryanhines 08/31/2009 10:56 AM |
13 Replies and 9005 Views
Overhead & Profit 9005 13
Started by jleusner
We're investigating the non-payment of overhead and profit during Hurricane Ike in Texas in 2009. If you're an independent adjuster who worked on that hurricane, I'd like to talk to you. We're investigating the conduct of residential property & casualty carriers.
Thank You.
Jim Leusner
James, Hoyer, Newcomer, Smiljanich & Yanchunis, P.A.
One Urban Centre
Suite 550
4830 W. Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33609
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9005 |
by Medulus 07/10/2009 2:40 PM |
2 Replies and 7639 Views
Wind Damage Poll 7639 2
Started by host
If you inspected the following roof and the&160;roofer or insured showed you the areas in photos 2-6&160;which would you agree&160;were examples of&160;wind damage if any&160;
Other Details:
The roof contains no areas of missing shingles.
Roof is 8/12 plus.&160;
Dwelling was in the area hit by Ike.
Roof was replaced after Rita.
Area of Roof.
Photo 2
Photo 3 - Above
Photo 4 - Above
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by dcmarlin 12/30/2008 10:33 PM |
17 Replies and 6084 Views
Hurricane Hanna 6084 17
Started by margar1
I will go ahead and make an early prediction since this one has been so hard to track.
Charleston, S.C
Cat 2
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by sbeau4014 09/02/2008 8:22 PM |
25 Replies and 12992 Views
TS Fay 12992 25
Started by Tom Toll
I don't believe, after looking at all weather information available, including my airmans weather information, that Fay is going to do much damage. It is just not going to develop into much of a hurricane, if at all. Citizens is attempting to deploy a number of desk adjusters and field teams, prematurely I think. I just hope they are going to pay all the feet on the ground if this does not amount to much. I don't think this will amount to much.
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by rbryanhines 08/24/2008 11:51 PM |
20 Replies and 19737 Views
Citizens Policies 19737 20
Started by MBoy
Does anyone have copies of the current insurance policies offered by Citizens Insurance in Florida&160; A search of their website did not reveal PDF copies of the policies.&160; I know in 2004 & 2005, I was able to download the policies.&160; It seems strange they want to keep the policies away from the public.
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by rhida 08/15/2008 3:24 AM |
2 Replies and 5954 Views
Price Gouging in Florida During '04 and '05 5954 2
Started by johnpostava
I am&160;sitting on&160;a committee that is attending a conference in June for the State of Florida's Inspector General's Office.&160; They want me to address the group on topics including fraud and price gouging after the storms of '04 and '05.&160; Our adjusting firm did see some of this type of activity and I will be sharing our fim's experience with the group so they know what to watch out for should FL get hit again this year.
Without naming names, any CADO adjusters have any personal ...
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by johnpostava 05/22/2008 8:57 AM |
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by Adjusterman 11/21/2007 10:41 AM |
11 Replies and 7196 Views
I got my license Mar 06 7196 11
Started by jtarter
Therefore can someone tell me what a hurricane is
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by okclarryd 10/29/2007 9:15 PM |
3 Replies and 5953 Views
2007 Hurricane Season & La Nina 5953 3
Started by Jud G.
I realize that most of you are already aware of the potential effects of the upcoming La Nina (if it occurs). Yet, since no one's posted about it, here's some generic information from the AP: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17378414/print/1/displaymode/1098/.
Keep in mind, 2006 was predicted to be a hectic season full of landfalling hurricanes, but the scientists never predicted El Nino to push them all out to sea (nor to make landfall). Use this time to get prepared.
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by JimGary 10/13/2007 9:27 PM |
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by Ray Hall 10/03/2007 3:11 PM |
12 Replies and 8814 Views
2006 Hurricane Predictions 8814 12
Started by TomW
I am not familiar with how to bring in archived posts, but I think there was a contest on where and when the first Atlantic Hurricane will make landfall.
If I remember correctly, I predicted a non-event Hurricane season. Wow...I think I won.
Please don't take this the wrong way, I know some are probably really needing the work. I know, I have been there too. Making it through this type of year is an important necessity as an IA. Good luck.
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by HuskerCat 01/02/2007 1:30 PM |