Hi I am knew to this forum...
Looks like this forum is more for adjuster than it is for people that need a claim solved.
I hope you guys can give me some advice.
Recently I got hit in the Driver side door of my Nissan 350z by a driver insured by Mercury.
Farmers (my insurance has already stated that Mercury's client is liable, the client stated it himself)
I have been trying to get mercury to pay for my damage but their adjuster is not clear with me. They give me B.S>
I do not believe she is been upfront with the matter and I know they are dragging their feet.
I am afraid to call her know because every time I call her it feels as she tries to slow the process down even more.
What should I do?? Is there any legal grounds I have for speeding them up in there processs and taking them to a arbetriator
if they believe they are not liable?? Jezz I feel like they are giving me the run around
Why are Mercury Adjusters take so long to answer simple claims??