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Last Post 09/18/2008 8:23 AM by  okclarryd
Urgent - Need help with Xactimate
 4 Replies
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Adjuster John

09/17/2008 12:21 AM

    Is there a way that I can choose the order which items will print in Xactimate.  For instance, can I put the following in this order:

    Caption Report

    Statement of Loss





    After ordering those items, how do I save them as a pdf for submission through another system?


    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    09/17/2008 12:55 AM
    I wish I could help you, I'd like to know also. I dictate some of those things into a tape recorder and the administrative assistant types them. Somebody told me that Xactimate has a statement of loss but I could never find it.

    Can I add non-building things to the Xactimate SOL like business income loss? Can you really do a caption report in Xactimate?

    If you send a message to Bob Harvey he is really smart about Xactimate, always posting super detailed explanations.

    Bob- Help this guy!

    I can answer part of your question, maybe.

    If you go into the print menu you can "export to file". On my computer that always turns into a PDF file. If you have just the sketch box checkmarked (on the print tab screen), it will make a PDF file of just the sketch.

    Then you can email the just the PDF sketch file to somebody.(and they can't alter it either)

    You can also do that with the photos.

    If you upload a bunch of photos into xactimate and then make a file of them they email much easier than the original file which would crash your email.

    So you can use Xactimate to send photos even if it isn't a property claim.

    Hope this helps you a little.

    09/17/2008 8:41 PM
    Posted By John Prioletti on 17 Sep 2008 12:21 AM

    Is there a way that I can choose the order which items will print in Xactimate.

    I emailed an official XM8 trainer, and he said no. I print to PDF then rearrange as needed.


    I know the voices aren't real, but sometimes they're right!
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    09/17/2008 10:50 PM
    Sounds like nothing has changed. When I was using Xact, I'd export as pdf for each item (est,report, photos, sketch, etc.)and then attach each as separate docs to an email. Didn't have method to batch them together as one attachment, unlike the DDS/Integra back then. Might have been a backdoor way to do it, but the folks at Xactimate couldn't give it to me. Wasn't too much of a problem though, because the recipient usually just cared about my report & estimate which transmitted pretty quick. The photos/diagrams I'd send later with their consent. When you're not connected DSL or high speed that makes a difference, and you can do that in those break-away from the desk times.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    09/18/2008 8:23 AM
    When you print the XM8 docs to pdf, you need to minimize the pdf tile and the additional pdf's will stack into one pdf.
    Then, whey you maximize the pdf tile, one of the options available to you is sorting the several separate pdf's into whatever order you would like them in. (Do NOT END YOUR SENTENCES WITH A PREPOSITION)
    Then, when everything is sorted, filed, manipulated, spindled, and folded to your likeing, you can send it as an attachment.
    Just remember to minimize the first one to get them to stack.
    Larry D Hardin
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