Our sister company has had the good fortune to pick up a few new WYO flood insurance clients and may need additional adjusters if the right storm makes landfall in the right place at the right time.
We adjust primarly flood claims and I would say we are pretty good at it (we've been doing flood for 20 years and still kicking!).
Forget what you've heard about flood. SIMSOL software makes it easy to handle the additional paperwork and has since 1984.
If you work for us you get SIMSOL software at no cost to you.
And now, with our ClaimsWire XML software, claims are sent directly to adjusters and automatically loaded in their adjusting software. We submit our files electronically so you never need to print anything. What could be easier!
If you are currently flood certified and GOOD AT FLOOD (no newbies, please). Jump on our website (www.catadjuster.com) or use this link to send us a resume and someone will call:
Thanks for your time...
PS: If you're too old or too tired to walk through flooded houses in the summertime but still know flood, we may need an examiner or two or three. Talk to us.