Posted By Stormkat on 29 Apr 2013 04:12 PM
There may be a fine line between the "consultant" who represents the insured as their roofing or building consultant. Since the definition of a PA is:
“Adjustment or settlement of claims,” the negotiation with an insurer on behalf of an insured as to the amount or extent of a loss covered by a policy of fire or allied lines of insurance and the acts of representing the insured or speaking on behalf of the insured toward any agent or other person granted the authority to adjust claims by an insurer.
How do you determine a legitimate consultant from one who is acting as unlicensed PA? Many commercial insureds have claims consultants or building/roofing consultants.
I would appreciate your insight as I know this comes up somewhat frequently.
Something else, I have had dozens of my folks who were/are newly licensed rookie adjusters PRIOR to getting their shot as an IA go to work for roofing contractors selling roofs. I feel this is a great way for newly licensed adjusters to get actual field experience and to get comfortable working at height. I give them one caveat:
The most important reason to do this besides the obvious field experience/comfort with working at height IS to find those roofing contractors who utilize XM8 when creating estimates. Whilst not all roofing contractors utilize XM8 and some of my folks have worked for those roofing contractors as well, it is my opinion that giving the newly licensed adjuster a real world application using XM8 with regard to documenting roof damage and associated components is CRUCIAL to their future success when they do get their shot with working for an IA firm.
Outside of being picked up as a staff adjuster trainee or an organized mentor program through an reputable IA firm, selling roofs is a great way for adjusters to further prepare themselves for that oh so important first deployment.
It works, I chose several of my members who had prior experience working with roofing contractors to go through the Mariposa Insurance Services Apprentice Project I created for Mariposa back in 2010 when I was working as a residential claims account manager SOLELY because they had real world experience utilizing XM8 estimates through their work with these contractors.
I am extremely proud to state that 6 out of 10 of my members who went through the MAP (Mariposa Apprentice Project) back in 2010 are today successful working IA's with 3 of them working as staff adjusters
It has long been my opinion that rookie adjusters MUST have a solid working knowledge of their estimating platform (in the CAT industry that will be XM8) PRIOR to accepting any deployment. Further, I created the pre-requisite for rookie adjusters who wished to be selected to participate in the Mariposa Insurance Services Apprentice Project that they already be fluent in XM8. It is my belief that many things can be taught in the field, yet XM8 is NOT one of them.
I have a couple of Apprentice Projects (outside of Mariposa) that are in the works, one is at NO cost to the adjuster and another that the rookie adjuster must pay for to participate.(It should be noted that any and all monies go directly into the pocket of the senior adjuster who is mentoring said rookie adjuster. I am not making a dime off of my rookie adjuster sub-set)
Again, BOTH of the above projects require rookie adjusters to have a strong working knowledge of XM8 prior to going out into the field. They must gain said XM8 knowledge on their own time.
In closing and a bit off subject, I feel that every rookie adjuster after initial licensing should concentrate their attention and monies SOLELY on mastering XM8. I encourage them to set a goal of an XM8 level 3 certification PRIOR to accepting a deployment( and at a minimum they should NOT accept any deployment until they have at least an XM8 level 2 certification and/or knowledge) Not doing so will almost certainly result in an expensive painful lesson where they will get overwhelmed and quit or be asked to leave a site.....BROKE
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"