Tim_Johnson Member Posts:243  
03/12/2008 5:27 PM |
An Xmate question here, How do you take the O&P off of one line item and leave it on the ret of the sheet? I have a custom ordered $4,500 Pella window that Pella is going to come out and replace so I am considering it a bid item. Thanks
Tim Johnson
03/12/2008 8:44 PM |
On that line item, left click on the unit price button, in the box that pops up, select the Non O & P button, click OK.
Tim_Johnson Member Posts:243  
03/14/2008 8:29 AM |
Well, that was simple enough. Thanks!
Tim Johnson
Tim_Johnson Member Posts:243  
03/30/2008 9:34 PM |
Does anyone know if Xmate will run on a Mac? The new Mac Air Book is too cool!
Tim Johnson
Tom TollModerator & Life Member  Senior Member Posts:1865  
03/31/2008 10:58 AM |
Tim, I have asked MS/B is their Integraclaim would work on a Mac and they said no. I am going to assume Exactimate would not either, as they would have to rewrite to Mac windows code, and I doubt they would do that. Would be nice to have on a Mac air book, for sure.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
03/31/2008 11:31 AM |
How do you put the name of the insurance company on any paper work ? How do you set up the photo sheets to put some of the insured information on the photo sheet like the insureds name and address ?
03/31/2008 8:10 PM |
To add the insurance company name (in 24), you can go to Modules, then Contacts. I set up the company inside examiner as the Claim Representative, then on the Claim Rep info page, select the Detail tab, then the Company. This will show the company information on the Coversheet. I show my information as the Estimator. For photos only, with no estimate, I just include the coversheet that shows the insured's information. Unless you type it into the photo description box, I don't know of an easy way to get it on each page. Exactimate has a way to modify their forms with additional fields, but the last time I tried I spent 10+ hours, multiple calls to the help desk, etc. and finally gave up. To use XM8 on a Mac, you may be able to do it using two operating systems, one for the Mac stuff and then load Windows XP for Xactimate. I know you can use two operating systems, but I don't know how it is done.
HuskerCat Veteran Member Posts:762  
03/31/2008 10:03 PM |
I always like using the Xact photo sheets on liability, OTR cargo and scene investigation tasks. Just set up a dummy file in Xact with the insured name/claimant name, DOL & claim# only, loaded my photos to it & annotated them. Then saved them to my hard drive as pdf's and deleted the file off of Xact. Seemed easier than using some other generic type of photo sheet, but probably just because I was used to it.
04/09/2008 6:55 AM |
I read your question last week and went to xactware support. The answer I recieved was yes. I would call them to confirm
I will cut and paste if possible .Hope I can help
John Blakesmith
07/28/2008 1:29 PM |
Why would You take out o&p? I t will take at least 3 trades to replace that window. 1, Window installer. 2. Finish Carpenter. and 3. Painter. Take a look at the discription box to the side.
Tim_Johnson Member Posts:243  
07/28/2008 6:43 PM |
The Pella bid included all of the trim and staining. I am still of the opinion that the window replacement was a non O & P items. Does anybody disagree?
Tim Johnson
Tom TollModerator & Life Member  Senior Member Posts:1865  
07/29/2008 11:14 AM |
Tim, I agree that it is a non O&P item. Thats the way I would write it anyway.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
07/29/2008 12:31 PM |
I guess I would need more facts to decide. Did the GC find the Pella rep, call them, meet them at the inspection, agree on the replacement window, order it, and pay for it upfront? Or did the insured call Pella and do the above? If the GC did the work (find, meet, order, pay), how is Pella any different than any other sub the GC might use? If the GC just said to the insured, here's the number for the Pella rep, and that was the extent of his involvement, then I would leave off the O&P. (.02 and worth every penny)
Tim_Johnson Member Posts:243  
07/29/2008 4:15 PM |
The insured handled the Pella contact. They had Pella out of Little Rock replace all of their windows prior to this claim and just called the salesman they dealt with before. The waited to get the settlement check before they ordered the window.
Tim Johnson
HuskerCat Veteran Member Posts:762  
07/30/2008 12:10 AM |
This kinda strayed off the topic into a "Pella" story. But that's OK...I'll stick with Pella. When it comes to hail dings on clad windows, these guys are great and just like buying a Big Mac, the pricing consistant within broad geographic areas regardless of cat or not.
All you have to do is call your local Pella guy, and they will be glad to give you their price list for every size/shape window they do for re-cladding a window after a hail storm. Plus, they'll give you the trip charges for the varying mileage ranges. And that includes their 1st inspect plus repairs. Can be a few variances, of course, it you have 2nd story custom oddball shapes, but those don't come up all that often. You can write your estimate "bid price" & attach the Pella price list if you think your carrier needs that documentation. Very accurate, and never failed for me. And, never ever added O&P when the homeowner contacted them directly to do the work independent of whatever else needed repaired.
07/30/2011 11:32 PM |
i am looking for some one in Houston Texas who i can pay to help me impliment xactiware on a mac...i already have vmware and windows but do not know how to get started...please call pete 832-244-3194 or peterjwhitman@aol.com
08/13/2011 6:12 PM |
Tim, its called Parallels.... Go to the Mac store they have it there...Its pretty expensive but that is not your only cost.. So now that you have Parallels uploaded and working you now need a copy of Vista, Xp, etc etc ( a working Microsoft OS). When you have all that then it will work. DO NOT buy the cheap program that does the same thing as Parallels because it doesn't work. It has major loading issues. If you know of any other adjusters that want to get Xactimate on Mac you could share the Parallels cost with them. I have been told that this will work with Mac and plan to do this all when the next hurricane hits. I am sick of having 4 computers to have to haul around ( 2 working 27.3 for my GF and I to write at the same time and 2 Macs)..UGH Hope this helps
Ironman Adjuster
09/10/2011 10:30 PM |
I'm running XM8 on my MacBook Pro and have been since last summer. You couldn't pay me to go back to a PC (piece de crap) Basically you need to buy and install Parallels, install the OS and then install XM8. It is not hard at all, but feel free to send me a check if you need more help. lol.