05/15/2010 12:04 PM |
i wish I could be on standby daily rate now :)
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claims_ray Member Posts:293  
05/15/2010 12:19 PM |
Wish in one hand and Crap in the other and tell me which one fills up quicker?
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05/15/2010 1:49 PM |
Deep Thoughts. Very Deep Thoughts. And to think they accuse ME of being too pithy. I did some online research on the watery currents coursing thru the Gulf of Mexico. Turns out it is one complicated mess out there. There is a current going this-a-way and another going that-a-way, not to mention eddies in the current. (Who's Eddie?) Given the spewage from that 21" pipe is a mile under water and then there's the affect on the whole shebang from the Mississippi River flow, it's no wonder the actual oil on top of the water is not going immediately onshore. Also, unlike the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989 where it all dumped in a single load onto the surface in a confined bay, the BP event is a continuing eruption in open and deep water. Were the forces of Nature to go ahead with an onshore flow, the number of workers would dramatically increase, as would the cable TV cacaphony. Ol' Ghost
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05/15/2010 3:11 PM |
we all should do oil dance
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claims_ray Member Posts:293  
05/15/2010 5:05 PM |
There seems to be too much enjoyment over this disaster from one person on this forum. He is giggling like a school girl. I don't even know why. He doesn't have the knowledge or the experience to work claims related to this disaster. Olegred, There is no money in this for you. This is a terrible disaster causing damage to the Gulf ecosystem and economy of a multitude of people. There is no reason for any to take enjoyment from the pain others.
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ChuckDeatonLife Member  Senior Member Posts:1110  
05/15/2010 7:06 PM |
Can you say, "apocalyptic".
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
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05/15/2010 8:04 PM |
claims_ray We'll see. Right now the dice are in the air. I can always supervise those who have experience.
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05/15/2010 8:11 PM |
LOL keep providing us your wisdom (humor) and leave the real adjusters do the work.
I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers.
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claims_ray Member Posts:293  
05/15/2010 9:22 PM |
Even if someone is ignorant of your abilities and allows you to manage an experienced team of adjusters, there is no reason to take such enjoyment in the damage that has and will be caused.
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
05/15/2010 9:25 PM |
Folks this is a bad spill. Lets just go one step at a time. If they are able to stab into the riser with the 6 inch "Stent" and it sets BP will fill up ships on the surface without a drop of spill and a side track well can kill this well below the ocean floor.The can burn of most of the oil on the surface when the chop abates. They can sink most of the oil to the ocean floor now, just do not know the impact on the ocean.Crude oil is bio degadedable in about one year. The cat. adjusters role in this is to take in the claims. Phone or in person. The casualty adjusters will be choice before any roof thumpers, with ladders and xmate. Please do not show the whole world your glee about getting a paycheck from this event. This will have far reaching consequences of they shout down all drilling in GOM. This will knock over 30,000 people out of work who do the drilling, feeding, laundry captain the boats, planes and supply all the supplies needed 365 days 24 hours a day year after year. This topic should be closed it only shows the charactor of the vultures who call themselves Cat. adjusters. You people need to be put on tornado slab claims were your only fee bill is .50 per square foot of slab. Take it or go home. Shame Shame.
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05/15/2010 10:01 PM |
Posted By claims_ray on 15 May 2010 09:22 PM
Even if someone is ignorant of your abilities and allows you to manage an experienced team of adjusters, there is no reason to take such enjoyment in the damage that has and will be caused.
I'm morning dead plantkton no less than you, relax.
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ChuckDeatonLife Member  Senior Member Posts:1110  
05/16/2010 1:49 AM |
" The 00Z GFS, just coming out now, indicates the possibility of tropical cyclone development in the SW Caribbean in just a little over a week. This would coincide with a predicted more favorable upward motion pattern as well. We'll have to see other major computer models come on board before putting too much in to this...."
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
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05/16/2010 8:37 AM |
I talked with a vendor late Friday afternoon. Seems the big concern is the lack of experienced adjusters to handle this mess. Seems everyone was concerned with keeping a pool of trained or trainable wind adjusters on their rosters. They ask me how many adjusters I knew who could handle these type of claims. The list was not that long. These will be ongoing claims that will stay open for years. Wait till some type of storm gets into the gulf and blows this stuff everywhere. How do you get oil off a eight story condo building while keeping EPA happy? How much will it cost?
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05/16/2010 9:19 AM |
Alan, the correct answer to your question is: When one is monitoring the HAZWOPER operations on the daily rate, very, VERY slowly. Ol' Ghost
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05/16/2010 1:29 PM |
I don't know, while hopes are high, it's not clear how this will play out :) I hear they inserted the tube into the leak, so it could be over...
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
05/16/2010 2:14 PM |
I think it will go away. They can contain the slick and burn it off in a couple of days with all the boats they have hired. Probably enough of street people deployed. BP will be able to shut in the well and go to plan B. I could not invision hurricane force winds blowing cude onto buildings on land, I have seen paint sand blasted in NC, but this is only feet away from structures. I have seen a large "burp" from a refinery that turned i to a cloud @ 50.000 feet blown over Pasadena to the East by a thunderstorm and rain down black cob webs on frame houses and auto,s. About 20 Crawford adjusters cashed this out in about one month, in the $25 to $100.00 range.No estimates, just come into the office and pick up the check after the street adjuster agreed with the 3rd party.
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05/17/2010 11:51 AM |
It appears that the 'straw' is a band aid.
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05/19/2010 2:46 PM |
Just a quick little report. My wife just got back from a business trip to Mobile,AL. She reports most of the hotels and motels are full with oil response teams. They must be expecting something big soon. Try www.al.com you can click on Mobile for more information. Thanks,
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