To answer your question, Roy.
I am just beginning this project, so what I am looking for at this point is:
1. What types of structural issues are particularly prevalent during earthquakes? I plan to do some research into concrete construction, masonry veneer, how to tell a settlement crack from an earthquake crack, what are the various repair methods for concrete, etc, when do you repair versus when do you replace.
2. What are the unique features of earthquake damage? e.g. Are aftershocks likely to create new damage, exacerbate damage done by the main earthquake, etc.
3. Stories are also good as an anecdotal way of presenting some of the materials.
4. Even though earthquakes are generally excluded on commercial forms such as CP 0010 Property Forms, CP 0030 Business income loss forms, or CP1030 causes of loss forms, are there areas where coverage may be afforded that is supplemental to the DIC forms specifically designed to cover earthquake? I already have a pretty good working knowledge of the DIC and commercial property forms that we write. I will be studying them in more detail to see if there are any wrinkles in them that might apply in unexpected ways. Anyone who encountered any of those wrinkles during Northridge or Loma Prieta might be able to steer me in directions I mi9ght not otherwise consider.
When I am done with the sylabus it is likely to become my job to present the training to those hand selected adjusters from other parts of my company. Their role will be as claim examiners on the claims inspected and prepared by independents. I want to make sure I equip these adjusters who are knowledgeable already in their own fields to also be adequate or better property examiners.
Tom, the links are much appreciated and I will be checking them out in more detail soon.