If you are not already making money as a CAT adjuster you might want to just get a 10 year old Volvo station wagon. Get the windows tinted, but not too dark, so you can sleep in it without attracting to much attention. Just fold down the back seat and use a sleeping bag. Park it in a public place where not too many people walk by. Always crack the windows at night so your breath doesn't fog up the interior. Before you drive to the storm site get a gym membership so you can shower. If you follow my advice you will be able to live off of one unemployment check before you get paid on your first closed file. At the end of the storm assignment you can buy any darn vehicle you want with all the money you made.
Never try to buy a cheap vehicle after a city floods. There aren't any. If you live five states away just fly to any big city about 100 miles from the storm assignment. Buy a used car there. When you finish you can sell the car for a nice profit if there was a good flood. When I finished Katrina I had buyers practically jumping through the phone line to buy a used toyota that my sister had given to me.
Chuck is very smart. He understands money. The most important question regarding a vehicle is "Can you afford it?"
From my experience most people will admire a used European luxury car that cost $5000 and think it cost at least $20,000.
Here is an example of a Volvo station wagon that is listed for $2200.
http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/...73466.html You could probably buy it for $2000. The seller might not be a true private party- maybe you could buy a similar car for $1700.00. It looks very presentable, almost new. This car will go to 250k miles if the oil is changed, maybe more. I personally drive a 1992 Mercedes 300TE station wagon with 235,000 miles. It still runs great. It has plenty of room for a good sized ladder. I don't sleep in it, but I could if I had to. I have no car payments. I probably drive about 800 miles a week. And the car looks very presentable. If I feel like driving a nicer car I go somewhere with my wife in her car.
If I needed a nice new truck I would buy it and leave it at home when I go on a storm. Why wear out a nice truck?