Posted By Mike Kunze on 26 Sep 2012 08:38 PM
Just wondering....did anyone new get the call? Did anyone jump ship back to Cat IA? And what happened? As far as that goes, how about the Cat IA's that have been around and always got the call? Been so so quiet here, maybe the answer is just that! Keep up the faith, and stock up on Ramen noodles....Jim Cantore still has a lot of raincoats.
Hi Mike,
I had maybe a dozen or so of my members get deployed for Isaac. 2 or 3 of them were newly licensed never been deployed whilst the others were moderately experienced 1 to 3 years of adjusting. The thing was as with the same thing that happened from Irene last year, more than a few vendors pulled the trigger before the damn storm even made landfall and gave the go order. As with Irene, half of my people got the," we are sorry but the volume is NOT there and as such thank you but we cannot use you. I had a cush gig set up to work remotely reviewing claims (yes god help us all with that) but alas' it was not to be. My thing was only if Isaac made a landfall in Florida.
I had a second opportunity to work NFIP claims in NOLA just a week or so ago. It was one of those things like,"how soon can you get here?" I said ,"if you need me I can be there in 72 hours!!" I was bolstered with the fact of knowing that the lion's share of the claims were going to be flood. Further, with NFIP adding an additional workshop "Due to Isaac's impact" it seemed logical that there was plenty of work if NFIP needed "new blood," if you will.
I have been NFIP certified for a few years, so it was easy to deduce," if they need new blood, then there is plenty of work for those of us who are already NFIP certified.
I had planned to leave on Sunday 16 September 2012. On Friday, I called and spoke to my POC and said, I am hearing from some of my members who are NFIP certified adjusters already on the ground in NOLA who say they are wrapping up the few NFIP claims they have left. So before I get there, can you shed some light on this, what kind of volume are you talking about? I am NOT asking for a guarantee, I am asking because it has to make sense to incur the significant costs with travelling across the country. The POC essentially blew up, yelled at me stating," You guys want guarantees? Well, there are NONE in the CAT industry!! He then stated, ANY amount of claims is better than none!!
Well, in any case I said thanks for the info, I am going to pass on this opportunity.
Mike, in any case, as I have written about in the past, I think there is a silver lining in the lack of significant events over the last few years and as such not much work for the rookie adjuster.
That silver lining is with no significant work, a large % of those rookies who are here for the perceived "easy money" will move on to another industry. Those that remain are those who want to make a career out of the industry and understand that the 6 figure incomes are the fruits of years of hard work
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"