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Tags: FAQ
48 replies and 33203 views Newbie Questions Experienced Guys Please Help Started 07/31/2008 @ 12:08 PM by Medulus
48 33203
In: Getting Started
11/26/2018 @ 11:06 AM
104 replies and 78848 views Need help getting started as a CAT adjuster Started 08/31/2009 @ 1:15 AM by BrianTonia
104 78848
In: Getting Started
By: Marcus
02/25/2015 @ 4:56 PM
64 replies and 40080 views Camera Purchase??? Started 12/18/2007 @ 1:37 PM by Deleted User
64 40080
In: Tools of the Trade
By: Jud G.
08/01/2013 @ 6:22 PM
3 replies and 8211 views Ride Along/Mentor Started 05/20/2010 @ 8:23 PM by aseabo1
3 8211
In: Getting Started
By: Cissy
10/19/2012 @ 12:55 PM
27 replies and 27851 views Anyone have a Comprehensive List of Tools? Started 09/09/2008 @ 10:38 AM by Deleted User
27 27851
In: Tools of the Trade
By: GAMaster
02/10/2012 @ 11:19 AM
14 replies and 9985 views Ride a long Started 06/14/2010 @ 7:09 PM by kcolson
14 9985
In: Getting Started
By: okclarryd
02/01/2012 @ 10:57 AM
22 replies and 19144 views Need a mentor Started 09/29/2009 @ 12:06 PM by virgo39
22 19144
In: Training - Licensing - Certification
By: JohnnyB
01/30/2012 @ 11:23 PM
161 replies and 46689 views how much staff guys make? Started 01/07/2010 @ 6:12 PM by Deleted User
161 46689
In: General
By: Shotgun1053
12/20/2011 @ 12:45 PM
11 replies and 9556 views Newbie Question -- What should I do next? Started 02/01/2010 @ 6:49 PM by Florabama
11 9556
In: Getting Started
By: Roy Estes
11/04/2011 @ 6:15 PM
33 replies and 34470 views TELESCOPIC LADDERS Started 04/21/2010 @ 9:14 PM by JRM8833
33 34470
In: Tools of the Trade
By: CatAdjusterX
09/11/2011 @ 10:46 PM
54 replies and 52383 views Roof Safety Started 03/12/2009 @ 6:31 AM by Raaptyr
54 52383
In: Tools of the Trade
By: FloridaBoy
08/21/2011 @ 10:44 AM
23 replies and 15648 views Car Desks - What is the best solution on the market? Started 07/24/2008 @ 10:41 PM by quoin4
23 15648
In: Tools of the Trade
By: racerx
06/15/2011 @ 5:20 PM
40 replies and 46888 views Roof Chalk Started 05/03/2008 @ 12:59 PM by JimGary
40 46888
In: Tools of the Trade
By: Atfulldraw
05/17/2011 @ 3:09 AM
10 replies and 11042 views How do I get started? Started 10/08/2010 @ 1:01 PM by Elden
10 11042
In: Getting Started
By: Ray Hall
05/01/2011 @ 11:21 AM
24 replies and 12363 views NEED A MENTOR Started 03/25/2010 @ 6:05 PM by Dillon
24 12363
In: Getting Started
By: mgiles
04/30/2011 @ 7:52 PM
17 replies and 28594 views Certifications that will help get an adjuster deployed sooner! Started 02/11/2011 @ 11:03 PM by mjolly52
17 28594
In: Training - Licensing - Certification
By: Ray Hall
03/27/2011 @ 2:30 PM
30 replies and 21559 views E&O insurance Started 02/28/2009 @ 4:22 PM by Deleted User
30 21559
In: General
By: Ray Hall
03/07/2011 @ 5:26 PM
11 replies and 4427 views New Student With Questions Started 01/18/2011 @ 12:03 AM by thrashin302
11 4427
In: General
By: CatAdjusterX
02/09/2011 @ 4:49 AM
2 replies and 9505 views Newbie needs tips Started 09/21/2010 @ 11:02 PM by lern1079
2 9505
In: Getting Started
By: lern1079
09/23/2010 @ 7:51 PM
68 replies and 16117 views Questions about the claim adjuster business Started 08/13/2010 @ 2:48 PM by JHoward23
68 16117
In: General
By: CatAdjusterX
08/26/2010 @ 11:22 PM

These Forums are dedicated to discussion of Claims Adjusting.


For the benefit of the community and to protect the integrity of the ecosystem, please observe the following posting guidelines: 

  • No Advertising. 
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