Posted By Florence Bonnano on 10/12/2007 9:35 AM
Reprehensible! - That's about as bad as it can get! Okay... but - what Mr Cook outlined was in regard to acting as an unlicensed advisor to the public. ESTIMATES are all that was done. Again, the original concern of the newbie regards the adjusting and claims communitys opinion on the newbie having done that.
As far as "turning" a $5K claim into $'s how it works. There are 100 dominoes set up in a row. Storm comes and blows first one down. First one hits second...and so on. Adjuster (who may or may not have even gotten out of car) writes up first domino. Homeowner is not happy. Thru word of mouth asks neighbors - "Do you know anyone that knows what this damage costs?" Enter the independent estimate and walla!...add 99 more dominoes. No smoke and/or mirrors were even used.
I understand that the adjusting community is sort of fraternal in nature, but face it folks - there was a lot of incompetence going on out there, which brings back the prosecutor/defence analogy - is not fair and complete compensation of the "insured" the primary goal?
Ms. Bonnano:
I'm not sure what exactly your goal is here. You've asked questions and have been answered by some of the most qualified and professional adjusters in the industry. Your statement about "Estimates were all that was done here" makes me wonder, Are you seeking absolution or approval in some way?
What has not been answered to your satisfaction? What is your relationship to this scenario anyway? Are you an insured, an adjuster, the girlfriend of the newbie adjuster, what?
As far as the adjusting community being "Fraternal" and the statement you made about incompetence, I feel that is out of line and I personally am somewhat insulted by that comment. All professions are somewhat "Fraternal". Doctors, Lawyers, Businesspeople, etc all tend to gather together with their colleagues to share knowledge, meet peer groups, learn from others within the industry, and that's not unusual nor is it unethical. You have received answers from some of the most qualified and intelligent adjusters within the industry, yet you still seem to be seeking another answer. As far as incompetence goes, that is in every industry or profession. What are you seeking to gain by making that kind of comment? Why would you come onto an adjuster web site, ask questions about whether certain behavior is unethical, receive competent answers and continue to defend the questionable behavior and then toss out an insult to the entire industry?
(added with edit)
Oh, and by the way, the second paragraph of your narrative wasn't amusing in the least, regaling us with your story starting with "here's how it works". To even suggest that the adjuster, any ADJUSTER, would write up an estimate of damages and not get out of their car is ludicrous. You clearly have no clue what a professional adjuster is or does.