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Last Post 10/25/2012 1:30 AM by  CatAdjusterX
A major disaster exists in Florida.....what???
 9 Replies
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Veteran Member
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10/21/2012 7:33 PM

    Would anyone like to explain to me and the rest of the country (ummm, maybe the 47% that Romney referred to) why Obama has suddenly granted federal aid for the rain that fell in a few Florida counties during Isaac?  See the home page for the newspaper articles, and then read the comments posted.

    I've always kept my mouth shut when it comes to politics and religion because I don't know enough about either to carry on a debate.  But it's hard not to have a crease in your brow when something smells that bad.  How many claims did you or your compadres handle in Florida due to Isaac??? 

    Veteran Member
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    10/21/2012 11:12 PM
    Posted By Mike Kunze on 21 Oct 2012 07:33 PM

    Would anyone like to explain to me and the rest of the country (ummm, maybe the 47% that Romney referred to) why Obama has suddenly granted federal aid for the rain that fell in a few Florida counties during Isaac?  See the home page for the newspaper articles, and then read the comments posted.

    I've always kept my mouth shut when it comes to politics and religion because I don't know enough about either to carry on a debate.  But it's hard not to have a crease in your brow when something smells that bad.  How many claims did you or your compadres handle in Florida due to Isaac??? 


    Mike, this does NOT pass the smell test. I had opportunities from Isaac. The one I was looking forward to was to manage claims and file review remotely

    Of course that did NOT happen as Isaac was largely a non-event in Florida.

    Nevertheless, I suspect that Obama had a teensy influence for FEMA to declare Florida a disaster area and as such, voters uhm er I mean residents will be nice and warm until the 06 November 2012 elections.

    It seems fairly obvious Obama is pandering for votes being that Florida is one of the few battleground states left. Obama has historically had a low approval rating from the hispanic community. It wasn't but a few months ago that Obama essentially gave amnesty to many illegal aliens. Not surpisingly, Obama now enjoys his highest approval rating since his entire presidency from that same Hispanic community. Blatant pandering in it's worst form.

     If you back to the 2000 election, Dubya beat out Democratic nominee Al Gore by a margin of only a few thousand votes in Florida. If I remember correctly, over the years whoever wins Florida has become the next POTUS

    "A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"
    Veteran Member
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    10/22/2012 2:58 AM
    "Teensy influence", is that what it was?  I will never persuade the other 12 people on this site, nor their friends that Obama is not the right choice. But....take and make notes today (if you re-elect Obama) ...the markets, your bank account, prices at the gas pump, etc,... and then look again in 2 years.  
    Veteran Member
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    10/22/2012 3:01 AM
    Posted By Mike Kunze on 22 Oct 2012 02:58 AM

    "Teensy influence", is that what it was?  I will never persuade the other 12 people on this site, nor their friends that Obama is not the right choice. But....take and make notes today (if you re-elect Obama) ...the markets, your bank account, prices at the gas pump, etc,... and then look again in 2 years.  



    Whoops, said I didn't go political........must be the weather. 

    Life Member
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    10/22/2012 5:14 PM
    It’s the same old crap. Who you are for, Obama vs. Romney depends on whose ox is being gored. If you make a 6 figure income, know the difference between the budget deficit and the national debt, understand compound interest, at least some of your income is from investments and some investment are in foreign countries most likely you will back Romney.
    Those in this group understand that 20 trillion at compound interest can’t be paid off, especially if for every dollar spent 40 cents is borrowed.
    On the other hand if you are broke flat of your ass, don’t pay taxes and your money comes to you from the taxpayers, you have a free cell phone, live in Section 8 housing and you really like Big Bird most likely you will back Obama.
    That sums up the popular vote, but popular vote doesn’t elect the POTUS. The POTUS is actually elected by the Electoral College and it looks to me like Obama has that sewed up.
    Obama may have the opportunity to assist in picking/appointing 5 Supreme Court justices and ala Bill and Hillary we may see Michelle make a run at being POTUS.
    "Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
    Veteran Member
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    10/22/2012 9:12 PM
    Yup, that's pretty much it, Chuck. The only thing you didn't mention is that the tail has been wagging the dog for many years.

    Uh,....................what was that about a free phone? Can I trade it for some 20's for my Escalade?
    Larry D Hardin
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    10/23/2012 3:49 PM
    Just now I read that half of America has less than 500 USD in savings. That is the half that will support Barack and then Michelle for POTUS.

    Let's hold out for a smart phone and a free unlimited data plan.
    "Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
    Jud G.
    Advanced Member
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    10/24/2012 9:03 AM

    I received an email that a USAA vendor had claims 'in-hand' throughout the FL Panhandle. I don't know how many claims they got, but this was not a deployment/stand-by request.

    The rest of the stuff was in MS and LA for minor wind. Further south, you had severe flooding.
    Life Member
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    10/24/2012 10:05 AM
    Smith and Wesson must love Barack, their stock is up 290%. Ruger must be joining in for a group hug.
    "Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    10/25/2012 1:30 AM
    Posted By ChuckDeaton on 24 Oct 2012 10:05 AM
    Smith and Wesson must love Barack, their stock is up 290%. Ruger must be joining in for a group hug.

    Chuck, both of my long guns are Smith & Wesson Military & Police AR-15 5.56 and Smith & Wesson M&P AR-15 22. Both of these weapons are the reason that S&W has seen such a dramatic upgrade. Both weapons have won rifle of the year respectively and these are both the first attempts from S&W to enter the long gun market after decades of manufacturing solely hand guns.

    Smith & Wesson have NO love whatsoever for Barack Hussein Obama, POTUS. Nor does the NRA. They find POTUS to be the biggest threat to gun owners and I am constantly bombarded with emails to get POTUS out of office at all costs. I receive these from both the NRA and S&W

    They further state Romney is the ONLY choice. What I find repugnant is that although Romney is now a lifetime member of the NRA, he was the exact opposite just a year ago.

    Whilst I will see a personal benefit from ObamaCare covering my son with reasonable insurance (he was a very sick little boy and is having severe problems again) premiums as they cannot deny him for his pre-existing conditions, that is pretty much the ONLY thing I can say positive toward Obama. Yes Romney purports to respect my 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms, nevertheless I don't trust him whatsoever (he will most certainly flip flop as he has done countless times before) and whilst he has done a great job of trashing Obama's record, he has yet to tell us how he plans to fulfill all of his so called promises   

    "A good leader leads..... ..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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