Global warming is a subject I like to avoid because the hype and equally bright scientists with findings 180 degrees apart. Hopefully some balancing research can be posted so this tread is more scientific than opinions. The scientific approach to the cosmic ray experiment will either be confirmed or denied when other scientists duplicate the experiment. While without question we need to act responsible toward the environment we may be giving man a little too much credit in his ability to destroy the environment that according to many has been around longer than man. I do think the reinsurance underwriters will be looking at the factor of cosmic rays more in the future if the research below is proved to be factual in that it plays a major role in the earth’s temperature.,2933...41,00.html
New Research Adds Twist to Global Warming Debate
Thursday, October 12, 2006
By Steven Milloy
A new study provides experimental evidence that cosmic rays may be a major factor in causing the Earth’s climate to change.
Given the stakes in the current debate over,2933...41,00.html##" target=_blank itxtdid="2629386">global warming, the research may very well turn out to be one of the most important climate experiments of our time….
Summary: Almost ignored by the media the Royal Society has quietly published what may prove to be the most significant paper on Earth's climate in decades. Here we present background on the paper and explore some of its ramifications….