I am starting this thread, because I have a lot to be thankful for. First, of course, my wonderful wife who has put up with me for over 17 years. We have been married 15 of those years and with the exception of a few minor bumps in the road, we get along extremely well. Thank you Janice for being who you are.
Roy Cupps has been an inspiration to me for a number of years. He cares about people and gives what he can, and has done a marvelous job of it. His never ending and tireless work on CADO has helped many, including Janice and I and many others I know.
Dave Hood for being my friend for the past 12 years. Dave is an exceptional adjuster. I thought I knew a lot about construction, until I met Dave. He knows more than I ever will and is not afraid to share his knowledge.
Roy Estes for being a friend. He was a friend when I most needed one. He helped Janice through a hard time when I was very ill and recovering from surgery and a multitude of other physical problems.
Tony Rougas for being a friend the past 16 years. I don't what I would do if I could not call him and look forward every month to him calling me. He is the "I will give you the shirt off my back" type of person. I have worked with Tony on a number of Catastrophes and marvel at his expertise and professionalism and caring for others.
The late Gene Murphy for being the man he was. Even though gone physically, he is still a part of my soul and always will be until I meet him in the Adjusters Den in the sky. I can still, in my mind, hear Gene say, "No good deed goes unpunished:.
This could go on and on, but rather than write a book, I must say that I have had some very marvelous and dear friends through the many years I have been around. I hope everyone realizes how important friends, true friends, are. They are the ones who will help you get up when you fall, clean your clothes when they get dirty, and do whatever necessary for your life to be complete.
To all who have been and are my friends. Thank you, it has been a hoot. I also wish to thank all my friends at Cunningham Lindsey, past and present, who I have been fortunate enough to know and work with. They are a great bunch of folks.
No, I am not on my deathbed yet, just getting older and realizing how much other people's lives and personalities can affect who you are.
Please feel to post what and who you are thankful for. You will not be laughed at or executed.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.