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Last Post 03/10/2009 9:31 PM by  LarryW
Cunningham Lindsey purchases GAB Robins
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03/03/2009 8:53 AM
Could not have been written any clearer than Mr. Gardner's post. I have never worked so hard for so little in my entire life. Don't have a problem with management at CL but the pay structure was just awful over there. It may have gotten better, but the 2 years I was there... just awful.
Edited to add: I'd also like to thank Mr. Hood and Mr. Toll for their years of advise and sharing of knowledge on this board. I've meet both of these gentleman and know them to be outstanding people and even greater adjusters.To go after either one of them in such a harsh tone is quite disrespectful. They write confident, because they are confident and know what they're doing. Guess I was raised differently. No worries either way on my end... just needed to write that as I have such great respect for both of these men.

03/03/2009 10:35 AM
Although I have never worked for CL, I have many friends that have passed through their doors. Some people, such as RG mentioned by Mr. Toll, appear to be salt of the earth and worth knowing. But most at CL are pirates looking after themselves at the expense of others. Branch employees are subject to arbitrary accounting rules only utilized to deprive them of their earnings. For example, CL will reducing the billing on a file after the end of a month, taking their earnings below the limit where the percentage paid is changed. Yes, retroactive reductions. But it the billing is increased after the end of the month (or returned to original), the adjuster does not get credit for it at all. It is a way of life at CL.

Would I work for CL, branch or CAT? NO. Will my friends work for CL? No. Several were offered files during Ike and declined given current management.

Do we know of IA & former staffers that are still owed money from CL? Yes. The staffers have a breach of contract claim, but we all know your future in the industry when you sue your former employer. (PS - I have seen one of the employment contracts & documents supporting the breach of contract claim. It is a slam dunk.)

All experienced adjusters know each vendor has it positives and negatives, and it is different for each adjuster. I am glad Mr. Toll has a good relationship with CL, but suspect it is because he has a good relationship with RG. I haven't heard much regarding their curent CAT management from Mr. Toll.

03/03/2009 8:54 PM
Posted By Tex Walker on 03 Mar 2009 02:06 AM
Oh.....look another self proclaimed-self appointed EGA on here. R.D. Hood, I bet you delivered pizza's before you handled a few commerical claims during Katrina, and decided...hey, I can handle these without anyone knowing my background or skills as a adjuster.

Send us in all of us on CADO your credentials on why you claim to be a EGA, GA, NGA or RGA. I would love to take a glance at one of your files. Hell, I bet it would be as funny like comedy central, since this is what this site has came too over the past 2 years.

It use to be a pleasure to look in and read every once in awhile on here, but now I'm sorry to say it's just a shame of all the chest bumping ego's and wanna be's, has been's and never ever will be's on here claiming they are re-eventing the wheel in the claims handling side of the insurance industry.

There are actually only a handful of decent adjusters on CADO that I can say I have respect for because they know the business and do not feel the need to get the last word in.

These topics that are on here is such a waste of time (Well, Then Why in the hell are you reading them for), doesn't anyone of you claimed EGA's and GA's work or have work to do? It's the same old bozo's on here from day to day, month to month, year to year (You have been rather regular yourself as it appears). My god, from the space shuttle stories to discovering a cure for cancer you tell on here, I would think all of you would be busy making money or trying to secure a job in this depressed enconomy. (Really now? Have you secured a job??? Where are you finding the time to browse busy body)I know, I know, my profile says nothing, I have no posts, there is no profile on me. If you need to respond, go ahead. If I need to go make " cowpies " I will again on someone's else expense.

By the way, I'm not bitter or sour at all. I just like rattling the cage :)Seems to be that you are a sh*T starter, frankly. You have nothing better to do than read the forums and have the  make statements like those above.Probably having no idea what you are even talking about. Well i just stopped by to see whats been going on (while i am  caught up), but will be on the road again by thursday. I will check back in a few weeks when i have a break to see what the cage rattler has to say, if he is able to respond due to being so busy. 

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03/04/2009 7:23 AM
I haven't had the op's to read thru the whole thread here, having been out of the loop for a a few days. But after seeing the first couple responses to Tom Toll, it became pretty apparent that those respondents have no respect less any experience to expect any respect. I myself have poked a little fun at Tom in the past, but that was all it was. I do not know Tom personally, but thru my travels...have come to know a few that have known him. And having to come knowing hundreds of others, although on short-term means most-times, Tom's posts and sharing on this site (dorky as they might sometimes seem) are useful to all of us.
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03/04/2009 7:59 AM
Went back & read a little further, Tex Walker.  Don't know what else to say.... other than that you could try to be nice, or not a jerk in a nice way. 
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03/04/2009 4:07 PM
I know Tom Toll and his wife Janice. I also know Dave Hood. I talked to all three, by telephone this week.

Dave and Tom are mature men who have a life time of experience. Dave was a contractor before he became an adjuster, I am awed by his command of commercial construction and by his memory for details. His ability to generate income is second to none.

Although Tom and I both live in Arkansas, about 30 miles apart, I met Tom at a Crawford cat meeting in Dallas, where he was awarded Crawford Adjuster of the year honors. Tom has handled more aviation claims that all the rest of the members of this board put together.

Tom, Dave and Janice are three of the nicest, most helpful people in my experience. They give and give and give when it comes to helping others, especially on this board. His ability to generate income is astounding.

Nobody has to defend Tom or Dave, both are grown, mature men. Men of an age to have spent time in the armed forces and both come mentally equipped. Should either take serious personal offense over anything posted on this board I would not want to be the poster.

My suggestion is that we cease to humor the poster, his attack on Tom and Dave exposed him for what he is and I suggest that we avoid him going forward.
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
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03/05/2009 11:33 AM
No need for me to say anything except "Amen" to some of the previous posters. Dave Hood has always been someone I called for advice on construction matters and business advice from the time he first went out of his way back in 1999 to call me up and say, "We're both in Fairfax. Let's meet for dinner." He hasn't steered me wrong yet. Tom and Janice I cannot say enough good things about. And Meg -- a quick study if there ever was one. The woman knows how to read a policy, which is more than some adjusters can do. Even the artist formerly known as Racko has been moved to say nice things. I will simply second those who have defended Tom, Dave, and Meg.

"With great power comes great responsibility." (Stanley Martin Lieber, Amazing Fantasy # 15 August 1962)

03/05/2009 5:10 PM
My God,
I have been off line for a while cleaning up my files and re inspections. Boy was I surprised by the venom of some of the posts that were on this topic. Why is it everytime a major storm winds down some loud mouth no background that can be verified gets on here with a new rant and rave?.
Look this is a hard business to be in if you have a complaint about a vendor we have an area just for that. That being said that is no excuse to rant and rave at a couple of adjusters who happen to work and like the company they work for. To each his own. My question is if you don't like the company why not just state that fact and leave the rest of your tantrum to yourself. Each and every adjuster that has been doing this for any off time has horror stories about one company or another. Does your nasty personal attacks make you feel more like a man? Do you beat your dog ? sounds like you have some anger issues that need to be addressed.This is not the place to attack some one who you have never met.Growing up that was considered childish so as a grown adult I personally find it offensive. Having been around a long time it always baffles me to see just who is screaming and what the true underlying source really is.To the two non profile adjusters who have done the most ranting as we have no idea of your qualifications as an adjuster why should we take anything you say to heart?You give us no background on which to judge your expertise in adjusting or how well you follow guide lines set forth by the companies.Most adjusters on this site are proud of their years of experience and are glad to share their knowledge and expertise in matters that they know well. It is hard for anyone to respect someone who proclaims all that you do with nothing to substantiate it. This is just my two sense as this site has always been a great source of knowledge on issues that directly affect us and our industry.I personally have no problem discussing who I work for and who I will not ever work for and why with a great deal of truth and reason. Not that any of this matters to anyone else but myself this was one post I felt had to be answered in a non threating way so as to not offend the 2 ranters on here who seem to take great pleasure in starting crap when none is needed. Ladies and Gentleman I ask you in this day and age is all this really necessary? In closing I can only hope all on here had a great storm season and look forward to seeing some of you at the upcoming seminars in the next few months.
Ol' Ghost

03/05/2009 5:56 PM
I like this guy. He starts his post off as a prayer to the Diety. He's alright. As one of the two miscreant venom spitters, my background goes back to more than three decades of dedication to the property adjusting industry with my dues card stamped paid in full. I have many letters attesting to my professional certifications that goes behind my name when I want to list them, and am a card carrying member of the NRA, the PTA, and the Libraray. And, licenses, I gots your licenses. I gots an adjustors license, I gots a drivers license, and I gots a marriage license. I don't have a dog so there ain't one to get beat.

As for being childish, didn't you read in the Guy's Instruction Book that after age 40, you don't have to act like a grown up all the time? You can be any age you feel most comfortable at. For most men, that's age 9, right before the horrors of puberty started drooling out our ears. That's all the background you're gonna get as the cloak of mystery shields both of us for our mutual protection. After all, if some corporate suit sees you hanging around me, you'll be back to your first job in high school.

Can we now get back to the above posts of our mutual admiration society?

Ol' Ghost
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03/05/2009 9:16 PM
Ya know, if we can't poke a little fun at each other and take it as well as give it, we are posilutely in the wrong b'ness.

I have a little fun from time to time with those that seem to take themselves too seriously and have felt the barb myself.

I don't think I've ever said anything about or to anyone that I wouldn't say if they were sitting at the same table with me.

I just wish we could get the "red hand" back and block these bozos out.

And, Ghostbuster, I start the day by praying for those in uniform.

Every day. And I include those I know that may need God to help them through their ordeals. Some days it seems like God is listening and some days it doesn't. I figure if I keep calling, some of the calls have got to go through.
Larry D Hardin

03/10/2009 9:31 PM
Some folks live on venom, others live on compassion. Pick your poison.
No one is absolutely worthless, at the very least you can serve as a bad example.
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