This is about cat. claims and regular property claims. I started over 50 years ago as a staff adjuster and worked from 5 insurnace carriers in the next 17 years as a staff adjuster on both auto-casualty and property claims. In the next 30 years I had my own five person shop in Houston and worked for several IA firms National and Local firms in my hometown.
Cat. adjusters, storm troopers have been around longer than the Texas City Explosion in 1948. My total loss auto claim from a hurricane was settled by an IA in 1953 in New London, CN.
I have seen a lot of changes in my time in claims work and have just been been told by a 20 year State Farm Auto Adjuster that she will not move to Austin when they close all the Houston Claims offices and move all the TX. claims to Austin, WOW.
Last week i said I could work a HO-3 total loss from home with the new programs and Tec. All of you good adjusters who have a good back ground in investigation, asking the right questions, helping people explain the loss to YOU, just like the old FIRE adjusters were trained to do when all they had to photo was a pile of ashes.
On another topic of a storm adjuster who wants to do regular work from home on his.her down time. A large group of people are now in this biz. some good some sorry, just like the people who seek these jobs, I have been on that side for five years and its not cat. work its much more detailed scopes and report writing than closed files
My best advise is to keep reading good files and check your spelling and all of your paper work All of us can impove this skills each year. Take some CIC and PRA courses if this is a life time job.