Posted By David M on 29 Apr 2010 10:24 AM
I think a lot of conclusions were jumped to, sorry if I didn't write a well constructed post. I will apologize but there was no intention to slight or disrespect the people with the obvious experience represented here. The negative reference was ONLY about explaining a deductible and that comes from repeated daily claims where an insured will say, "but they took my deductible off". This is usually the result of staff adjusters that have been taken straight out of the college classroom and crammed full of training by the class that preceded them the year before.
I was not trying to represent myself as ready to hit the road, only to give some gauge as to where I am in this process. It is unfortunate that anyone would associate me with the "watersuckers" as they are one of the primary reasons I wanted to get into adjusting. Frankly, I don't understand how those guys get away with calling themselves restoration contractors, they don't restore anything, mitigate MAYBE. I got tired of being cut at every turn during reconstruction while these guys would get paid thousands to dry out particle board that I knew had to come out. As far as "dabbling" goes, I realize IA's are probably not fond of the carrier programs that work directly with approved contractors but they exist and if a staff in-house adjuster asked me to apply depreciation to an Xactimate estimate, I did it.
Do I think I can do a better job than some local adjusters I've run into? I hope I eventually can because it's the extreme contrast I've seen in dealing with adjusting that has motivated me. I have met adjusters I truly admired for their knowledge of scoping a loss and care for the insureds but even you guys have run into adjusters that can't hardly adjust a claim without making an insured or contractor feel like a criminal(though some of both are).
I realized very early on, in reading similar responses on this site, that this was a tight fraternity but I felt I was learning by what I read. I hope this explains a little better who I am and I WILL be out there at some point. Too much invested to turn back now!
I believe your post clarifying your thoughts will go a long way towards mending fences, but I sincerely hope that you understand the bulk of responses comes from being fed up with posts from new folks ,no matter what industry they come from about the supposed "GRAVY TRAIN" and the attitude that being an adjuster is somehow easy money and that someone who hasn't adjusted claim one can run with a seasoned adjuster.
The reason some may think that is because they ran into a damn good adjuster who knew their role backwards and forwards and they make it look easy, it's not easy , but most of these guys have been doing this job 30+ years.
For every Ray Hall ,Chuck Deaton ,Deb Moroy, ole' Ghost, THERE ARE 1,000's who came to the party thinking they can run with the big boys by spending a week and a thousand bucks and if they somehow managed to get deployed to an event, were sent home or ran home within a week or two when they found out the "EASY MONEY AIN'T SO EASY " and are now, dare I say "parking cars at Applebee's?"
You are indeed right that this is a tight fraternity and make no mistake , as I personally will need many more years in this industry (I have 6 yrs so far although most of the last year has been in the hospital , surgeries to put pins into my broken leg and a blood clot from a skull fracture, broken ribs,broken pelvis,broken jaw from falling off a two story roof) before I could hope to be included in the same fraternity.
The guys that come to the game with a humble attitude and are willing to learn the 'RIGHT" way will go along way if they commit to the long term and that means knowing the license most get from a 3 day school is ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS and should not make anyone think they are an adjuster just because they have one. It should only be viewed as what it really is !! a ticket that allows you to get in the door to start the learning process
It isn't the end of the learning process, not by any means, it is only the beginning !!
Please understand with your clarification of what you meant to say was important and I wish you all the best and with alot of blood, sweat and tears and yes, a little help from Mother Nature, you can become a part of their Fraternity !!
All the best,
Robby Robinson
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"