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Last Post 12/17/2006 9:53 AM by  JimGary
Stock Spam
 5 Replies
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host Founder

12/11/2006 10:16 PM
    I hope you don't get as much spam as I do. I do not have an account with a provider like AOL or EarthLink so all of my mail comes from the mail server. The provider of the server does provide some industrial strength spam filters but I still get a ton of spam.  So I have installed additional filters at the server level and on my laptop but it still comes.  It seems like this  "stock spam" or investment spam has moved ahead of the drug spam.   I found out that there is at least one thing we can do with the stock spam,  forward the email to the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission), using click here for details.
    Gale Hawkins

    12/11/2006 10:38 PM

    Roy, it is bad and it a new scam one after another. On average I get 500 spam emails each day. Last week went implemented the MailFoundry appliance


    Today there is no magic bullet it seems.

    host Founder

    12/11/2006 11:11 PM
    Gale thanks for the info on I will check it out. I feel bad because the spam got so bad at one point that I set my filters too high and was loosing some valid emails. I'm glad I do not get as much spam as you do. Some people believe the only way to fight or end spam is to charge postage for sending email.
    Gale Hawkins

    12/11/2006 11:15 PM

    Roy, I expect every good email from the outside is costing us $10 each in “postage” today. :(

    Gale Hawkins

    12/16/2006 5:09 PM

    There is a $10 per month (a few weeks ago the first 10 email boxes checked were free) per email address option from MailFoundry for those that host their own email accounts but do not want to purchase any hardware. The hardware option is costing us about $5 per month per mailbox in our case but since The MailFoundry 1150 server box is good for up to 150 email accounts then the cost would only be $1 per email box if used to capacity. The MailFoundry 1150 is the smallest anti spam and virus hardward solution from MailFoundry.

    continues to improve our productivity at HRI. The lack of false positives has been a huge surprise to me because I had assumed testimonials posted on their site were exceptions to the norm. We implemented Mailfoundry on 5 Dec 06 and have yet to find one business email to be a false positive.
    We had one employee who sent a batch for photos from her personal home email account to another employee’s work email account and Mailfoundry labeled it as spam so we are still at ZERO false positive as far as we are concerned after 12 days of Mailfoundry going online. The 250 spam messages a day that were getting to Exchange and landing in my Junk E-mail folder are down to 150 a day after about 10 days of training which is a breeze with the Mailfoundry toolbar for Outlook that you can download from their site. The number of spam that actually gets to my Inbox is very small which permits me to see my good email at a glance and deal with the spam when I wish.
    Below is a full history report from our Mailfoundry 1150 box. The viruses are killed at the box and do not even arrive to our Exchange server as is the spam it detects but you have a one click option to let any email labeled as spam to pass . I am sure Exchange would thank us if it could talk for reducing its work load by 90%.




    Total Messages

    Allowed Messages

    Allowed %

    Blocked Messages

    Blocked %





    10.28 %


    89.72 %


    12/17/2006 9:53 AM
    I choose to look at the bright side of Spam, just this morning I found out that I was preaproved for a home equity loan, got a hot stock tip so I can pay back the loan, found a special on Viagra, that it apears I will need since there are evidently 32 women who want me........Life is good!!!

    Obviously bored,
    I know the voices aren't real, but sometimes they're right!
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