Dummy me, I've seen this before, I just didn't realize it was "infrared". The water dry out companies use it to find/prove wet drywall.
If you want to start a business I would suggest you might be able to find a used one or factory reconditioned. Many times people buy something electronic and return it unused or very little used under warranty. These items become "factory reconditioned". I bought my GBS unit this way- it appeared brand new but it was cheaper.
You may also be able to lease the item. Many small businesses will go to a savings & loan or thrift & loan or just the equipment sellers/distributors leasing company. You could do a lease with a one dollar buy out clause at the end of the lease.
the technology is called Radiometric Infrared Thermography.
http://www.iranalyzers.com/ is a website for a company offering the service. apparantly it's also used for electrical issues etc etc. If you look at their website you will see other potential customers for your device.
You could probably contact every roofer, water dryout company, forensic engineer, construction defect expert, and attorney that work with these issues to see what the market would be.
But I guess that's why you are here.
I had no idea this was used on commercial roofs so often, I learn something everyday.
Maybe someone can tell us an exciting example of how this has been used.