Use Sketch Templates to save time and increase production
Using templates can save you time. Templates can be created for all diagrams or a part of a diagram. An example would be a hail assignment when you had a lot of roofs to diagram. You could create your most common diagrams and reuse them as needed. You can adjust the dimensions after loading a template as needed from claim to claim. For the example below we created a simple roof with a 20' ridge and 10' slopes or 400 sf for the first claim and saved it has a template.

Now that we have the roof created we need to make it template so we can use it on the next claim that has a gable roof.
To do this we highlight the roof area by clicking it. Once it is active the save template icon becomes active, as shown in the image below.

We click the "Save Template" and give our template a name.

Then when we have a claim with a gable roof we just load the template into the new claim and adjust the measurements.
After you click the Load Template icon you will see a list of your templates.

Load it and change the dimensions to match your scope for the current claim. You can do this in several ways. I like to use the properties window and change the rafter length to get it to match my measurements. But you may have another way, use the method that works best for you.

BTW, using the dimensions tab in the properties area (you can get there by selecting properties from the right click menu) is a good way to to check your settings and adjust them if needed. For example if you draw the same (20' X 10") roof shown above and your sqs do not equal 4 then you may need to check the Rafter Length area above. While your dimensions on your diagram may show a slope of 10' when you check the rafter length as shown above you may see 9' 11 5/8 in the left and right face boxes, just change this to the actual length and you should get the correct squares.
For this example we used a simple roof but the real time saver comes when you have more complicated roofs or diagrams.
We plan to start a template exchange here on CADO where you offer your templates for free or a fee.
5/28 Edit, added the images beow that show a gable with two different slopes.

The image below shows the properties.