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The CADO Polls\Surveys contain 10,998 votes as of 2/1/2020.

Hurricane Forecast

1. Which hurricane forecast do you believe is the most accurate? See the cane page for links to the forecast.

Dr. Gray's (101) 50%
North Carolina State University (40) 20%
TSR's (4) 2% (Joe Bastardi) (55) 28%

2. How much stock do you put in the hurricane forecast for this season?

None (20) 7%
Not much (81) 27%
It makes me somewhat optimistic (152) 51%
A lot! (38) 13%
Enough to quit my day job (9) 3%

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2011 Career Path

1. Well it's been another slow year, so what do you plan to do in 2011

Continue to work as an Independent Adjuster (47) 58%
Look for staff work in the claims industry (7) 9%
Look for work in a different industry (24) 30%
Retire  (3) 4%

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1. Do you agree or disagree that global warming is occurring?

Agree (22) 33%
Disagree (37) 56%
Unsure (7) 11%

2. Global warming has effected our industry?

I don't believe in global warming so no. (31) 47%
Strongly Agree (7) 11%
Moderately Agree (11) 17%
Disagree (13) 20%
Unsure (4) 6%

Satellite Roof Measurements

1. Have you use a Satellite Roof Measurement service?

Yes, all the time (12) 7%
Yes, only on steep or difficult roofs (71) 39%
Yes, only when required by the client (14) 8%
Yes, to settle disputes only (11) 6%
No (75) 41%

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Getting Started

1. How long from the time you decided to become an adjuster did it take you to land your first assignment?

Less than 3 months  57%
3 to 6 months  9%
6 to 12 months  13%
12 to 18 months  6%
More than 18 months  10%
Never received an assignment  6%

2. If you landed an assignment what do you think helped most in getting the assignment.

Past Experience   17%
Software Training  1%
Adjuster Training  9%
Knowing someone already in the field  39%
Persistence   14%
A lot of storms  20%

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Current Poll: Are your assignments Zoned?

1. When you arrive at a new location and start receiving assignments are they zoned or grouped by zip code?

Yes  38%
No, not at all  29%
Somewhat  33%


1. Which one of the current Tropical Storms do you believe will result in deployment for you.

Ana (8) 6%
Bill (51) 40%
Claudette (4) 3%
None (64) 50%

Irene Deployment

1. Have you been deployed to handle claims from Irene?

Yes  87%
No  13%

2. How many claims have you received so far?

Less than 25  19%
25 - 50  22%
51 - 75  21%
76 - 100  16%
101 - 150  11%
more than 150  13%

Click here to take part in our assignment survey.

Cat Adjusting

1. Can Cat Adjusting survive on major events only? i.e. hurricanes, earthquakes

Yes (90) 25%
No (234) 64%
Maybe (40) 11%

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Survey - Unadhered Shingles

1. Your inspection of a roof after a hurricane makes landfall only finds unadhered shingles.

This is damage and I write an estimate for repairs.  53%
There is no direct damage from wind, no claim.  47%

2. You are working a lightning claim in Ohio, the lightning splits a tree and a tree limb hits the rear slope damaging a 5' X 5' area. Your inspection also finds unadhered shingles on the front slope.

I write an estimate for repairs to the rear slope only.  68%
I write an estimate for the repairs to rear slope and front slope.  30%
The damage appears to be below the $500.00 deductible so I do not write an estimate.  3%

Dicusssion - Example

How do you reduce reopens?

1. Which of the following do you feel does the most to reduce reopens?

A thorough inspection (60) 24%
Correctly identifying the damaged material ( i.e. 220 vs 240 # shingles) and using the correct repair methods and prices (38) 15%
Getting an agreed scope with the insured and\or Contractor (92) 37%
Getting the claim completed quickly (6) 2%
Taking time to explain the claim process to the insured (51) 20%
Other, share your thoughts in the forum (2) 1%

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Ernesto - Is it the One?

1. What's your gut feeling about this one?

Way too early (54) 36%
Not going to happen (75) 49%
Packing my bags (17) 11%
Not interested  (6) 4%

2. Have you been put on Standby?

No (50) 33%
Yes (102) 67%

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Did you get a job?

1. Have you attended a training class or training classes the last two years?

Yes (231) 96%
No (9) 4%

2. If yes, how long after attending the class did it take to get employment?

Within 30 days (34) 14%
31 to 60 days (20) 8%
61 to 120 days (14) 6%
121 to 180 days (11) 5%
More than 180 days (19) 8%
Have not received an offer of employment  (129) 54%
NA (13) 5%

3. Do you think the class or classes helped with the employment?

Yes (69) 29%
No (95) 40%
A little (37) 15%
NA (39) 16%

On The Road

1. How many days did you work on assignment in 2008?

0 - Zero (17) 3%
1-30 Days (28) 5%
31-60 Days (89) 17%
61-120 Days (130) 25%
121 - 180 Days (85) 16%
181-240 days (67) 13%
240 Plus (100) 19%

Is Cat Adjusting a Profession or a Commodity?

1. Is Cat Adjusting a Profession or a Commodity?

Commodity (56) 48%
Don't care as long as I get paid. (60) 52%

How long of a dry spell do you save\plan for?

1. How long of a dry spell do you save\plan for?

Did not plan on one. (16) 6%
2 weeks (1) 0%
1 month (4) 2%
2 months (11) 4%
3 months (32) 12%
more than 3 months (196) 75%

2. Do you have a second job or is Adjusting your only job?

Second part time job (54) 21%
Adjusting is my second job (39) 15%
Adjusting is my only job (167) 64%


1. How many claims did you handle in 2009?

0 (60) 14%
1-100 (72) 17%
101-200 (54) 12%
201-300 (37) 9%
301-400 (38) 9%
401-500 (41) 9%
501-600 (28) 6%
601-700 (16) 4%
701-800 (12) 3%
801-900 (9) 2%
901-1000 (7) 2%
More than 1000 (59) 14%

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Oil Spill

1. Should the Military be called in to handle the Oil Spill?

Yes  45%
No  51%
Undecided   5%

Completed Assignment

1. When does your responsibility on a file that was assigned to you end?

When you complete file and turn it in (11) 3%
When the supervisor approves and closes it (101) 30%
When the file is sent to the insurer (8) 2%
When you leave the assignment (64) 19%
When your invoice is paid (48) 14%
When the insured has completed repairs (110) 32%

2. How long after you leave the assignment should you be required to make revisions or handle supplementals that do not require a reinspection?

1 Week (17) 5%
2 weeks (24) 7%
3 weeks (5) 1%
1 month (64) 19%
For the life of the file (143) 42%
I should not be requested to work on the file. (89) 26%

Post Sandy Survey

1. Deployment: How would you rate your Deployment?

Great, I knew where I was going, the type of claims I would received and received instruction and information related to claims I would be getting. (3) 60%
Good, I knew a little about where I was going and what to expect, most of my questions where answered prior to receiving a claim. (2) 40%
Bad, I was requested to report to an area and wait for my claims, no instructions or guidelines provided. (0) 0%

2. Assignments: How would you rate the assignments you received?

Great, received plenty assignments and they where zoned good. (2) 40%
Good, received plenty assignments however they where scatter all over the place. (3) 60%
Bad, did not receive very many assignments, however, they where zoned good. (0) 0%
Very Bad, did not get many assignment and they where scatter all over the area. (0) 0%

Fuel Expenses

1. Are you happy with the way fuel expenses are handled in the fee schedules you are requested to work with?

No (270) 79%
Yes (5) 1%
Somewhat (30) 9%
Very much (6) 2%
In no way (32) 9%

2. Do you think a Cane in the gulf will influence the fee schedules?

No, SOSchedule (152) 44%
Yes, the carriers and vendors will know that they need to give consideration to the extra expense to get adjusters to handle the claims. (134) 39%
Not sure, but I need to work and may be willing to take a hit (57) 17%

3. Who should pay the extra fuel expenses

The Adjuster (9) 3%
The Vendor (27) 8%
The Carrier (297) 87%
The Feds (8) 2%
Other (2) 1%

Work Drought Over? Summer 2008

1. Do you think the work drought is over?

Yes (34) 30%
No (34) 30%
Almost, we need some more assignments (31) 27%
What work drought? (14) 12%

Lack of Work

1. What do you believe is the biggest factor related the current lack of work for IAs?

Weather (291) 54%
High Deductibles (14) 3%
Call Centers (28) 5%
Company Staff (96) 18%
Too many IAs (86) 16%
What lack of work? (27) 5%

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