129 Replies and 49193 Views
Fire in CA 49193 129
Started by stephie76
Anyone know what the likelihood of any of us getting work from the wildfire in CA How big will it have to get
Just curious.
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49193 |
by HuskerCat 10/25/2016 10:15 PM |
55 Replies and 38459 Views
I fell off the roof for the first time in my life 38459 55
Started by Olegred
I went on this 10/12 garage to mark the hail squares. I was with the contractor. Northern slope was all covered with algae. I was talking to the contractor and said, 'I am not going on that slope'. As these words&160; were coming out of my mouth, I started sliding. Slid all the way down, gaining speed and fell to the ground. The contractor ran like crazy to see if I was hurt, but I was really lucky that day.Slightly sprained ankle and scratches all over my hands from trying to stop that was it....
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38459 |
by jhooker 11/14/2014 10:59 AM |
44 Replies and 30465 Views
Class of BP Oil Spill Claims Adjusters Wants Back Wages and Overtime Pay 30465 44
Started by host
NEW ORLEANS (CN) - A class of more than 1,000 oil spill claims adjusters say they worked more than 40 hours a week without overtime pay for BP and Worley Catastrophe Response. Lead plaintiff John Altier sued on behalf of an estimated class of 1,300, who were hired to research and pay claims to victims of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster.
Altier says that he and the class 'were paid at a daily rate of pay. Plaintiff, and all other similarly situated claims adjusters were specifically p...
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30465 |
by CatAdjusterX 08/24/2011 5:35 PM |
0 Replies and 726 Views
Allcat payments 726 0
Started by Radams77429
...since Allcat bought Colonial Claims, I haven&39;t received any of my outstanding payments. Does anyone have experience with Allcat, or who I should contact I&39;m due for 5 claims where the insured&39;s received payment months ago. I was chaulking it up to the transfer of business, but at this point I&39;m wondering if it&39;s just standard practice for Allcat.
We&39;re not talking huge dollar amounts, but they are MY dollar amounts.
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726 |
06/29/2023 1:35 PM |
0 Replies and 1315 Views
Digital Signature Software 1315 0
Started by johnpostava
Can anyone suggest a reliable software for digital signatures There are several out there from FREE to a few bucks a year. Docusign seems to be the choice for realtors and mortgage folks. What are some of the CADO adjusters using to collect policyholder signatures
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1315 |
07/01/2021 9:46 AM |
0 Replies and 2241 Views
Over 19,000 Lawsuits file against Florida Property Insurance providers 2241 0
Started by host
While reading some articles on the web I came across an article that is reporting that over 19,000 lawsuits have been filed so far in 2020 against Florida property insurers by 25 attorneys. Per the article the data is based public information from Department of Financial Services.
Here is a link to the article.
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2241 |
10/30/2020 12:41 PM |
0 Replies and 3150 Views
Puerto Rico Cat or Daily Claims 3150 0
Started by Bo.Dreher
Curious if you folks know what firms work Puerto Rico on a regular bases or actively looking for adjusters in PR. I have searched but can olny come up with Crawford, Renfroe and Littleton as far as state based firms.
Did anyone here work PR for Maria What were your experiences What was the $0 estimate fee schedule and what carrier was it for
I've been trying to land a gig in PR for 2 years to no avail. Any advise, comments except folks putting me down for asking are much appre...
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3150 |
09/16/2019 2:29 PM |
0 Replies and 6930 Views
The Attorney tells me to bring a gun! Uh...WHAT? 6930 0
Started by vsadjuster
So I am in Florida cleaning up insurance claims after Hurricane Irma and I call the attorney representing a homeowner to schedule the inspection. The very first words to me are 'do you own a gun' I was caught off guard. Is this a trick question We don't bring weapons on inspections! I asked why and he responds, there is a 700 lb. bear that lives at the property. Well my usual insurance related questions are out the window as the topic is now 'Bear'.
Having grown up in Florida I thought to mys...
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6930 |
04/30/2019 8:26 PM |
2 Replies and 5176 Views
Adjuster Health Insurance 5176 2
Started by Kevin Ingram
Does anyone know of any companies offering health insurance to independent adjusters as a group I came across one adjusterbenefits.com and am thinking about signing up but wanted to see if there are any other options out there. Some people in one of the adjusting groups I am in on facebook put it together. I currently have a grandfathered policy through Blue Cross but my wife and kids have Humana and they are losing their coverage at the end of the year. Any though...
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5176 |
by ellenpimentel 04/05/2019 3:07 AM |
10 Replies and 13151 Views
State Farm 13151 10
Started by mikt
Hoping you guys and gals could help with a little info
I am looking to get some information about working for State Farm as a staff Cat Adjuster. I have a couple of months doing claims under my belt. So being new to the adjuster side of things, I thought that by working for a carrier I may have more opportunity for training and etc. I have searched their website and cannot seem to find any info on open jobs as an adjuster. Does anyone have any inf...
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13151 |
by IAPATH 07/19/2018 8:48 AM |
0 Replies and 3111 Views
Change of Profession? (experienced large loss and cat adjuster) 3111 0
Started by BobDoLe
I appreciate if you'd let me pick your brains for a moment here.
I've got about a decade's of heavy cat adjuster experience (working in house for one of the major carriers) and about 5 solid years of large loss experience also. All of this has been in residential construction. I have a 4 year degree (BBA) that I haven't ever really applied.
The pay is good, but the travel is still a bit too much 60 despite no longer doing CAT which was about 90 of travel at times. I loved CAT, but w...
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3111 |
06/24/2018 12:35 PM |
0 Replies and 2113 Views
NAFTA TN1 permits 2113 0
Started by olderthendirt
With the likely hood of NAFTA being cancelled there is a question as these permits were introduced as part of NAFTA .
Lately a lot of US adjusters have been working north and I assume they all got TN1 permits. As always a few Canuks work south, especially when it a busy year.
Will we be able to cross the border to work in the future
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2113 |
06/11/2018 9:50 AM |
0 Replies and 2765 Views
WriteLoss-Xactimate writing company 2765 0
Started by James1010
Has anyone heard of or used www.writeloss.com for writing Xactimate reports How was your experience with them Did they really have 24-48 hour turn around on your reports as advertised Were the reports they wrote accurate with no mistakes Has anyone heard of other companies who offer a similar service Any info is much appreciated.
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2765 |
04/10/2018 9:20 PM |
0 Replies and 2746 Views
Annual Adjusters Training, Anyone going? 2746 0
Started by James1010
Is anyone attending or have heard of this Annual Adjusters Training going on this month in the Tampa and Orlando areas, being hosted by Winkler-Treger and Associates Here's a link to the registration page:
Is this a legitimate training or simply a marketing gimmick
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2746 |
04/06/2018 6:36 PM |
0 Replies and 3384 Views
Florida Adjusters Study Guide/Manual 3384 0
Started by James1010
Has anyone used the Florida Adjusters Study Guide to prepare for the state exam What's your opinion of the textbook Was the textbook helpful and full of relevant info that's included in the exam, or not so much Does anyone have a used copy for sale
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3384 |
04/05/2018 1:31 PM |
0 Replies and 3433 Views
Adjusting to 6 figures 3433 0
Started by James1010
Has anyone had any experience with www.adjustingto6figures.com
Has anyone listed on their roster list and with what amount or success/response
Are there any other national or statewide roster list databases that anyone know about
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3433 |
04/05/2018 10:52 AM |
1 Replies and 4004 Views
Started by LG2009
THE NEW DEAL! I have had several Cat companies approach me during these last storms with bogus price lists.
One company wanted to dispatch me with Ins Co 'A' and pay me off a price list from Ins Co 'B'! When I questioned hem about this, I got no response. Another Cat Co decided that they would pay $100 for an inspection & scope only, the pay someone else another $100 for the estimate, and bill the Ins Co the full $700 fee! - GREED is running rampant among some of the Cat Cos. We leave our...
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4004 |
by kevinimiller007 12/16/2017 2:30 PM |
0 Replies and 2968 Views
E&O Coverage Excluding Named Storms 2968 0
Started by mce1claims
For the past year, I have maintained Liability and E&O coverage with Acceptance Indemnity Insurance Company. The policy is marketed through AMIS, a surplus lines broker in CA. The coverage meets the requirements of my customers and provides a reasonably priced package policy. Unfortunately, those seeking similar coverage for CAT deployment situations may need to look elsewhere.
Just prior to my renewal, I was advised that, in addition to the normal documents, I would have...
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2968 |
09/21/2017 4:24 PM |
2 Replies and 3438 Views
What would make your claims experience better? 3438 2
Started by PBrooks
I work for a third party steep and high ladder assist company. My job is to make sure my guys out in the field are happy and enjoying work. I see a lot of negativity surrounding work as a claims adjuster. I want to know what you would like to see in the world of claims.
What would make your experience as an adjuster more positive
What would you want your company's to provide you Technology, benefits, etc.
What annoys you the most when working with third parties or claims in...
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3438 |
by PBrooks 07/26/2017 3:42 PM |
7 Replies and 4001 Views
Stucco question 4001 7
Started by suzukini
Hello again everyone,
I hate having to ask this, but I will be the first to admit I am very unexperienced with stucco finishes, especially seeing them here in CA without any wall sheathing on the interior side. Wind driven rain caused water to enter this attached garage which has in turn caused the felt backing of the stucco finish as well as the interior wood paneling to have staining. My question is this: is the damage on the stucco felt layer something that needs to be replaced o...
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4001 |
by HuskerCat 04/05/2017 7:10 PM |