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29 Replies and 17695 Views FLOODS IN AUSTRALIA  17695  29 Started by  Leland
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Australia is having flooding over an area as big as Texas. Twenty two towns are flooded. It is interesting how their issues are similar but different from the U.S. I wonder if there's any work available for Americans, since this sounds like a very large catastrophe. Here in the US we have arguments over storm surge, there they argue about whether the rain fell into a river before hitting the house. Australian policies do not have a standardized definition of flood, and some include it with the...
29 17695
by  LelandJump to last post
12/01/2011 4:49 PM
1 Replies and 3826 Views infamous Bel Air Fire  3826  1 Started by  Leland Infamous fire from 50 years ago commemorated in Los Angeles. See the documentary video (link below) made by the Los Angeles Fire Dept. (Only in Los Angeles/Hollywood would you have a Cinematography Dept. inside the Fire Dept.!)    (from Wikipedia) In 1961, a construction crew working in Sherman Oaks noticed the smoke and flames in a nearby pile of rubbish. Within minutes, Santa Ana winds gusting up to 60 mph (97 km/h) sent burning brush aloft and ultimately seared Nov. 6, ...
1 3826
by  LelandJump to last post
11/07/2011 10:47 PM
0 Replies and 3607 Views October snow in New England  3607  0 Started by  Marcus Any thoughts in this recent (and early) snow event News reports seem to indicate power outages will rival Irene. Although tree damage would be extensive, damage to structures and other structures remains to be seen.
0 3607
10/30/2011 6:07 PM
71 Replies and 25002 Views 97L future Irene? a real threat?  25002  71 Started by  stormcrow
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 4 )
Now Harvey is rolling into Belize as the 8th TS without a hurricane, all eyes are watching 97L&160; now at 80 and likley to be Irene.&160; Although still a ways out&160; maybe it is time to check the equipment. This will be an interesting week.
71 25002
by  stormcrowJump to last post
09/10/2011 8:43 AM
3 Replies and 6173 Views Hurricane Irene  6173  3 Started by  anythingweather &160;Model data is now pretty certain that at least the outer banks will be hit hard. &160;Mandatory evacuations are now in force over much of the east coast. &160;If you are going to work this storm follow us for updated information at If you need additional information on Irene goto: &160; Stay safe out there! Bill
3 6173
by  okclarrydJump to last post
08/28/2011 10:50 PM
3 Replies and 4382 Views Any Ice claim events Yet?  4382  3 Started by  Goldust Has anyone been contacted to go to the northeast and handle any ice claims yet Sounds like California is getting dumped on w/ rain up to 16' so far. Maybe the Santa &160;Anna winds will produce some work this year.
3 4382
by  Alex_ChernovJump to last post
12/26/2010 7:32 PM
3 Replies and 2678 Views 2010 Hurricane Season in 6th Place  2678  3 Started by  host Dr. Jeff Masters reports that TS Richard puts the 2010 Season in '6th place for the greatest number of named storms in the Atlantic since record keeping began in 1851. Only 2005 (28 named storms), 1933 (21 named storms), 1995 (19 named storms), 1887 (19 named storms), and 1969 (18 named storms) had more.'
3 2678
by  Ray HallJump to last post
10/26/2010 12:53 PM
14 Replies and 6848 Views Gustav  6848  14 Started by  Tom Toll I feel this is going to be a bad one. I just hope and pray that it does not hit NOLA, for all our sakes. Be prepared and choose your vendor with caution. Make sure the vendor is financially capable of paying you every two weeks, such as Cunninham Lindsey or Crawford and Company. Make preparations now, not tomorrow. Take a sizable amount of cash with you, as ATM's will be down until electricity is restored. Make sure your estimating program is paid up, as phone service, including cell service wil...
14 6848
by  Virginia TopleyJump to last post
09/08/2008 1:29 PM
13 Replies and 4542 Views Now we have Dean are you sitting by the  4542  13 Started by  stormcrow phone or computer waiting on those calls/e-mails to start Have you repacked you gear and changed your oil. Are you excited. Or have you noticed that if it approaches the US; it is still 10 to 12 days away  Flossie will just miss the big Island. Also expect 91L to land in Texas as a TS later this week (more flooding).  Should also see 92L before the weekend. (I hear the train a comin)
13 4542
by  hostJump to last post
08/18/2007 5:20 PM
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