Posted By Jaylee2011 on 13 Sep 2011 12:30 PM
I recently obtained my Texas All-Lines Adjusters License and would like to begin my career as an adjuster! Of course its not that easy and I understand that, so I'm looking for someone to maybe help me out. I have limited experience with Xactimate, however I have a lot of experience on the construction end of the industry as I have been a Independent Contractor for 3 years. I'm a family man hoping to better care for my growing family... Any help is appreciated... Thanks!
If you go to the archives you will see your exact post over a thousand times. Here is your first lesson in the adjusting world: Do NOT come to the forums and immediately bypass the information that will give you the answers to your question and ask an experienced adjuster to mentor you. You will not get the results you are looking for.
As a newly licensed prospective adjuster, one must remember the golden rule: Follow instructions received to a T
On CADO, in the forums you will see along the entire left side of the page ROOKIE FAQ's. That is destination #1. Once you have read those, I then direct you to go to the main forum page and click on the getting started threads. You will then look for the Training,Licensing and Certification threads and read those.
I can tell you that by simply reading through the CADO archives you will learn more than ANY Adjuster 101 class out there hands down and FREE to boot!!
As far as a mentor, in that you have limited XM8 experience , a ride along with any adjuster is only gonna do two things at this stage of your training
1) You are gonna significantly slow down ANY adjuster you ride with 2)You will be wasting YOUR time(at this time). All the ride alongs and certifications in the world will not help you one bit if you can't take an XM8 estimate from start to finish and multiple times a night.
Your first order of business is to take an XM8 class and then take as many classes as necessary until you can become fluent in the language of estimating software.
You would be well served to learn as much as you can about policy from the HO-1/2/34/5/Etc.. and then DP(Dwelling Policy)1/2/3 etc.... You don't need to memorize the policies but you MUST learn how to find pertinent policy definitions and coverage Vs. exclusions and everything in between. This important because you do NOT want to recommend replacing a roof based upon deferred maintenance. You can learn all about policy by going to and the best part is there is no cost to access the site and you can download pertinent information. If you own your home, start by reading your own policy.
Everything discussed above really needs to be dealt with before you even begin to think about riding with an experienced adjuster.
As far as XM8, One of our veteran members Ray Hall will advise you and any new adjuster to give your XM8 skills a jumpstart by writing an XM8 estimate on your own home. Assume a 100ft tree fell through the roof and opened up the living room and the guest bathroom , a hallway and bedroom 1 and bedroom 2 to the elements . Get the tree off of the risk ,replace the entire roof and 128 sf of plywood decking, R/Replace everything from the ceiling down to the carpet pads in the discussed rooms and halls. Once you have done that , do your families home, in-laws, friends,neighbors. Once you have completed an estimate , you can send the estimate to Ray, myself or any one of the multiple experuienced adjusters who are members of CADO and we will critique your work and help you learn from your mistakes.
Robby Robinson