Posted By Mike Kunze on 21 Oct 2012 07:33 PM
Would anyone like to explain to me and the rest of the country (ummm, maybe the 47% that Romney referred to) why Obama has suddenly granted federal aid for the rain that fell in a few Florida counties during Isaac? See the home page for the newspaper articles, and then read the comments posted.
I've always kept my mouth shut when it comes to politics and religion because I don't know enough about either to carry on a debate. But it's hard not to have a crease in your brow when something smells that bad. How many claims did you or your compadres handle in Florida due to Isaac???
Mike, this does NOT pass the smell test. I had opportunities from Isaac. The one I was looking forward to was to manage claims and file review remotely
Of course that did NOT happen as Isaac was largely a non-event in Florida.
Nevertheless, I suspect that Obama had a teensy influence for FEMA to declare Florida a disaster area and as such, voters uhm er I mean residents will be nice and warm until the 06 November 2012 elections.
It seems fairly obvious Obama is pandering for votes being that Florida is one of the few battleground states left. Obama has historically had a low approval rating from the hispanic community. It wasn't but a few months ago that Obama essentially gave amnesty to many illegal aliens. Not surpisingly, Obama now enjoys his highest approval rating since his entire presidency from that same Hispanic community. Blatant pandering in it's worst form.
If you back to the 2000 election, Dubya beat out Democratic nominee Al Gore by a margin of only a few thousand votes in Florida. If I remember correctly, over the years whoever wins Florida has become the next POTUS
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"