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Last Post 09/29/2008 3:44 PM by  cegerney
Which direction?
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09/29/2008 3:44 PM

    It seems as if every adjusting company asks for proficiency in a different program.   Training for each and every program before being hired seems excessive.  I suppose I don't understand exactly how this works.  It appears as if Xactimate is the most commonly used program yet the least adjuster friendly.  If an adjusting company typically uses Simsol does that mean they would rather not hire an adjuster proficient in Xactimate?  If hired, would the new adjuster be required to then learn Simsol or would the adjusting company accept the claims written in Xact? 

    Does anyone know if there is a difference between the Xactimate classes offered by the random education companies and the class offered by Vale?  It seems odd that the Vale class is less expensive yet all I keep hearing are rave reviews about their education.  After going through Vale's site and Xact's site, I have now uncovered 20 or so different classes related to adjusting and Xact that all seem like "must takes"!   Then of course I understand there are Flood and Citizens certs....

    My goal and question:  I have been a licensed  P&C agent for close to 10 years in coastal Florida and Texas (for the past two) I understand forms, coverages etc.   I want to do inside claims adjusting--preferably CAT to keep it on a temporary, project basis.  Adjusting license--check.  What next?  Go ahead and take the Xactimate?   24, 25?   Become certified Exact?   Take an adjusting 101 course?  Get FEMA certified?  Citizens?  (Citizens makes me cringe) There are so many options and I really need directional advice!!! order preferably.   Please  :)



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