07/22/2010 2:31 PM |
Mark B Curious to know what you learned on your trip to the Gulf states, per your earlier posting. I am wondering if Feinberg has selected a TPA to replace ESIS? My sources at ESIS about a month ago advised that they were not going to stay in the picture but I haven't been able to find out who replaced them. I am originally from the Miss. Gulf Coast and am anxious to participate in the loss adjusting process. My background includes heavy claims and risk management experience in virtually every aspect of the disaster. I spent many years in the energy insurance arena in Lafayette, LA. My background includes deep familiarity and experience in ocean marine, well control, cargo, contractual liability, general liability, business interruption, Jones Act, USL&H, etc. I hold the CPCU and ARM designations and am a former underwriting member of Lloyds. Although I live in Dallas, I am willing to relocate to the Gulf Coast. This disaster has triggered an emotional need for me to be involved. I want to be a part of the claims process; that is part of the recovery process. Please let me hear from you or others with ideas about how to become involved. Thanks, Barney Mercer
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07/26/2010 8:40 AM |
Read on the net Ken was going to hire more local adjusters who understood the region and it's people. Sounds like a lawyer to me.
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08/07/2010 3:29 PM |
n Shakeup, Incoming Spill Claims Czar Will Drop BP’s Contractor by Sasha Chavkin ProPublica, Aug. 5, 8:33 p.m. * 5 Comments * Republish * E-mail Your e-mail Your name Friends’ e-mail(s) max 10, separated by commas Personal message * Print . Getty Images Kenneth Feinberg, the independent paymaster chosen by President Obama to administer damage claims from the Gulf oil spill, will drop the contractor that BP has been using to manage the claims process and hire two new companies to replace it. Feinberg is expected to take over the claims system from BP in mid-August. He will replace BP’s primary contractor for claims, ESIS Inc. [1], with two other firms when he assumes control of the process, said Feinberg’s spokeswoman Amy Weiss. She did not say why ESIS was being replaced. Have You Filed a Claim With BP? Have you filed a claim and received a letter from BP stating you provided insufficient documentation? ProPublica's reporters want to hear from you. BP’s compensation system has been criticized by many applicants and so far made payments on only 28 percent% of claims. Applicants have described delays, unreturned phone calls and bureaucratic obstacles. Roughly $300 million has been disbursed to date; BP has agreed to set aside $20 billion to cover claims and other expenses. Earlier this week, BP confirmed our report that the company has deferred decisions on thousands of claims [2] until Feinberg takes over the process. Many of those claimants had not been informed why their cases had been placed on hold. A spokeswoman for ESIS’s parent company, ACE Group, has not responded to a request for comment on Feinberg’s decision. Patricia Wright, a spokeswoman for BP, confirmed that ESIS would be replaced, and said that the decision was made by Feinberg without BP’s involvement. She said that BP was continuing to pay claims and that ESIS would stay on the job while BP retained control of the process. “Our contractors will continue to work until we transition,” Wright said. The companies that will replace ESIS, Garden City Group and the law firm BrownGreer, both specialize in the resolution of mass claims. BrownGreer was previously hired by Feinberg [3] as a fee and expense analyst during his tenure as the executive pay czar overseeing compensation at banks that were bailed out by the federal government. If you've filed a claim with BP, we want to hear about your experience [4]. For more information about the claims process, check out our Unofficial Guide to BP Spill Claims [5]. Amanda Michel contributed reporting to this piece, and is coordinating our BP claims project [6].
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08/18/2010 12:49 PM |
Crawford & Company has confirmed that GCG has been retained to assist Feinberg Rozen, LLP with Mr. Ken Feinberg’s role as the administrator of the Gulf Coast Claims Facility.
"GCG, a wholly owned subsidiary of Crawford & Company, has been engaged by Ken Feinberg of Feinberg Rozen, LLP, as a vendor to assist in the creation and management of the independent gulf coast claims facility," confirmed a spokesperson from Crawford, who said all further questions should be referred to Mr. Feinberg’s office.
Mr. Feinberg has been retained by President Obama and BP to administer the Fund. His selection received strong approval and support from the Obama Administration.
According to its web site, GCG — formerly known as Garden City Group — is a recognized leader in class-action, legal settlement administration. Crawford also offers other services, including property/casualty claim management and workers’ compensation claims and medical management. GCG has past experience handling large, complex cases, including the $6.2 billion WorldCom Securities litigation. It also handled General Motors’ bankruptcy efforts.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://oascentral.nationalunderwriter.com/RealMedia/ads/adstream_jx.ads/www.claims.com/catastropherestoration/News/2010/8/Pages/BREAKING-Crawford-Confirms-New-Role-in-Oil-Spill-Claims.aspx/1120108181245@!"></script>
According to Mr. Feinberg's spokesperson, Worley Catastrophe Response Company will continue to work with his office to assist with the administration of the Gulf Coast Claims Facility, including the staffing of 36 claim office facilities throughout the affected Gulf region. ESIS continues to work with BP but will not be directly involved with the GCCF once the transition to the new facility has occurred..
More information to follow as it becomes available.
Posted by William S Cook
Florida Public Adjuster
William S Cook
Public Adjuster/Umpire/Appraiser
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
08/18/2010 3:49 PM |
I think the Feinberg firm will do a good job. I think Crawford will be a good vendor for "boots on the ground". This event is is moving along . The remaining claims are 3rd party liability claims, just as the 44K that some partial payment has been made on. It may be correct to say a percentage of the 44K are settled. If a 3rd party claimant presented the claim and it was excepted as a "full and final settlement" and the third party and BP agreed, the check was cut and that claim was settled. All of the remaining claims will be reviewed very carefully and settled in some manner. It,s not just not BP asking "how much". It,s 3rd party liability work and BP only has "so much" and each claimant will be looked at like we can,t "overpay". UNTIL we get to the last claimant.
I would expect good old 3rd party work and some bundle class action settlements by brackets .
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08/18/2010 9:46 PM |
GCG is a subsidiary of Crawford.
I don't think the Garden City Group will be using the normal Crawford cat croud.
If they do they will be guilty of UPl.
Remember this is not an insurance claim and insurance claim adjusters have no greater authority to process a tortclaim than the postman or the poolboy.
Perhaps you are aware of something I may not have information on. Please advise.
William S Cook
Florida Public Adjuster
William S Cook
Public Adjuster/Umpire/Appraiser
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CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
08/18/2010 10:43 PM |
Posted By William S Cook on 18 Aug 2010 09:46 PM
GCG is a subsidiary of Crawford.
I don't think the Garden City Group will be using the normal Crawford cat croud.
If they do they will be guilty of UPl.
Remember this is not an insurance claim and insurance claim adjusters have no greater authority to process a tortclaim than the postman or the poolboy.
Perhaps you are aware of something I may not have information on. Please advise.
William S Cook
Florida Public Adjuster
Hello William You are correct GCG in it's expertise handles class action type issues and although a subsidiary of Crawford, nobody at Crawford will see a mass deployment as seen with Worley in the early days of this event and Brown & Greer ( yes a law firm) has also been tapped by Ken Feinberg to navigate these waters as ESIS moves aside, but not out of the game with BP
I do not believe Crawford will be putting any boots on the ground as Worley will still staff the 36 some odd claims offices less a 30% reduction in staff ( mostly claim managers are getting their walking papers) and keeping most of the "adjusters" that have been slugging it out, I have over a dozen of my guys who were asked for 4 month commitments from Worley to stay come hell or highwater, most of my guys there are brand new adjusters, this is their first deployment
Robby Robinson
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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08/19/2010 9:17 PM |
Hot off the press. The law firm that Ken Feinberg hired, handled the claims administration on the vioxx class action settlement. They are able to handle all claims dumped into Ken's fund. So no new jobs for adjusters. Ken was quoted as saying today, "everything looked fine and back to normal to him on the AL and FL gulf coast. Be sure to check out the above link I posted. Pretty cool stuff. Hear you can buy a beach condo real cheap now. BP has already bought and paid for this guy.
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ChuckDeatonLife Member  Senior Member Posts:1110  
08/20/2010 12:06 AM |
Jungle drums say that Worley will cut existing staff, most likely those answering the telephone and keep on handling claims and Crawford will hire staff to answer telephones and talk to claimants. Just gossip, just gossip.
"Prattling on and on about being an ass with experience doesn't make someone experienced. It just makes you an ass." Rod Buvens, Pilot grunt
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
08/20/2010 10:28 AM |
Alan, the long post you put up, appears to give the spill zhar a great deal of power. But, further reading looks like the easy ones will not need an attorney. The one,s who do not have good doc,s will need a lot of help from good plaintiff lawyers just like they do in TX. on the $100,000 wind lift IKE claims that never go to trial, BUT, are settled in mediation for damages, puntitive and interest in excess of $100,000 each on the 2nd mediation ordered by the court. All of this will be in the federal courts and some of the blackmail will not be allowed. Also more than 20% of claims filed will be in the neck injury by ambulance chaser attorney type.
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08/21/2010 1:35 AM |
Gotta love those Gulf business folks. The guy who owned a gift shop in Orange Beach claims BP is just not paying enough. He claims he lost at least $825K in July alone. Who makes that much in one month. No one was in the store and most of the stuff looked like tourist junk. BP first told him his claim was only worth $152,000.00 but after their accountants review his business was losing money thus his claim was worth zero. Nothing has changed since Katrina. Everyone claims big losses one problem they have nothing to support their claim. Very few had the lifestyle of someone making the "big bucks" they were claiming. Those ended in lawsuits; BP claims will suffer a similar fate. With BP winding down the open claims will take time to conclude. Very few storm adjusters have the background to work these complicated claims.
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hostCatAdjuster.org Founder Posts:709  
08/23/2010 9:15 PM |
Quote from Claims article " Oil Spill and Adjuster Supply" ; "When asked about the oil spill and staffing, Mike Worley, owner and president of Worley Catastrophe, advised that the adjusters being used for the spill are not property adjusters. Furthermore, he said the adjusters that are certified and trained for carriers in which he has contracts are not being used for the oil spill claims. Worley said that of the adjusters that he is using, about 10 percent came from other companies to work for him." The article also states that the claim manager for BP reported that they had 1400 adjusters working and that Worley could provide up to 5000 if needed.
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BARBHARTHCOCK Guest Posts:10  
08/23/2010 10:23 PM |
Mike Worley is full of it. I happen to personallhy know several people that are presently working there that are property adjusters and I know several that are certified for different carriers. Mike needs to get his facts straight.
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CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
08/24/2010 3:38 AM |
Posted By WILLIS on 21 Aug 2010 01:35 AM
Gotta love those Gulf business folks. The guy who owned a gift shop in Orange Beach claims BP is just not paying enough. He claims he lost at least $825K in July alone. Who makes that much in one month. No one was in the store and most of the stuff looked like tourist junk. BP first told him his claim was only worth $152,000.00 but after their accountants review his business was losing money thus his claim was worth zero. Nothing has changed since Katrina. Everyone claims big losses one problem they have nothing to support their claim. Very few had the lifestyle of someone making the "big bucks" they were claiming. Those ended in lawsuits; BP claims will suffer a similar fate. With BP winding down the open claims will take time to conclude. Very few storm adjusters have the background to work these complicated claims. The bulk of the adjusters deployed with Worley are rookies, not alot of skill required to push paper
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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CatAdjusterX Veteran Member Posts:964  
08/24/2010 3:41 AM |
Posted By BarbH on 23 Aug 2010 10:23 PM Mike Worley is full of it. I happen to personallhy know several people that are presently working there that are property adjusters and I know several that are certified for different carriers. Mike needs to get his facts straight. That is pure comedy as over a dozen of my guys are working for Worley from the BP spill and every one of them ARE property adjusters and ALL are on other rosters for multiple firms.
"A good leader leads.....
..... but a great leader is followed !!"
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
08/24/2010 10:10 AM |
My opine about the qualifications of any of the temp people working third party liability claims for BP, will be limited to history lessons and best practices learned by casualty insurers over the past 100 years in the USA. Thousand,s of third party claimants claims were created by BP and possibly others. Hundreds of new short time temp job has to be filled in a very short time frame. Hire contractors who have a plan in place and START excepting claims ASAP. This has been done on 8/24/2010.Now today thousands of UNRESOLVED claims remain open.This phase will be more protracted.... BECAUSE the submitted claim DEMANDS are not DOCUMENTED by the court standards of evidence. This is now in the hands of GCCO Good experienced adjusters are still needed. The USA has thousands and thousands. Borrow them,from the big liability insurers, ask retired third party adjusters to come back for three months work for the greater good. Roof thumpers are not needed.This could be triage adjusting, coming of age.
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10/17/2010 3:52 PM |
No Comment
"Each of us as human beings has a responsibility to reach out to help our brothers and sisters affected by disasters. One day it may be us or our loved ones needing someone to reach out and help."
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hostCatAdjuster.org Founder Posts:709  
02/08/2011 2:20 PM |
ORANGE BEACH, Alabama (WALA) - After a closed meeting with claims czar Ken Feinberg, Orange Beach Mayor Tony Kennon said he felt that Feinberg was "humbled." Kennon attributed the new side of Feinberg to major pressure being brought by a Louisiana judge and an associate attorney general within the Department of Justice. Kennon said during an hour and half long meeting in Pensacola, he and other elected officials talked specifics with Feinberg."
- Kennon said the reconsideration of eligibility is finally being addressed by Feinberg.
Kennon also said Feinberg promised to get more adjusters working on the ground.
"He has promised he is going to have more people on the ground doing more one on one claims response which is what we've been asking for. If he'll do that, that will solve a lot of our problems because so many of our claims are falling into a black hole and we have too much fraud. We need to get those folks out of the system," Kennon said.
The above comes from a WALA-TV article. Click here to read the full article.
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Ray Hall Senior Member Posts:2443  
02/08/2011 3:53 PM |
Well lets play with a contingency loss of income claim that the owner of the shopping center purchased from Lloyds. The news account is his tenants could not pay their rent as people did not visit the beach after the oil spill and THEY lost their income stream and his loss was $125,000 per month, as forgave his tenants monthly non payments. Well does this sound like a policy that would have some small print .
Do you think a very good adjuster is on the ground in Orange Beach, AL and can do a good investiagtion to submit to the coverage attorney for an opinion ?
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